Chapter 48

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Julian was sitting on the couch with Izumi sleeping on his lap. Two months were over now and today would be his first day to go to school again. He didn't go to school since a while. On the beginning he did go but soon stopped going. Eliot and Mujika didn't know the reason for it completely but they guessed it was because of his grandfather. For now they were living at Mikaela's apartment since it was bigger than the one of Eliot's parents until Eliot would have found a job where he would be able to finance the house they decided to move in. He had sent an application to the same school Julian would enter, since the boy begged him to be there too. Eliot first thought that it was a bad idea because Julian would maybe be embarrassed to have him around but since Julian wanted it so badly, he did it and was still waiting for an answer now. A long discussion was also about the snake since he loved the snake a lot. Her name was Medusa and they bought her a big cage out of glass finding out that she was very calm with people who loved Julian. Since a few weeks Julian had also slowly started to call them mom and dad. It was something really special to Mujika and Eliot but also to Julian since he started to really feel well and loved, also being a part of the family. Eliot was able to finish his driver's license in car and motorcycle and the court had gone well. The only problem had been that Nick had written into the documents that Eliot would be the cousin of Julian's parents which was obviously not true but they gave Eliot more believe than Julian's grandparents since Nick also got a great attorney and a few more evidences for them.

"Do I really need to go...?", Julian asked looking at Eliot begging.
"It was one of their conditions for you to stay with us...", Eliot said finishing his breakfast for school and reached the lunch box out for him. Inside were a few vegetables, two sticks of chocolate and also a sandwich. "Is it good?? It's the first time preparing a lunch box for not myself!", he chuckled, and Julian looked at it with shining eyes. "Is it really for me?? I can eat all of it at school??"

"Of course! You want anything else?? An apple? Banana?", he smiled.
"Yeah!! An apple!! Can I?"
Eliot nodded smiling and finished preparing his water and then put also an apple in his backpack.
"Let's go then?", he smiled, and Julian nodded lightly hugging Izumi tightly who was saying something again in his baby language and it almost sounded like Izumi was trying to comfort Julian. The boy smiled and he hugged Izumi tighter one last time and then brought him to Mujika.
"Is it time?", she asked and he slowly nodded.
"You can do it!!", she smiled, and he also smiled slightly going back to Eliot.

When they arrived at school there were several children arriving and Julian was holding his father's hand firmly. There was a group of boys coming in, but one of them looked at both of them and gave a strange smile, then came walking towards them: "Julian...!! Is it really you??"

"Do you know him?", Eliot asked watching the boy carefully.

"Yes...", Julian answered and out of his expression Eliot went even more careful of what kind of boys this would be.

"You came back to school!? I thought you moved out!", the boy suddenly seemed nice. Maybe it was really just Julian's fear of school. The boy turned around to the rest of his group and called them: "Guys! Julian is going to study with us!!"

Eliot looked like he didn't know if this was a good or a bad sign. The boys came over but looked a little shy when they noticed Eliot's height, the scar on his eye and his serious look. Normally Eliot was a kind- and warm-hearted person but since the laboratory he had this cold look in his eyes whenever something was suspicious for him.

"Who's that? Your brother? Your bodyguard?", the boy asked also looking at Eliot.

"It's none of your business...", Julian answered, and Eliot decided to say nothing in case it would bother him if they would know.

"Should I leave...?", Eliot asked quietly.

"Do I really need to go...?", Julian questioned feeling unwell but before Eliot could say something else the boys pulled him to the school gate. "Come with us! You shouldn't even remember school anymore, we help you remember!", the boy smiled and waved at Eliot. Julian didn't fight to follow them and didn't say something either so Eliot waited looking after the boys with an unwell feeling. He wasn't sure if he could trust those boys or not, but he slowly shook his head finding himself paranoid. Ralph had been similar excited when he first met Eliot in school. It probably was nothing. Still, he looked seriously at the boys who looked a little scared of him quickly following the others.

Hidden laboratory. (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن