Chapter 6

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"You are monsters! Why are you doing this to him!? He didn't do anything!", she said while still struggling. They just ignored her and went their ways as if nothing had happened. Mujika was unsure what to do now. She didn't want to go upstairs to Elle and Dorothy again with no success. She didn't even know what she was doing here. It really was a bad idea! Maybe she should have listened to Ralph's and Charlotte's words. But She really wanted to see Eliot again She already had lost her hope. But now After a bit of hope came back. It just hurt a thousand times more.

She let her back sink against the door and lowered her head, crying softly.

After a while the screaming inside the hall passed and she could hear slow steps coming closer until they stopped in front of the door, and someone sat on the other side of it.

Then she could hear Isamu's voice again. She probably had heard her crying. It was just a whisper in pain, but she could understand his words: "I forgot to tell you something..."

She turned around to the big door and forgot her thoughts for a moment. "Hey, are you okay?", she asked quickly.


"Sure? I'm here, you can talk to me!"

On the other side there was a brief silence.

"I have to tell you something else about... Eliot...", he finally answered.

Mujika got anxiously: "What is it? Please! Tell me!"

"He told me to tell you that he loves you".

"Did he...really tell you that...?", she asked with wet eyes. These words... Words she had longed for so long. Now they only made her heart grow heavier and made her miss him more than ever.

"Something like that... yeah...", he answered quietly. "He seemed to really miss you"

"I love him too ... I confessed to him the same day he was kidnapped", she started to cry a little louder.

"B-but... b-because of that I l-lost e-everything...", she kept on crying.

Isamu was silent for a while and Mujika was scared for a moment, that she had told him to much, but then he answered: "I'm sorry, that you won't see him again, but I am sure it wasn't your fault... They would have found a way to kidnap him anyway..."

"If he really died... I just need to die too, so I will see him again... and it seems that dying is the easiest thing to do around here...", her voice had no emotion, it was just empty.

"No... Please don't do that", he laid his hand on the door. "You don't understand that... he was my life... I dedicated my life in the last three years to find him... I don't have the courage to go back to my friends without Eliot, they better think that I died", she started to cry again. "I-If I had s-shut up that day... h-he would still be here w-with me, it's m-my fault that he...", the crying got even louder, so that he could hear her sobbing.

"But... that's not what Eliot would want... I know that he wants you alive... so stay alive can you hear me!?", his voice got a little louder again.

Mujika remained silent, just leaned her head against the door and kept crying, this time softly.

"Did you understand me!?", he asked her again.

Her voice didnt come out. She just managed to cry and shook her head.

"Listen to me... I know You just came here because of Eliot And I know that this must be terrible for you But in the whole time I was here No one ever wanted to talk to me like a normal person It gave me some hope again Even if this must sound egoistic, Stay alive please I want to talk more with you", she didnt expect those words from him.

"R-really...?", she lifted her head and looked at the door smiling lightly.

"Thanks Isamu, thank you for caring about me".

"Mhm...", he went silent.

"The voice which said to me that I shouldnt have come her when I went to the coordinates Was it you?", Mujika suddenly asked.

"I tried to warn you", he answered quietly.

"So how could you be a bad person, if you tried to help me!?"

"We will talk at lunch", he just answered and went silent again.

"O-okay...", she got up and walked away from the door a little, but then she ran back and knocked on the door calling him: "My name ... my name is Mujika!"

It's a beautiful name...

"Thanks! So... we will talk again at lunch?", she asked to be sure.


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