Chapter 26

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When they arrived home Mikaela looked at Mujika for a while. She was hugging her belly and somehow didn't look very well. "Why did Eliot stay at home...?", he asked looking at her. "I-I don't know anymore! I just didn't want that he feels forced to be with me all the time!", she explained but seemed to regret her decision. "But somehow, I feel so strange since he isn't here anymore...", she murmured.

"Does it have to do with the blood of you two? Didn't the doctors say something like this? But is this even possible...?", Mikaela looked confused. "But it would make sense why you were never able to let go of him..."

"I think I just miss him...", she muttered.

"He looked sad when we left...", Mikaela answered.

"You think I hurt him!? Was he really sad!?", she looked at him shocked with teary eyes. He was totally confused to suddenly see those tears in her eyes. "H-he just looked a little sad! It's alright! I'm sure he's not angry!!", Mikaela smiled.

"A-angry!? He could be angry at me!?", she suddenly started crying. Mikaela looked even more overwhelmed and hugged her. "N-no!"

"Can you call Charlotte?", she sobbed. "Can she come??"

"At this time!?"

She cried more: "You are right she must be tired!"

"N-no! I will call her!", he got up quickly and searched for Charlotte's number on Mujika's phone. It didn't take over half an hour for her to arrive.

"Is she okay?", Charlotte asked worried.
"Not really...", he murmured.

"What's wrong...? Did Eliot leave her!?", she asked even more worried.

"Eliot will leave me!?", Mujika cried in shock from the living room.

"What!? Noo!!", Charlotte went over to her friend and lead her to her room. "What happened Mujika? Why are you crying!?"

"I-I... I miss Eliot suddenly so much! But I don't want to call him, or he will think, that I will never let him do things alone anymore! A-and Mikaela said that Eliot looked sad when I left! So, he is probably angry with me right now and doesn't want to see me anyway!", she cried even more. "Mujika!! Since when are you thinking like that about Eliot!? Do you have your period??", Charlotte shook her head and wrapped her into a few blankets. "No! I can't get them anymore!", she sobbed. "What...?", Charlotte looked confused. "Do you think Eliot will really leave me because of something like that!? I just tried to be a good girlfriend!", she asked worriedly. "Mujika! Are you pregnant!?"

Mujika was silent for a while: "I didn't tell you yet...?"

"You are!?", she looked at her in shock. "Right... I will call Eliot to come here... You think too much... He will be happy to be with you... I am sure...", she took out her phone. "You think...?", Mujika looked at her hopefully and Charlotte nodded slowly. "This idiot just didn't take care...! Guys... You make me headache!!", she sighed and dialed Eliot's number.

"Hello??", he answered the call fast.

"Eliot... I guess Mujika is not so well... You think you can come over to her house...?", Charlotte asked slowly.

"What!? Right! I'm on my way!", he hung up.

"He is coming...", she answered.

"Really!?", her eyes started shining while she kept sobbing. "He won't be angry...?"

"You are crazy Mujika! What's going on with you!?", she laughed and hugged her friend. "He will come here and stay with you so you will feel better, and he will also feel better, okay?", she smiled. Mujika nodded slightly and seemed to calm down a little. A few minutes later the intercom rang, and Mikaela opened the door.

"Thank you for coming, she is in her room, bursting into tears, make her stop, please, I need to study!", Mikaela sighed, and Eliot looked completely confused. "She is crying!? Why!?", he didn't even wait for an answer and ran over to her room. "Mujika! What happened!?"

"Eliot! S-sorry!!", she ran hugging him tightly. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kept hugging him tightly calming all down again.

"It's okay... I'm here...", he whispered stroking her hair and sitting on the bed. When he looked at her, she seemed to have fallen asleep.

"She was quite agitated and saying very random things... I don't think that was normal...", Charlotte said a little confused.

Eliot looked worriedly at Mujika. "You think something is wrong...?"

"I don't know... But another thing... You made her pregnant!? Seriously!?", she shook her head.

"It wasn't my intention! But... now we both are happy... Even if it is a little early..."

"A little... I will tell Mujika to make an appointment with the same obstetrician as my mother, I think she is the only one I know... And my mother said she was very good...", Charlotte answered thoughtful.

"That's great! Thanks!", he smiled slightly.

"Did you tell it Ralph?", she asked after a while.

"Not yet...", he murmured.

"Right... He is actually already suspecting... Anyways... Do you think the doctors will come after you even more since Mujika is pregnant...?", she asked worriedly.

He hugged Mujika tightly: "I hope not... I already called the police and told them the place where the lab is... But there was no one anymore... But they are searching... I hope they'll find them..."

"I have never seen a connection as strong as the two of you! Don't think I doubt your love but... Maybe it has really something to do with your blood... Since she is pregnant it got even stronger...! This makes just sense if the baby also needs to be close to you... Just like Mujika... I mean it was just an idea but... Maybe it's true...", Charlotte said a little shy.

"Did Elle tell you that...", he asked slowly.

"She told me that the doctors were especially testing your blood... So I think there must be something special about your blood since they didn't want me and Ralph to come to the lab but Mujika...", she murmured.

"Maybe they just thought that it was easier to get Mujika since she was missing me so much...", he muttered.

"We were missing you too... Especially Ralph... You are his best friend...!"

"Yeah... sorry..."

"But I know what you mean... Back to Elle... Since she found out that Ralph was in love with her a few years ago she is calling him very often..."

"What!?", he looked confused. "Why?? He is together with you!"

"Elle was asking him about you. She wanted Ralph to convince you to forget Mujika... She was bothering him for over an hour on the call..."

"Why didn't he hang up?", he shook his head.

"I asked the same. He just told me he was trying to solve it... I don't like Elle, she

keeps talking weird to Ralph...", she crossed her arms.

"She was different in the past... It was not easy for her either in the laboratory", he sighed.

"Yeah... I just don't trust her anymore..."

"Me neither... I wish we would just get back to normal friends... But you do trust Ralph, don't you?", he looked at her.

"I do! It's not like I think he's cheating on me, I just... ah nothing! It's bullshit!", she waved her hands in front of her face smiling.

"I am sure it will pass... I think you should tell Ralph your true opinion!", he smiled. "Right... I'm going now... Take good care of Mujika! I'm going with her there tomorrow!"

"Be careful on the way back!", he answered.

"I will! Bye!", she waved and left the room. Eliot laid down covering Mujika and himself with a blanket and fell asleep hugging her, just hoping what Charlotte said was not true. 

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