Christmas with Eliot and Mujika

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This is a christmas edition and not an actual part of the story. It could be, that it doesn't fit completely in the original story but it is a little christmas present for our readers hehe. We wanted to thank you again, that you are still following this book! It is amazing to see the increase of our readers and makes us super happy! We hope we can still cheer you up everytime we post a chapter and let you feel into the characters. If you have some advices you can always write in the comments below, also when you find something good or something like that :) We are happy about every support that is kind and helpful. Thank you! Now let's get started with the special edition!

Mujika was sitting in the livingroom of her parents, staring at the ring on her finger. It was an evening before the Christmas eve and she just couldn't feel any happiness at all. Her parents had traveled for work over christmas so she couldn't celebrate it at least with them. Neither she could celebrate it with her own son and fiancé. It was the first christmas she would celebrate alone with her brother and his girlfriend. But she felt like she would be a burden for him, since he would have probably loved it to celebrate alone with Liv. Also that both of them told her that they would be happy to celebrate the three of them, she still didn't feel right. She looked at her phone again but there was not even one message of Eliot there. He didn't even read her message from the morning. 

She sighed and let herself fall on the couch staring at the ceiling. She didn't even notice how she fell asleep but woke up again, feeling some warm arms with cold hands holding her. She was being carried from someone and the smell and touch, she had no doubt of who it was. Her eyes opened and she looked at the person that was smiling above. "E-Eliot?! What are you doing here!? You are going to hurt y-", she started to speak but he stopped her. "Shh, it's okay. It won't happen something bad so fast, I mean we lived together for a long while, and nothing happened. Celebrating christmas together won't kill us", he smiled. "A-are you sure...?", she still didn't look convinced. He nodded smiling and then she couldn't hold herself back anymore but hug him tightly inhaling his smell warming herself at his body. 

"It's bad. You were sleeping so cute, I just wanted to carry you into your bed but you just woke up!", he smiled and sat down again with her on his lap and she smiled still hugging him. "What's about your parents and Izu...? Aren't you going to celebrate with them?", she murmured into his shirt. "So... First of all... I brought Izumi with me, but my parents are coming to get him in one hour... I just thought you would want to see him... He really missed you... But he can't say when the pain gets too bad while I can, so I thought he shouldn't stay as long as I will. And for the-", Mujika interrupted him looking at him with shining eyes. "He is here!?"

Eliot chuckled lightly and nodded. In Mika's room, wanna go there? 

She looked a little unsure first if it was a good idea but then hurried to nod. Both of them went to the room quickly and Izumi started kicking around excited as soon as his mother entered the room, while he screamed in joy with high tunes. 

Mujika's eyes filled with tears and she came to the bed but didn't dare to lift him up, while he stretched out his arms to her. She put her finger down so he could hold it and smiled with tears in her eyes. "I missed you so much little boy...!", she whispered and he smiled at her. 

In reality Mujika didn't knew that the christmas evening was planned. Since her parents had gone to work on christmas Mikaela suggested that he would celebrate at Liv's apartment so Eliot could come. The next day Eliot would celebrate again but this time with his parents and Mikaela with Mujika. Mujika didn't really care of how everything would be now, she was just happy to have Eliot and Izumi around. 

While Izumi was still there they took him to the kitchen and started baking christmas cookies together while Eliot still sucked at baking. Even Izumi seemed to laugh about him trying and Mujika finally felt like everything was fine again. For one evening she could forget all the problems and just enjoy Christmas with her favourites. After baking they sat down at a piano, Izumi on Eliot's lap holding Mujika's hand.  Eliot tried his best to remember how he had played the christmas songs on the piano when he was younger and even if it sounded a little strange sometimes they had a lot of fun to try to sing the christmas songs together while Izumi tried his best to sound like singing. 

After a while it was visible that Izumi got tired but started crying softly again because of the pain. Gladly Eliot's parents came soon to get him, even that he didn't want to leave his parents and just cried more. 

After Eliot and Mujika calmed down from wanting their baby back they sat down and Eliot reached a little present to Mujika: "That's for you!"

He smiled and Mujika opened it with shining eyes. It was a little foto album with pictures of Izumi and Eliot. The pictures were super cute. It was Izumi sleeping, playing, laughing and so on. She hugged Eliot happily. "Thanks Eliot! That's the best christmas I had! Even if it was just for short...!"


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