Chapter 9

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The night lasted longer than he would have liked. The next morning he waited for her nervously. She didn't tell him when she would come, which made him even more impatient. Hours passed and he slowly started to worry. Did they see her leaving the hall the day before? Did something happen to her? He turned around quickly when he heard the door open but the person who entered wasn't the girl he waited for.
A doctor entered and grinned: "Are you waiting for your little friend? She probably won't come!"
Isamu gut up anxiously: "W-what did you do to her!?"
The doctor just laughed spitefully: "We found her trying to get back to her quarters, let's say I increased the list of exams to be done a little bit, she passed out after the eighth exam, as soon as she wakes up, we will do the remaining two!"
He stared at Isamu for a while and then smiled sarcastically: "What is it? Are you worried about her? I can't imagine it! Our little rebel guinea pig that never seemed to care for anything is worried about a girl!"
"Y-you can't punish her for that! It was my fault! I did talk to her! She is just searching for someone, it's my fault! Better punish me for it!", Isamu's whole body was tense.
"It was she who ran away and assaulted me, she who deserves punishment!", he remained silent for a while but soon smirked again.
"Don't tell me you have feelings for this girl, Isamu?!"
"Get your fucking hands off her! How can you get so mad over such a little thing!? She's just a girl and you're an adult! One should be able to expect a little more restraint from you! Did you really let a girl provoke you that much?!", he approached the doctor threateningly.
"Better to do nothing to me, I gave orders that if something happens to me... they are allowed to kill her! In fact ... we just need her blood! We could just kill her like your little other friend! What was just her name? Mari?", he kept on laughing sarcastically. "But you still didn't answer my question! Do you like her...?"
"What do I need to do so you let her go...?", Isamu's voice sounded like the dangerous calm before a storm.
"Nothing. She will pay for what she did!", he laughed as if it would be a lot of fun for him.
"Come on! Don't give me that! I'd do anything! Really! She already suffered enough!"
"Don't let her come close to you, ever again. Don't say another word to her, and if you let her touch you... I'll make you kill her!", he came over and spoke a little lower.
"I believe that this will be enough pain for you, to be alone once more after having experienced the company of someone again...", the doctor turned and left the hall while still smirking.
Isamu sank to the floor holding his head tightly. He knew that if she ever would appear in front of him again, he would need to send her away. He would need to find a way that she would never want to come back again. Even if it would break his heart.

The next day, a little after lunch, he heard the door open, this time the smiling girl came in. He knew she wouldn't show that she had suffered.
"Hey! Sorry I didn't come yesterday. I was busy doing some things! But I managed to run away again and come here! How are you?", she walked towards him smiling. He could see everything. Her eyes red like blood. Her face white like snow. And her voice as dry as the desert.
He took a few steps back and tried to get her to leave with some movements.
"What's wrong? Did someone bother you? Just tell me! I will kick him again!", she laughed lightly and pulled up her sleeves approaching him again.
He took a few steps back again. "Leave. Now!"
"What? why? Are you upset because I didn't come yesterday...? Sorry... I got a little busy..."
She was still trying to get close to him, but this time a little more slowly.
"Just leave. You never should have come here...", His rough voice was quite cold and emotionless. She couldn't remember ever hearing him talk like that before. Or was there also a little fear in his voice?
"I'm not leaving! I know you don't want me to go!", this time she kept walking decided, but his voice suddenly turned to anger, and he started to scream at her: "Go!!! I don't want you here!!!"
Mujika shrugged back and her eyes filled with tears as she started to scream back at him: "Stop lying! I hear in your voice that you are lying! What happened to you!?"
"It was just a Test! I killed him understood?! Elle is right! I killed Eliot! And you should go now! Or... or the same will maybe happen to you too!
"T-thank you for reminding me that he's dead ...", the girl stared at her shoes and kept on talking. "I know you didn't kill him... I'm leaving for today, but tomorrow I'll be here again, until you agree to talk to me, believe me ... I'm persistent".
"You don't need to try to come back".
"But I will!", she suddenly screamed angrily before slamming the door.
Mujika returned to the quarters soon to find the two girls who were talking in a corner.
"Hey girls... What are you talking about?", Mujika asked them while sitting with her back against the wall on the floor staring in nothing.
"So... We think, we know now how we are able get out of here...", she answered thoughtfully.
"How??", Mujika said excitedly but Elle responded before Dorothy could say anything: "We will not tell her, now Mujika is a friend of the guy who killed Eliot! She will not run away with us".
"Come on Elle... We can tell her... She is our friend did you forget?", Dorothy tried to convince Elle.
"No... I don't want a traitor like that in our plan. Later she will tell the doctors our plan and we die like Eliot did".
"It's fine, Dorothy, I'll find a way to get out of here alone then, I hope you can escape...", she sighed and walked into another corner of the lodge and sat there without talking to anyone else. She crouched together and could feel the loneliness rising inside her. First, she lost Eliot and now she was about to lose her friends again and Isamu! 
A few metres away from her, a couple of other teenagers were whispering to each other: "Did you hear that? If we kill Isamu the red machine will explode! We will be able run away! We just need to kill Isamu, that's all! That's the reason why this idiot is protecting the machine so desperately!"
Mujika sighed holding her head. What were they talking about? He wanted to escape too! Why should he protect the way out? The young girl went to a bedroom grabbing a pillow and a blanket and then walked back to the hall again. She couldn't stay with those idiots. She didn't want to feel alone anymore. She put the pillow on the floor and laid down in front of the door, soon covering herself with the blanket, it didn't take her long to fall asleep.
After a while she heard a sound next to her and opened her eyes slowly soon seeing a face she had missed so badly. It was Eliot sitting next to her smiling. "Hey! I missed you"", it was his voice! No doubt! But why did his voice sound so far away? As if it could disappear in every second.
"E-Eliot...? ELIOT! I knew it! You are alive!", Mujika laughed with tears in her eyes hugging him with all her strength.
"I missed you so much! I'm sorry!! It was all my fault! I love you so much!"
Eliot caressed her head lightly but even his touches felt different. So unreal.
"It's not your fault! Don't worry! I love you too! You should escape from here... really...", he sounded seriously.
"I want Isamu to run away too... he's a good person, but the others want to kill him to get away...", she said with her eyes full of tears.

"Concentrate on yourself... You should not think about him... He is not a good person... believe me... The only reason he was nice to you, was that he would have someone who would stop the others from breaking the machine...", he answered seriously with a strange expression of anger and disdain.
She looked at him a little confused: "Why are you saying that? He is nice! He protected me from the doctors! The Eliot I know is always seeing the good in every person! You would agree with me!"
"Things have changed Mujika... I know this guy much longer than you... He is not a good person... I've known him three years Mujika... He... wanted to kill me! He even wanted to kill you! And he already killed a lot of other people!"
"He has changed Eliot, and I can't believe he really did it all because he wanted to!", She broke away from the hug.
"Do you... like him...?", Eliot suddenly asked.

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