"So it's ancient?" I cupped my hands as Sky Rose dropped it onto my palms.

 "Extremely old," Seth piped up. "According to what I've read, this has been around since the Fretela Future Fae was founded, after some Fretura Future Fae had mixed with the Blantela Star Fae and produced offspring that didn't go crazy. If that ring is an 0375 cycle ring, it may have been one of the first of its kind." 

"You found that?" Lynnette had glowing eyes.

"Yeah, while I was back in Nestandel, visiting my brother. I found it in the woods," I answered.

"Back then, charm rings were given to lovers of the Fretela and Nocturne. Otherwise, bracelets and necklaces, and gauntlets were the norm. You have a love ring."

"Oh," I disheartened. "And I found it in the woods."

"That's if it is that old," Sky added in. "I only can guess. My family were metal workers. We couldn't know for sure unless I had access to their metal equipment."

"I'll keep working with it," I stood. "I think I have to go pray right now. Thank you for the tea."

"See you tomorrow, Lilian," Lynnette waved from her chair.

I held this ring close to my chest. I closed my eyes.

Dear Ezra, I thought. In your infinite wisdom, please, give me the origins of this ring. You must have foreseen that I could use it. So with your knowledge, please give me the answers to get there. May your divine wisdom see further than imaginable. Amen.

I rushed back to my room. I set the ring on my bedside table. I didn't want to lose it now. I sat on the edge of my bed, watching this beautiful ring. 

Ezra, please guide me.


"Sebastian!" My father swam ahead to hug his brother. 

The Zommar nixie hugged my father before he hugged me. He turned to Alcibiades, embracing him as well.

"I can hear Zommar in those veins," Sebastian swam around Al. "You're a Blackwater, Zommar Nymph."

"Yes," Al's beat brightened. "My father was a Zommar Nymph that traveled to Blackwater."

Sebastian froze. His beat quickened.

"You brought me Eleise and Lir's son?" Sebastian spat out.

My father laughed. "Yes, he's dating your nephew."

"My nephew is dating someone!" Sebastian hugged me once more. "Great praises to Leviathan. The son of Eleise and Lir. I could never imagine. Follow me!"

Sebastian swam forward. We followed close behind, keeping careful attention to his beat.

"Your father was a great man," Sebastian shook his head. "Your bloodlines are luckily still around here. Your grandmother might be mad, but this is the greatest thing to happen around here. So, out with it, which one are you?"

"I'm Alcibiades," he answered. "I'm the first son."

"Praise Leviathan," Sebastian laughed.

"Hold on, though," Al looked between my father and my uncle. "You two are brothers?"

"Yes," my father answered. "Our parents were Zommar and Edenic. Though typically, Zommar is the dominant bloodline when you pair the two. I think the order of dominance is Blackwater, Zommar, Recten, Caliopian, and Edenic is the weakest. So, unless two Edenics mate, the chances of producing Edenic offspring is very low."

"But never zero!" Sebastian rolled with laughter. "My brother is a very rare breed indeed. I'm surprised he produced a little Edenic family with his genetics."

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