Chapter 12

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The fact that the doctors could do with her whatever they want and he couldn't do something against it almost killed him. What could have happened tortured Isamu all night, which brought nightmares and insomnia. The lack of her smiles was making
everything grey.
He knew it. If she wouldn't come back he wouldn't stay alive any longer. Even if the machine would try to prevent it. She was the only person that still believed in him. The only person that was not scared of him. The only person... that loved him... She helped him out of his self-pity and now he had to do something for her. Now he had to show his love to her too. He wouldn't get her back in sitting around waiting.
Isamu stood up slowly and tried to open the door. He knew it was pointless to try it, but he needed to find her. Almost shocked he realized that it was open! Probably this was a test but he didn't care. Slowly Isamu left the room searching for her.

On the way he met Dorothy who froze when she noticed him. For a moment she looked as if she wanted to run away but then she took her courage back: "W-what d-di-did... you d-do... to M-Mujika?"
"I did nothing!! You know where she is?? Is she still alive??", he asked hopefully.

"She disappeared... I k-know she went to s-see y-you, b-but she disappeared a w-week ago... f-first Elliot and n-now Mujika... w-why did you d-do that!?", the girl's eyes filled with tears and she lowered her head while crying softly.
"S-she was s-so n-nice... and a-always d-defended you!"
"I-i did nothing to her! I have to find her! She needs to be alive!", Isamu turned to look around.
"She never came again, she must be dead by now... just like Eliot. And Elle and I will die too...", she kept on crying.

Without thinking Isamu started talking again but regretted it directly again: "Eliot isn't dead..."

Dorothy looked at him with wide eyes: "What!? Where is he!? Where's Eliot!? Elle will be super happy!", her sad expression had disappeared in a shortness of time and she started to get excited.
"At first I have to find Mujika! If she is dead there is no reason for me to stay alive!", he answered frustrated.
"Why? Does it mean that much to you? Weren't you the one who killed people? Anyway... I need to tell it Elle quickly!", she turned around
"Don't tell her! It would be pointless.... You both won't see him again..."
"Why!? We let you stay with Mujika, but Eliot is ours!!", Dorothy said crossing her arms.
Isamu approached her slowly whispering in her ear: "He belongs to the laboratory now..." His deep voice made her tremble. "I won't let him return...!", he laughed low.

Isamu turned around again starting to walk again.
"Eliot is Elle's! Bring him back!", she yelled at him.

"He doesn't love her..."

"Who told you?? Mujika!? So she is lying! He went after Elle that day!", she said convinced.

"Because he knew it was dangerous... He was the one who told me he loves Mujika".

"Why can't you bring him back!?", her voice started to tremble again.

"If you tell it her... I promise, you will never see him again".

"Got it... and what..."

But he just lifted his hand waving and disappeared behind the next wall.
He had already searched half of the laboratory and went tired of opening and closing doors. He also asked himself where all of the doctors went. He couldn't see even one of them. After a while he arrived at the testing section. This was the last option. She had to be here... He took a deep breath and opened the first door. Again. Nothing.

The second. Nothing.

Third. Nothing.

He started getting even more nervous and his hands went cold again.

Every room he entered was empty.

He started sweating. Praying for her to be alive.
When he entered another room he noticed stairs to a second floor behind a ceiling. Also on this floor were a few doors and he opened all of them in a hurry. He suddenly got anxious. She must be here. While opening one of the doors his eyes widened. She was tied to a chair. There were several wires connected to her and several needles in her arms, an IV bag was connected into one of the veins, while another needle drew blood little by little. The girl remained with
her eyes closed and her head against the back of the chair,
her skin was very pale and she seemed to be a lot thinner, almost
lifeless. Her face was white like snow and her breathing was almost not visible.
"M-Mujika!!!", his heartbeat raised and he quickly started taking care of the needles and computers. The system was not as complicated as it seemed. So it was not so difficult to stop. With the noise she opened her eyes almost imperceptibly, Isamu could hear the weak and almost inaudible voice behind him: "...I-Isa-Isamu..."
"Mujika!", his voice was so soft and sounded like he was crying. "I thought you were dead! You can't imagine how glad I am!!!" He quickly pulled out all the needles.

