Chapter 13

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Theo finally fell asleep on the swing and Bucky carried her to bed, laying her across him like she loved to do. She slept through dinner but Christian promised to save her a plate. When she finally woke up it was 1AM and her headache was unbelievable.

"There you are, sleepyhead. Do you feel better?" Bucky said softly and he felt her sir against him.

"No" she said with a frown, putting her hand onto her head. Bucky quickly replaced her hand with his and started massaging her scalp.

"I have to get the suit out of the lab tomorrow, I already know how to use it, I know everything about the suits but I'm so nervous" she admitted quietly, relaxing into him more.

"You know you don't have to do this, right? You can back down at any time and I won't think any different of you." He vowed. Rubbing her back gently.

"I do have to do this. If you start running they'll never let you stop" she said confidently. Bucky chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"What?" She said sweetly, cuddling into him further.

"That was exactly what Steve would've said" he said with another quick chuckle before running his hand through her hair. "You might be a Stark but you're definitely a Rogers too"

"Of course I am, Steve was my dad first. From the day he took me home from Romania I loved him. I did everything to gain his approval, I didn't even realize I already had it. I felt like a little kid following their dad around copying their every move. I even learned how to use the shield. Steve asked me if he could adopt me a couple months after I moved in, I didn't even realize how badly I needed him. Tony didn't adopt me until after him and Steve's fight. You know the one..." Theo said quietly.

"When all that happened in Germany and Steve didn't come home for a while Tony asked to adopt me as well, I told him no until him and Steve could make up. That I wouldn't have my dads hating each other. That's when he finally called Steve and they worked it out. That's why Rogers comes first." She added.

Theo skipped her dinner, falling back to sleep on Bucky's chest but he didn't mind, he just needed her to be okay.

Theo woke up in the morning as she had every day this week, laying gently across Bucky's bare chest. Today her head was up by his, her nose touching his cheek and her arms wrapped around his neck. Her entire torso was on him. Bucky had his vibranium arm under her ass, anchoring her to his chest. His flesh arm was under her, wrapped around her legs.

Theo didn't move, she just enjoyed the closeness before she felt Bucky squeezing her calf gently.

"I have to tell the team today, will you help me?" Theo asked shyly.

"Of course I will" he said softly.

The two went to breakfast today, normally they ate on the balcony and watched the sunrise if they happened to wake up early enough. Theo announced a team meeting in the conference room after breakfast.

When breakfast was over Theo and Bucky were the first two in the conference room, Bucky was sitting calmly next to her while Theo bounced her leg anxiously the entire time. Slowly everyone came in and took their seats. Happy was the last to arrive because he was dropping Pepper off at the airport for a meeting.

Theo hasn't spoken to Pepper since their fight, it kills her to fight with Pepper but she had to stand up for herself.

"Whats this about? I have a date in an hour" Sam said with a laugh.

"Yeah and I'm sure a 10AM date is real classy" Theo said as she rolled her eyes.

"There's the Lady Stark I know." Thor said with a proud laugh.

Theo took a deep breath and stood up. "Guys I decided to take the suit" she said bluntly, everyone started talking, mostly everyone was happy but Rhodey seemed mad.

"You're a child. Let me lead the team, you don't know anything about being in charge" Rhodey barked.

Theo tapped on the necklace around her neck and the suit formed around her as she approached Rhodey.

"If I wanted your input I'd ask" she said. "I am the head of this team and Bucky is my #2 if you have a problem with it, dont" she said harshly.

Bucky stood up behind Theo, towering over at her with a cold angry stare burning into Rhodey.

Thor stood up and put a firm hand on Rhodey's shoulder. "Lady Stark was destined to lead us" he said with a proud smile while looking over at Theo in the Ironman suit.

Rhodey said nothing else but quietly left the meeting, Happy quickly on his tail.

"Were all very proud of you" Wanda said happily, smiling up at Theo.

Theo tapped her chest, the suit quickly disappearing into itself and into the necklace before she took her seat again. The rest of the meeting went smoothly, she informed them how they have no new Intel on any Hydra bases and nobody has reported any sightings of anyone from another planet. At least for a next few days they had no missions, but Theo vowed to keep an ear out.

When everyone left the meeting Theo and Bucky were the last two to leave, she quickly turned to him with the saddest look in her eyes.

"I know you don't want to fight anymore, I just felt so confident saying your name I'm sorry. I'll talk to Sam later and ask him to take over" she said with a worried expression. Announcing him as her 2nd felt right and made her feel so confident in herself.

"For you, I will do it" he said with a half smile. "You're right, I don't want to battle anymore, but I wouldn't let you go without me" he admitted shyly. He needed to be there to make sure she's always okay.

Theo smiled like a fool and leaned in to give him a quick kiss, lingering against him afterwards. "Thank you, but please don't feel obligated. You've done this for 90 years, I can't imagine how tired you are of it."

"I can't not be there, I have to make sure you're okay." Bucky said confidently, resting his hand on her cheek.

"Buck, I'm okay. You don't deserve to get sucked back into all this. I tried to stop Steve from pulling you into it in Wakanda." Theo admitted.

"You didn't even know me then, why did you stick up for me?" He asked.

"I don't like bullies, it felt like my dad was going to bully you into another war for him." She said shyly.

Bucky leaned forward and kissed her, both hands holding onto her face. "You two are so much alike. But neither one of you could make me fight." Bucky said.

"I don't want you to resent me, I know you're tired of this life. Don't stay in it just for me." Theo said quietly, her eyes looking away from him.

"Hey, listen." Bucky said calmly, his thumbs rubbing her cheeks lightly until her eyes met his again.

"I'm with you til the end of the line." Bucky vowed.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now