Chapter 47

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Peter has been gone for a week, Theo a nervous wreck but Bucky is doing everything he can to keep her calm. He knew she was terrified of losing the baby so he tried to keep her stress low.

Theo was laying on the bathroom floor curled up in a ball when Bucky walked in, he had been with Sam checking in with Peter on a video call for the last several hours. Turns out things weren't going well in Europe, Peter gave EDITH away to someone from another planet named Mysterio and according to Peter he just realized that was a mistake and that man wasn't to be trusted. Bucky was already dreading telling Theo about it.

"Doll, are you okay?" He asked frantically as he sat down on the floor and pulled Theo up to lay against him.

"The cold tiles felt good on my face, I feel like shit." Theo admitted. Bucky chuckled and rested his vibranium hand against her face, smiling when she let out a happy little sigh.

"Is that better?" He asked.

"Much, thank you baby." Theo groaned.

"You know I'll do anything for you. Were you feeling sick?" Bucky asked, his flesh hand coming around to rub her stomach lightly. Theo simply nodded.

"All morning so far." She admitted.

"Doll, you should've called me. I would've rushed back." Bucky said lightly into her ear.

"They're going to get suspicious soon if I keep hiding from them and you keep running off to help me all the time." Theo said.

"Then it's a good thing we're telling them next week." Bucky said, his fingertips gently drawing patterns on her stomach like he knew she loved.

"How was the call? Is Peter okay?" She asked. Bucky sighed, he knew she would freak out once he told her about EDITH and Mysterio.

"He misses you." Bucky said.

"I know, I can't go an hour without being sick though." Theo admitted with a huff.

"I know, doll. Maybe we should let Bruce give you some medicine?" Bucky suggested. Theo shook her head.

"Bruce wouldn't give you anything that could hurt either of you." Bucky pointed out.

"I guess your right, we can go see him later.  But how is everything going in Europe with Peter?" Theo asked.

Bucky sighed and leaned back against the wall. "Not good. He gave this guy he's working with EDITH and now it seems like this guy might be the villain. He's using EDITH to cause panic."

Theo shot up out of Bucky's arms. "What the hell?" She yelled.

"I'm leaving in a few hours to go help him, doll, you have nothing to worry about." Bucky reassured her.

"Nothing to worry about? He's using my dads tech exactly how he would've never wanted! I've gotta stop him." Theo demanded, climbing up off the floor and darting into the bedroom. Bucky quickly behind her.

"You can't fly to Europe, you get sick on the elevator." Bucky pointed out.

"I don't need to fly there, neither do you." Theo said, tapping her necklace and letting the suit form around her.

"FRIDAY, give me everyone authorized to EDITH." Theo said.

"Ms. Rogers Stark only yourself, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts and Quinten Beck are authorized." The AI responded.

"FRIDAY cancel all orders made by anyone but me and remove all permissions on my authority." Theo said.

"Right away, Ms. Rogers Stark, will that be all?" The AI said.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now