Chapter 44

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                                                                                                                                                                                                     Eliot was in the small lab when his phone rang. He picked it up answering the call.


"Eliot, did you read the survey? I got to an interesting part that maybe could catch your attention. In fact, it is very important and can make a big difference in your research...!", without even identifying himself, the boy spoke super-fast, which took Eliot by surprise.

"Oh! Sorry! I had no time to read it! But now I can!", he said opening the survey a little excited of what he could have found.

"It's about blood differences, that maybe explain a lot. Remember when I mentioned the similarity between your blood and magnetism? There are some carriers who feel pain when they are around other carriers, like you and Izumi! But I have reason to believe that Mujika is the other type, this other type of carrier feels pain when it is apart from other carriers! Mujika never felt anything when she was close to

you and Izumi, but could it be that she feels the same pain as you when you two are apart?", he asked keeping on talking fast but his voice sounded tired and slightly

neurotic. "She never told me about it...", he suddenly sounded worriedly.

"She probably didn't tell you...", Nick guessed. "But if this survey is right then it could help a lot with the research.

"I am going to ask her about that...", Eliot answered staring at the door already wanting to go over to her.

"I have a friend who owes me a favour, a big favour, so I took the liberty of getting something for you! It is dangerous to experiment at home, so I got an equipped laboratory for you! So, you can work! I'll send you the address wait...", he fiddled with his phone.

"Are you serious!? This would be amazing and help a lot with the research!!", Eliot widened his eyes excited.

"You will like it even more when you see the place! Now I have a rather delicate subject to deal with you... Mika-chan told me about the supposed intention that his parents found for Mujika. I imagine he has heard about it... something wrong happened, and I went looking for it, in fact his record shows an impeccably perfect boy. Nobody can be so good without having a single sign of imperfection, so I hacked his computer, ah... I saw things there that I had never even seen on criminals' computers... I was unable to eat a whole day, because I was sick just to remember! He's a violent sadistic nut...", Nick said with a disgusted tone and Eliot somehow regretted that he didn't just kill Max.

"What did you find...?", he asked without hiding the anger in his voice.

"Elle is in the next room, I don't want her to hear that kind of thing, so I'll just skip over the most disgusting folders I've ever seen and talk about Mujika. I found many pictures of her on the computer, many seem to have been taken out of the window. One in particular was taken by the bathroom sink while she was brushing her teeth,

maybe you feel more relieved to know that the folder with Mujika's photos is one of the lightest ones close to the others...?"

"WHAT!? Could you delete them!? You can show the other ones to the police, but could you delete the ones of Muji??", he would have screamed louder when his sound wouldn't have been there looking at him with big eyes.

"I haven't deleted it yet. I just blocked access by changing the computer password, as the police would only accept it if they found it on his computer. But... I deleted the compromising ones, I left only light ones so that the police have evidence that he was chasing Mujika too", he mentioned.

"Thank you...", Eliot murmured still terrified.

"I have an acquaintance with the police, I'm going to tell them to get this boy's computer, I think I can only help this way..."

"Thanks...! Really!", he sounded relieved.

"So...I already sent you the address, so that's it, bye!", he said and hung up.

After a while Mujika heard a knock on her door.

"You may come in!", she was just reading a book and turned to the door when she heard the knock. It was Eliot who said at the edge of her bed.

"Mujika...?", he started slightly worried.

"Yeah?", she smiled but then also got worried of what he was going to say.

"You have pain when we are not around...?", he finished the sentence and looked at her seriously.

"I... Ah..."

"Please be honest with me..."

"I mean... Yeah... It was very strong when I was pregnant and you weren't there... But... It's not so much... Don't worry! It's just lightly!", she smiled but he shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell me...?"

"I... I was scared you would risk your own life so I would feel better...", she murmured.

"So you were scared that I would do exactly what you did?", he looked at her and shook his head again. "Please... You always need to tell me that! You have no idea how much this will help with the research!", he took her hand and smiled lightly.

"I-I'm sorry...", she lowered her head, but he kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Nick organized a real laboratory for me! I can work there! But... I want you to come with me...", he mentioned smiling.

"Really??? But... Why with me? You think it will hurt me and take me with you because of that? This will hurt you too!", she said crossing her arms even that she really wanted to see him work.

"Partwise yes, but I also need... Your blood actually... I want to try something with your and my blood. I might have found something out...", he smiled again.

"Hm... Right then!!", she somehow looked a little excited. 

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