Chapter 52

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When Bucky pulled into the garage he rushed out and to Theo's side. She was happily asleep, her face turned and resting on her seatbelt. He admired her beautiful sleeping face for a moment before carefully unbuckeling her and lifting her into his arms.

"Follow me upstairs, I'll take you to Clint's room once I lay Theo down." Bucky said quietly as he made his way to the elevator.

Kate nodded and stood nervously in the elevator as it made it's way to the penthouse. Once in the penthouse Bucky carried her quietly into their room, Kate following his every step. She watched from the doorway as Bucky pulled back the covers and laid Theo down. He pulled off her shoes and coat before covering her up carefully. He rested a hand in her hair gently for a moment before leaning down and pressing his lips to her forehead. "I love you, doll." He whispered against her forehead as he rested his flesh hand on her stomach for a moment.

Kate admired from the doorway, watching Bucky take care of his pregnant fiance. She couldn't help but smile, and feel a little jealous that she didn't have anyone in her life like that.

Once Bucky had Theo happily situated he spun around and walked out of the room, Kate quickly behind him as he made his way to the elevator.

"You really love her, don't you?" Kate asked once they were in the elevator.

"You ask a lot of questions." Bucky answered.

"Sorry, it's cute." Kate said with a smile.

"Yes, I really love her. She's my life." Bucky answered after a long pause.

Kate let out a loud "Awwe." One that made Bucky roll his eyes. He sent a quick text to Christian saying he thinks Theo is starting to not like meat. He noticed she wouldn't eat the roast in the pot roast at Clint's, but he wanted Christian to keep trying to feed it to her. He just wanted him to add more of everything else, in case he was right about her new aversion.

When the elevator opened on the floor where everyone's rooms were he walked out of the elevator without a word, Kate quickly on his tail as he made his way down the long hallway, finally reaching Clint's room.

"FRIDAY, unlock Clint Barton's room and give Kate unlimited access to it." Bucky said.

"Right away, Mr. Barnes." The AI responded. Bucky opened the door and stepped aside to let Kate in. Every room at the compound was a tiny apartment with all the amenities of a home, so he knew Kate would be fine.

"Alright, this is Clint's room. If you need anything ask FRIDAY to get Wanda." Bucky said.

"Wanda? Why not you?" Kate asked. She didn't know anyone else there but him and Theo, she wasn't comfortable going to strangers.

"Because I'll be with Theo and if FRIDAY wakes her up I'm going to be pissed. I'll tell Wanda she might expect to hear from you." Bucky said as he turned around to leave

"But I don't know anyone here." Kate said shyly.

Bucky sighed heavily, turning back around to Kate. He understood why she was hesitant, he wasn't good with strangers either. "Wanda is good people. You'll like her a lot. I just can't have you waking Theo up, she needs the sleep." He said calmly.

"Okay, fine. Goodnight Bucky." Kate finally said, Bucky simply nodded and made his way down the hall until he reached Wanda's door and knocked.

"James? Is everything okay?" Wanda asked, she stepped aside and let Bucky in the room.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Theo brought a stray home." Bucky joked.

"Who?" Wanda asked.

"Her names Kate, she's been training with Clint for a while. But she has no clue how to fight, she wants on the team but Theo won't let her until she can beat Thor and I." Bucky explained. Wanda sighed and sat down on the couch in her oversized room.

"Of course she did. Tell me the truth, James, is she retiring once the baby is born?" Wanda asked.

"We haven't decided yet, but that's not what this is. Kate is not Theo's replacement. I'm thinking she's going to replace Clint someday." Bucky said, he sat down on the couch beside Wanda while they talked.

"We? Are you finally going to retire?" Wanda asked with a smile.

"Only if Theo does. I'm not stepping aside and letting my wife go out there alone. I'm also not going out there without her." Bucky said confidently, wife slipped right off the tongue like it was what he was meant to say. He couldn't help but smile, in three short months Theo would he his wife.

"Would you move out if you two decided to retire?" Wanda asked, she didn't want to lose two of her good friends, she also wanted to be able to see the baby.

"We haven't decided, but I wouldn't bet on it. I'm guessing if Theo retires she's going to want to still do the tech stuff for the team. I'd probably still end up training with you guys." Bucky said. "I don't know if she'd ever really want to leave, most of the memories of Tony and Steve were made here." He added.

"That's true, I never thought of that. Did you guys ever consider taking Tony's penthouse. Isn't it bigger?" Wanda asked.

"It's not bigger, but there are more rooms. But no, we'd never take it. We're going to make Theo's yoga room into the baby's room once we find out what she's having." Bucky said, his smile came back as he did so. He was so excited to get to watch Theo grow their baby. He didn't even care if she was moody and nauseous the entire time, he'd do anything to make her feel better.

"What if you guys have more kids?" Wanda asked with a big smile, she would love to see Theo and Bucky carrying around several kids.

"There's still a spare bedroom in the penthouse. The library, too, but I'd never want Theo to lose that. We both love the library. Worst case we could build a library in the compound, add everyone's books." Bucky replied.

"So you two could have three kids before we have to worry about losing you guys. Good, we have time." Wanda said with a smile.

"I told you, I don't know if Theo would ever want to leave this place. I'm guessing she's always going to want to be close to where she made all her memories with Steve and Tony." Bucky said. "But I just wanted to let you know I told Kate if she needed anything to ask FRIDAY for you. I hope that's okay." He quickly added.

"Of course. Are you two headed somewhere?" Wanda asked. Bucky stood up and headed for the door, Wanda close behind so she could see him off.

"No, Theo's just been really tired lately. She's asleep right now, I'm going to lay with her and read for a while, I just don't want FRIDAY to wake Theo up. She needs the sleep." Bucky said.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, it's no problem at all. What room is she in?" Wanda asked.

"She's in Clint's room. We'll deal with getting her one tomorrow. Thanks, Wands." Bucky said with a smile before letting himself out of Wanda's room. He made his way through the compound and back to the penthouse, smiling when he saw Theo just how he'd left her. He quickly slipped out of his clothes, throwing on a pair of sweatpants, grabbing a book and opening the balcony before climbing into bed and pulling Theo onto his chest. He felt her snuggle into him, adjusting to be comfortable, and laying her face on his left shoulder as she usually did.

Bucky laid there holding onto her while she slept for hours, peacefully reading his book and constantly staring down at Theo, admiring her. He heard Christian sneak in but when Christian saw the penthouse was dark aside from the lamp on the bedside table he stuck their dinner in the fridge and snuck away. Bucky ended up falling asleep with his book in his hand and his fiance on his chest.

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