Chapter 9

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The two sat on the swing together for over an hour, he watched her while she watched the world around her. They didn't say anything. When both their coffees were empty Bucky put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Did you have any plans today?" He asked her quietly, smiling over at her.

Theo shrugged and put her chin on her knee. "I should probably visit what's left of the team, and I definitely want to visit Christian. But no, I don't have any plans. I am however excited for bedtime, I have this really nice pillow I'm kind of excited to try out again" she chuckled and turned her head to look at him.

"Then I'll leave you alone to catch up" he said with a soft smile. She however gave a small frown.

"I don't want you to leave me alone" she pouted quietly.

"I assumed you didn't want me following you around while you caught up with people that don't even know me" he replied.

"Well then they need to get to know you" she said with a smile and she stood up. "I'm going to get dressed" she said as she walked back into her bedroom.

Theo quickly peeled off Tony's shirt as soon as she stepped foot into her room and stood at the opening of her closet, debating what to wear today.

Bucky walked in from the balcony to see her standing in the closet doorway naked, leaning on the door frame. He felt his face flush and forced himself to look away. "I'll get dressed and come back if you'd like" he offered.

Theo smiled and turned her head to look at Bucky. "Okay, I'll be ready by the time you're back"

Bucky quickly left and headed for his room. He was surprised to see that Steve had filled his closet before bringing him back from Wakanda. He put on a pair of black jeans and a dark blue Henley. He threw on a pair of black socks and black boots before heading back up to Theo's penthouse.

He was happy to see when he came in Christian had already came for the cart and she was standing in her kitchen grabbing some water. She was dressed, she had on a tight pair of light washed skinny jeans and a short sleeved band tee for a band he had never heard of, Loveless. He made a mental note to check them out later. She had on a black pair of low top converses.

"So who on the team do you know?" She asked sweetly and she offered him a bottle of water.

"I really only know Sam, Scott and Clint." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with his vibranium hand. He started to feel weird about living here without Steve. Without even knowing most of the team.

"Okay, then we'll get to know the others" she said as she walked towards the elevator. The two headed downstairs, the compound sounded empty aside from Christian prepping for lunch.

Christian smiled when he saw her and came out of the kitchen, pulling her into a tight hug "Prețiosul meu" ((My precious in Romanian)) he said with a smile.

Christian tried to learn Romanian for her but he struggled and only picked up a few phrases.

"I've missed you, darling" he said, pulling her back to look at her. "I know for you it was only a day, but I've spent 5 years missing you" he said with a frown. Theo rubbed his arm and smiled at him.

"But I'm home now" was all she said as she smiled at him.

"Whenever you're up for it the kids would love to see you again, they've gotten so big you won't even recognize them"

"Bring them for dinner one day, Lana too. Even without the blip I hadn't seen them in a while. I miss them" she admitted.

"I will my dear, how about Friday? I can make a roast" he asked happily.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now