Sebastian let out another heavy sigh. "I don't mean a real one, obviously. It'll be a fake one. Your brother took my sister on a date this afternoon and I think this will be a good opportunity for us to crash it and ruin it. "I mean, we haven't done anything to ruin their relationship in a while so, you know, we've got to do something...," he trailed off.

"Yeah, I suppose...," I pondered. There was a moment of silence.

"Unless, of course, you're happy with me annoying you for the rest of my life, and are happy to enjoy a future where I'm a permanent member of your family," he probed his voice taking on a musically mocking tone.

Knowing he had me cornered, I glared at his figure through the car window. It felt like I could just about make out his stupid face smiling smugly at me through the dark-tinted windows.

"Fine, give me a minute," I sighed in defeat before finally hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Ava called from the bed.

"It was Sebastian begging me to get in the car with him," I grumbled as I begrudgingly made my way to my dresser to put on my jacket.

As I turned to face Ava, I saw her watching me with an amused smile. "And you're going?"

"Well, yes, it's part of the plan to break up our siblings," I shrugged.

"Sure, it is," she winked.

Pissed at what she was implying, I grabbed a cushion from my swivel chair and chucked it at her face. She just laughed as it hit her, only making me more annoyed.

Making my way to the door to go, I stopped in my tracks and threw a look at her over my shoulder. "You can stay here alone for a bit as long as you don't lie in my brother's bed again, okay," I clarified with narrowed eyes. The last time, I left Ava alone in my home, I found her lying under Max's covers in her underwear.

Ava blinked back at me innocently. "Okay," Ava she said with a sweet shrug.

It didn't take a genius to figure out her answer was the definition of shady, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Max deserved it for forcing me to hang out with Sebastian all the time.

"Whatever, see you later Ava," I sighed as I finally made my way out the door. "Enjoy your date," she called out to me as I left.

Rolling my eyes as I left the door, I didn't grace her with a response and skipped quickly down the stairs before heading out the front door.

Trailing my way over to Sebastian's car, or well more accurately Sebastian's sister's car, I popped open the passenger side door and threw myself down on the seat.

"Took you long enough," Sebastian said as he turned to lock eyes with me.

I looked him up and down in annoyance. "Long enough? I literally took five minutes," I cried.

"Exactly, it should have been two," he winked.

I shook my head at him. "Whatever, just stop being a smart ass and start the car."

Thankfully for my sanity, Sebastian for once in his life, did what he was told, and a few seconds later we were sliding past my automated gates and pulling out onto the road.

"So, I've been meaning to ask, was your dog knocked up in the end?" Sebastian asked with a loose smile before briefly glancing my way.

I plucked up a brow. "Interesting, so you find the assault of my dog funny, do you?" I scoffed as I gave him a dry look. "But to answer your question, no, she was thankfully not pregnant. I convinced Max to get her neutered at the vet quickly afterward in case it happens again."

The Break Up PactOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora