Chapter 34

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In the next morning Mujika woke up alone in her bed. Neither Eliot nor Izumi were in the room. As she sat up slowly looking around, she decided to get up too and look for them. In the living room she found Eliot and Charlotte talking, while Eliot played with Izumo.

"Good morning...!", Mujika said sleepy, smiling directly when she thought about the night before.

"Good morning beauty! How did you sleep?", he got up smiling and kissed her lips. "Good!... where are Mika and Ralph?"

"Mikaela said he had class now in the morning!", Charlotte answered, her voice still a little weak but a lot stronger than the day before.

"Yeah! Ralph is still a-", before Eliot could finish what he was about to say, the guestroom door opened and Ralph came out. Charlotte was the first one that got up and ran over to him hugging him tightly: "Ralph! Are you okay? What are you feeling?"

Ralph looked surprised then hugged her back slowly: "I feel good... I think..."

"I missed you so much! I thought I was going to lose you...", she sobbed lightly and buried her face in his chest while hugging him tighter.

"Lose... me...?", he hugged her tightly and caressed her hair. "I... don't really understand what's going on to be honest..."

"You were kidnapped, and they drugged you, so we rescued you, but you've been sleeping since then...", Mujika started to explain.

"And you? Are you okay!? I left you alone? How could I!?", he looked worriedly at Charlotte and held her face getting back his beautiful eyes that showed so much love to her. Finally, she felt save close to him again. Finally, everything was alright. Now she was able to rest. See his lovely eyes with the slight shine of worry, while his smile looked still so sheepishly and mischievous.

"D-don't w-worry... I'm fine!", she couldn't let go of him, she was afraid something would happen again.

"Ralph, can you remember what they did to you?", Eliot asked after a while. He also wanted to hug him as he was super relieved to see his best friend well again, but he knew that Charlotte needed it more right now.

"Not really...", Ralph admitted.

"You must be hungry, let's have breakfast!", Mujika smiled brightly and already went into the kitchen.

"Yeah! I'm really hungry...", he smiled but still held on tight to Charlotte.

After they finished eating Charlotte and Ralph decided to go back to their apartment as they defined it as safe now that the doctors got killed and the lab destroyed. After they left Eliot and Mujika started to wash the dishes. When Eliot's phone suddenly started to ring he quickly dried his hands and answered the call: "Hello?"

"Eliot? Good morning...", on the screen and on his voice, he recognized that it was Nick.

"Oh! Nick! I didn't think you would call me! Good morning! What's the matter?", Eliot answered smiling.

"So... I looked at the survey data, and I have something to tell you, but you will not like it, and it is better not to be near Mujika when I tell you...", he mentioned slowly. Eliot's smile directly faded, and he looked a little confused. "... Is it something terrible?", he went into the bathroom.

"It has to do with your heart problem...", he replied.

"Oh! Do you know more about it? Did they give something to me?", he sat down at the edge of the bathtub.

"I don't know how to answer but... Your heart problem is directly linked to your rare blood, coincidentally Mujika has the same blood, so your body is reacting to her

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