"W-water... please...", her voice was extremely dry. It seemed to scratch her
throat whenever she spoke.
"W-wait...", he quickly brought water for her and helped her drinking it. She drank the water quickly and sighed in relief.
"Thanks...!", Mujika got up with a little difficulty and hugged him as hard
as he could.

"I missed you... I really missed you..."

"Mujika...", he whispered quietly and hugged her back. "I was locked in the hall for days... I didn't even believe that they would ever open it again! I wanted to find you but Dorothy said you were dead and...", he suddenly started crying hugging her tighter.
"Hey... I'm here! I'm fine, okay? The rest does not matter!", she stroked his back.
"I thought I lost you...", he sobbed. "I need you to get out of here soon!!"
"Let's get out of here together, okay? We can do it!", she gave a slight smile stroking his hair.

"H-how...?", he looked at her.
"I've been putting together a plan, but it would be probably easier with more people... I guess Dorothy and Elle are our only chance...! It will work! Believe me!"
"And... what do I have to do in this plan..."
"Well... we'll lock the hall door and put something heavy in front of it so that the doctors can't enter. The three of us will try to destroy the machine. What you have to do is to try to resist the machine's commands as much as possible..." She paused and smiled at him.
"As soon as we destroy the machine, we will all be free!"
"But... What if it doesn't work!? I don't wanna hurt you...
What if I kill you... or Dorothy, or Elle...!? I... am scared of
myself...", he lowered his head.

"We'll be fine, trust me! Everything will work out!", she ducked in front of him and smiled.
"I... missed your smile...", he murmured embarrassed.
"And I missed you...!"
"Let's escape from here...! I will give my best!"
"It's going to be alright!"

"When will it be?", he asked and she heard the nervous sound in his voice.
"I thought about tomorrow... I need to talk to both of them first, I don't know if they will accept it, but hopefully they do!"

"I guess both of them hate me...", he scratched his neck.
"They hate me too, so we're in the same boat, but they'll accept it because they want to get out of here!", she smiled and took his hand in her hand. Her's was tiny instead of his strong and big hands.

"You don't have to be nervous, okay...?", she murmured while playing with his fingers.
"Okay...", he laced his fingers through hers and then held her hand against his.

"Are you... still missing him...?"

"... Yeah... Of course... I was searching for him for years... I will never forget my love I had to him... But I can't raise from the dead... So... I guess I need to keep on with my life...!", she smiled lightly.
"If I had done... something really terrible... could you ever forgive me...? Or would you hate me...?", he suddenly asked and held her hand a little tighter.
"I could never hate you...!"
"Even if I had... lied to you...?"
"Lied? About what?", she wondered how the topic of the conversation changed so fast.
Isamu looked away: "You'll find out soon..."
"I won't hate you, okay? I love
you...!", she smiled lightly at him.

He raised his head: "You... really do...?"

She held his hand tighter and nodded with slightly red cheeks.

"I know this sounds strange... But I feel some connection between us... I can't describe what it is... Maybe it is just because we are hated by everyone...", she laughed low. "And even if it is just that... I feel really good when I am with you... It feels like everything could get fine again...!"

He held her hand tighter and spoke really quiet: "I love you too...! More than anything..."

"R-really?", her tired eyes started shining and he nodded smiling. "When we get out of here... I will show you my face and tell you also the truth... okay?"

She nodded smiling and kissed his hand.

"I'm going to talk to them then...! Better I go alone... Elle is not good talking at you...!", she laughed low. "But after that I'm coming to the hall, okay?"

"Please... be careful...!"

"Of course!", she smiled at him again and gave him a tight hug again before she disappeared in the long floors again.

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