Chapter 49

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On the next morning Eliot and Mujika were having breakfast when Julian arrived carrying Izumi in his lap: "Good morning!"

"Hey cuties!", he smiled.

"Good morning teacher!", he came over and kissed Mujika on the cheek, put Izumi in the baby chair and sat down too.

"No kiss for daddy?", he pretended to cry.

"It would be strange and inappropriate for me to kiss my teacher!", he laughed eating a piece of the bread.

"I should really search for another job...", Eliot sighed.

"Julian, stop making fun of your father! He's very sensitive to that kind of thing!", she started to laugh and even Izumi giggled.

"I'm not! I'm fine", he nodded confident.

Julian quickly finished eating and got ready. Soon he was ready to go out. "Bye mommy, bye Izu!", he waved and Eliot also said goodbye.

The two got on the motorcycle and in a few minutes, they were at school, and a group of boys were standing in front of the school leaning against the wall as if they were just waiting for Julian. Eliot parked the bike and they both got off, Julian held his father's hand firmly.

A little bit away a few girls were standing looking at Eliot enchant. They were all thinking the same of being nice to Julian so they would become the attention of Eliot. The two entered the school and Julian waved to him: "See you in the classroom!"

"Right!", he went into the teachers' room and talked with the old laboratory teacher about a few things before the two entered the classroom also. Soon one of the boys in that group raised his hand.

"Professor why is Julian's bodyguard in the room?", soon his little group started to laugh. Eliot looked at them with firing eyes, which made the boys stop laughing quickly.

"He is your new teacher but for today he will sit in the back so he can look how I teach you. The best is when I let him sit directly behind you, if I hear from him that you behave bad then it will look bad for your grades. I think you four know the best how horrible your grades look like so be careful what you do!", a few girls started laughing which hurt the ego of the boys.

"Call me Mr. Lewis! I hope we'll have a great time!", he smiled but looked serious again as soon as his eyes met the boys, then he sat in the back.

It was a very long class, most of the girls didn't even pay attention to the class as they just looked at the new teacher and laughed softly, one of them turned and spoke to Julian: "Where do you know him from? It's your brother? Relative?"

But Julian didn't answer, in fact he didn't even look at the girl and just kept writing down what the professor was going through. Even Eliot had to admit that the way he was explaining was really boring, in fact he was surprised that the students at this age already had laboratory classes. That class seemed like it would never end, it was more than tedious, Eliot noticed several students sleeping, fiddling with their cell phones or just doing nothing. Julian continued to watch the teacher and writing down a few things with a boring look. Finally, the sign indicated to end the class.

The students went into the break and Eliot sat down in the schoolyard. Other teachers were also scattered around the playground and Eliot slowly looked around.

Suddenly Eliot noticed a strange movement coming from the part that gave to the pool, several were whispering, and some were coming running from there and laughing. A very small girl with glasses approached Eliot and pulled on his coat slightly: "Teacher... there are some boys in our class bullying a boy..."

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