Chapter 27

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When Eliot opened his eyes again, Mujika was looking at him worriedly.

"Hey...!", he smiled lightly at her stroking over her hair but soon pulling his hand away again, remembering the wound. "What's wrong?", she asked confused pulling his hand back.

"What happened?", she asked after a while

"I... don't know... I felt angry and... frustrated and suddenly the glass of water that I was holding broke..."

"The bloody cloth... Mikaela had told me that he had been hurt! Why didn't you tell me!? Just because I'm pregnant? You two don't tell me anything!", she was about to cry again. Eliot wasn't used to see her crying so fast.

"N-no... it's not just because of that... We just thought that you already were going through so horrible things... I didn't want to bother you with my problems...", he murmured.

"Your problems!? You always take care of me, but I can't even take care of you!! I don't want you to exclude me from your life just that I don't worry!", she sobbed.

"I-I'm sorry... I won't d-do it again really!"

"Sorry...", Mujika laid back into the bed and covered herself up to the head.

Eliot laid next to her and lifted the blanket slowly: "You don't have to be sorry cutie..."

"I was rude to you... you didn't do anything wrong... sorry...", she said quietly.

"Everything is fine Mujika... You don't have to apologize! I'm just happy to be here with you!", he smiled and kissed her forehead and she snuggled into his arms.

It was about four months later. Mujika continued to live with Mikaela and had not spoken to her father in months. Eliot was at home anxious waiting for Mujika to come back with the ultrasound result. Next to him was Ralph, waiting with him.

"Eliot, stop walking, you will end up opening a hole in the ground!", Ralph complained.

"I can't! I'm really, really, really, really anxious!!!"

"Okay, I realized that. But it won't change anything if you...", his cell phone started ringing and he paused. "One minute...", he said answering the phone, while Eliot grabbed a pillow hugging it.

After a few minutes Ralph returned rolling his eyes: "It was Elle... Looks like she found out that Mujika is pregnant... she will call you in a little while, probably..."

"Oh no...", he sighed, and they heard Mikaela's car arrive. Ralph went to the window and wanted to tell it Eliot, but the boy was already running down the stairs.

Mujika, Charlotte and Mikaela were already in the living room talking to Eliot's mother, Mujika's belly was starting to grow, and it was already a little visible,

she was sitting on the couch with her hands on her belly. "What wonderful news! He will love it!", his mother said smiling.

"Mujika! Hey! What does the doctor say? How are you?", Eliot asked very anxious.

"I'm fine, very good! The baby looks great! And...", Mujika smiled lightly building tension.

"Deliver it to him soon!", Mikaela mentioned, and she went to Eliot handing over a small box with a pair of little blue shoes inside.

"A boy??!", he smiled with shining eyes holding the box tightly.

"Yeah!", Mujika answered excited and hugged him tightly.

"Mujika... don't forget what the doctor said, you need to rest a lot!", Charlotte said serious. Eliot sat down with her still looking at the shoes excited until Ralph asked if they already decided for a name.

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