Chapter 28

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In the end they had a good time eating together and after some time he drove her home again.

"Eliot... can I talk to you at home?", Mikaela asked after a while.

"Yeah, of course!", Eliot agreed a little worried what the topic could be. Mujika looked at the boys a little curious but agreed sighing to stay in the guest room until Eliot would come back.

The blonde boy sat down in front of him with asking eyes.

"I'm worried Eliot... Mujika told me that the police never found those doctors... What if they try to kidnap one of you again? Or even worse... both? What about the baby? It can't defend itself...", Mikaela finally spoke out what everyone was already worried about.

"I thought about that too... But since the police doesn't want to keep on searching for the doctors... I mean... They must have seen the laboratory! I have a bad feeling about the police...", Eliot answered looking to the floor thoughtfully.

"I sometimes I think I should search by myself, but I don't want to leave Mujika


Mikaela looked at him for a while and nodded: "Yeah... it would make it probably worse..."

"But I am thinking... don't worry! You can also tell me when you get any ideas!", Eliot smiled slightly, and Mikaela nodded smiling back a little. "It will work out...!"

"So, Isamu is going to be a father... Let's see how long...!"


Darkness. Wherever Eliot was looking, he could just see darkness. Eliot tried to move and look around, but nothing seemed to work. Just the voice which seemed to come out of every corner stayed: "Are you sure we can't control you anymore just because your little friends destroyed the machine? We'll see it when your baby is born... Maybe it is less of a blessing than a pain. Prepare yourself"

Eliot shrugged opening his eyes scared feeling his heart beating in pain again. He clung his chest with one hand coughing lightly. Soon he got up to drink a glass of water but after getting some distance from the room the pain immediately stopped. He shook his head confused staying in the living room for a while longer.

A few months had passed already and Mujika was reaching the eighth month of pregnancy. Not only she felt more exhausted from week to week. Also Eliot, even that he tried to hide it, was getting weaker with every day and no one had a clue why. It was worrying her, but he refused to go to the doctor.

She was lying next to him waiting for him to wake up while playing with his hand. It took her a while to notice how warm his hands suddenly were. She was used to his cold and rough hands but now they were hot and even a little sweaty. She stroked through his soft hair to feel his forehead and to her surprise he had high fever.

The girl got up worriedly calling for Mikaela: "Mika! Eliot is boiling with fever!"

"Get distance with him or he will infect you too...!", Mikaela answered while entering the room.

Mikaela sat next to them feeling his forehead and shaking his head. "I'm going to get some medicine. Must be just a cold... Take your distance from him Mujika... Or you will get sick..."

But she just shook her head looking a little excited. "I will take care of him! I will prepare some tea and breakfast for him!!", she said smiling brightly. "Almost creepy how you are happy about his sickness...", he said laughing low and got ready to buy the medicine. "Normally he always takes care of me! I finally can take care of him now!!", she answered while already preparing the tea. Mikaela shook his head laughing and left the house.

After a while Eliot woke up seeing a plate with breakfast and a cup of tea next to him. On his forehead a wet cloth and around him two blankets. When Mujika noticed that he woke up she stood up quickly smiling. "Eliot!! You are awake!! Do you need something??", Mujika asked quickly holding his hand.

"Ohh Princess Eliot woke up! Do his majesty need something?", Mikaela asked laughing but it surprised Eliot that even Mikaela had stayed in the room to wait for him to wake up. "What happened?", he asked with a sore throat. "Yesterday I was feeling fine...!"

"Here! Drink some tea! It will help!", she smiled, and he slowly sipped on the tea smiling slightly at Mujika. "Thank you...! But if I have a cold, you should take some distance Muji...!", Eliot mentioned worriedly.

"I'll stay here until you get better!", she smiled. "No objections".

"Thanks, Mujika", he smiled weakly sitting up slowly.

"Izumi also wants you to be well soon! He's moving around a lot!", she smiled and put her hand on her belly.

"Oh no! Let your mommy rest Izumi!", he chuckled and put his hand over hers. "I'm getting fine soon! I'm already better!"

"Yes, for sure", Mikaela answered sarcastically. "You will rest a few days now".

After a few days Eliot was feeling good enough again to get up and help Mujika a little. They had just finished eating breakfast and Mujika was about to bring the plates away when she felt a hard pain inside her belly. She leaned against the wall and put the plates down while Eliot ran to her quickly holding her: "What's wrong!?"

"It just hurts a little...", she stopped when she felt a liquid running down her legs. Their eyes widened and she looked scared into Eliot's eyes. "I-it's way too early Eliot...!", she said shaking while holding him tighter.

"The doctors will take care of it...! Everything is going to be fine! Don't worry Muji...!", he carried her onto the couch cursing himself that he wasn't able to drive the car and called an ambulance quickly waiting nervously for it to arrive while holding her hand tightly. It took a while for the ambulance to arrive but when they brought Mujika to the room the nurse suddenly held Eliot's arm not allowing him to enter.

"But she needs someone by her side now!! Why can't I enter?! I am the father!", he tried to get into the room, but the nurse kept blocking his way.

"Your wife will be fine, the doctors will take care of her, I'm sorry but you can't come in...", her words reached his head only with difficulty. He heard everything only as if through cotton wool. He blamed the dizziness on the situation until the pain in the heart slowly also increased again. He ignored the pain trying to focus on Mujika. "Why? Which doctor is helping her? Will our baby be fine too? Why can't I just... enter?", he blinked a few times trying to focus on the nurse again.

"Yes, the baby will be fine, the obstetrician on duty is very good! You better sit down and get in touch with your family!", before he could answer his phone already rang. Eliot took it out seeing Mikaela calling.

"Mikaela!!! You have to come! It's Mujika! The baby! The nurse won't let me in!", Eliot said confused.

"What is happening!? The building's doorman called me saying they took Mujika in the ambulance! What hospital are you in!?", the concern in his voice was noticeable.

"The city hospital! The one that took care of me and Mujika after we escaped! They don't let me in!", he repeated feeling himself want to push the nurse away more and more. "I am almost there. Keep trying to get in I...", Eliot felt his hands getting numb and the phone just fell out of his hands. The last thing he saw was the display of his phone crashing and the floor coming closer. A pain on his body like from far away and a lot of voices screaming around were the last things he noticed before everything went black. 

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