Chapter 28

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The next 2 weeks went by rather quickly, Theo got wrapped up in work in the lab, Bucky was helping Sam get the hang of using the shield still. But he never let her miss a dose of her medicine, waking up every 4 hours was taking a toll on him though but he hid it from her.

"That girl not letting you get any sleep?" Sam asked with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Something like that" Bucky joked. Both of their phones went off at the same time, Theo sent a group text that they had a meeting in an hour.

"I'll meet you in there" Bucky said, leaving Sam outside to check on Theo. He headed straight for the lab, finding her in one of his black hoodies and a pair of black biker shorts so short you couldn't see them from under the hoodie. Her face was buried in a computer and her short black hair was messily in a claw clip.

"Everything alright, doll?" He asked after a moment of admiring her. She smiled up at him and happily greeted him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Everything is fine baby. Just a small mission coming up, I only need Wanda and Pietro to go. But I wanted to tell everyone about the pain..I think" she lost her volume and her smile at the end. Bucky started rubbing her back lightly, leaning his head on top of hers. "I'm here, Everything is fine. The team will understand" he vowed, kissing the top of her head.

Theo and Bucky were the first to show up to the meeting, Theo was pacing back and forth while Bucky sat in one of the chairs. "Doll, you're stressing me out, come here" he chuckled, reaching his arms out for her. She came and sat sideways in his lap, her feet resting on the side of the seat while he wrapped his arms around her "Talk to me" he said.

"I guess I'm just nervous they'll think I'm weak" she sighed, hanging her head low. Bucky lifted her chin, giving her a small kiss. "Nobody thinks you're weak" he promised. They didn't, even though they didn't know the extent of her injury from the lightning they were all blown away with how well she carried herself after being released from the hospital, she seemed unphased.

Quickly everyone started to come in, Theo took her seat next to Bucky, her hand still in his though. Theo was surprised when Peter showed up, he was last and was almost late but he came. She couldn't even look him in the eyes. She couldn't even look in his direction. They were friends for 5 years before he snapped on her about being in love with her and how he was mad she loved Bucky. 5 years she felt like she was lied to, she looked at Peter like a friend, like family. She felt like a fool that for 5 years he never thought of her as a friend, only someone he would own one day. She couldn't explain why that hurt to realize, but it did. Bucky understood though, and he was supportive. He let her be upset whenever she needed it, even offered to kick the kids ass if she wanted him to.

Theo sighed and stood up. "First of all we only have one mission this week, and I only need The Maximoff's. The rest of you, enjoy the week. Wanda, Pietro... you guys are heading to Iraq, there are rumors of old Stark weapons being dealt there, find out if it's true and if so find out who is dealing them. That's it, if they are being sold I'm dealing with it" Theo explained.

"Absolutley not" Bucky interrupted. "You still have 10 weeks before you're back. Sam and I will handle the weapons if they're being sold"

"I'm not letting my dads legacy be sold off to the enemy, not without getting involved" she said back, her voice was calm. She knew Bucky was right but she couldn't just sit back.

Bucky pulled at her hand a little, she smiled down at him. "I'll deal with you later" she chuckled, giving him a small wink.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Is that all?"

"No, Parker. You haven't been here in over a month. Either you train with the team or you're benched until further notice" Theo said with a huff.

"Fine. Who do I need to beat so I can leave" Peter was getting annoyed, he missed Theo but it hurt to see her with him still. He wanted to apologize for yelling at her, but he didn't even know if it would matter. He screwed up, he knew it. Now he had to deal with anything she said in hopes one day she wouldn't hate him anymore.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now