Chapter 7

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She walked back to the stairs where Elle was waiting and wiped away her tears. "I really thought you had died, Elle murmured thoughtful".

"I didn't. Obviously. But you wish I had hm?", Mujika answered annoyed. It was clear to see that Mujika was not feeling well.

"What? No! Why should I have waited for you? Did you find out anything about Eliot...?", Elle changed the subject quickly, looking hopefully.

"You just waited because you hoped that I found anything out about Eliot, but I didn't", Mujika answered cold.

Elle went silent for a while.

"Do you understand now why Isamu is a monster?"

"Stop calling him a monster", Mujika looked at the girl annoyed.

"But he is! He is the reason why Eliot died! He never tells us anything and killed many people! I saw it with my own eyes! When the doctors took Eliot with them! I waited day and night in front of the door from this room. And suddenly this monster came. After he left, thousands of doctors came in and carried dead bodies out of the room! Eliot was inside this room! He must have been killed! We never saw him again after that day!"

Mujika's face grimaced.

"If you're going to talk to me and keep talking bad things... then just be quiet, okay?"

She looked as cold as she could, but her eyes were wet, and her lips were shaking. "Now come on, I have some messages from Charlotte and Ralph for you", she went on.

"But Eliot disappeared exactly after Isamu killed them all!! Im telling the truth!"

"I told you to be quiet!!!", Mujika shouted angrily.

Elle shrugged back and went silent

After a while she asked: "What's with Charlotte and Ralph?"

"Let's find Dorothy first...", Mujika murmured.

"It's lunch time... We can find her in the cafeteria..."

"Let's go then..."


They went to the cafeteria and soon found Dorothy sitting at one of the tables.

"I'm so glad you are alive!", she smiled and hugged Mujika tightly.

"Told ya", she sat down. 'I'll tell you everything that Charlotte and Ralph told me in the last three years", Mujika had a thoughtful expression as she tried to remember.

"Starting with you Elle. After you disappeared, Ralph confessed to me that he would have liked to tell you that he was in love with you..."

The white-haired girl looked shocked.

"He is in love with me?!"

"Don't worry, things have apparently already changed, I have the slight impression that Ralph and Charlotte are together, I mean, I'm sure they love each other", Mujika nodded.

"Ah... sure... In the time you weren't here Eliot confessed his love to me too!" she looked serious.

"I know this is a lie..."

Suddenly the whole room went silent when a tall guy with white hair and a creepy looking mask entered the room.

The brown-haired girl turned to the girls quickly: "We will talk later can you leave now?"

Dorothy shook her head irritated: "We want to eat something too".

"Oh! I know what's going on. Eliot is dead and now Mujika has a crush on Isamu who killed Eliot!", Elle gave her a cold look.

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