Chapter 22

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Already three weeks had passed when Mujika was sitting next to Mikaela watching another Horror movie while eating popcorn. After a while Mujika felt some nausea and laid the popcorn on the table and kept watching the movie without eating but the nausea got worse so fast that she had to get up and run to the restroom to vomit.

Mikaela got up worriedly: "Are you okay...? What happened? Was the popcorn bad...?"

"I don't know... I must have eaten something bad...", she murmured weakly while Mikaela quickly put his own popcorn away too.

"Do you... need something...?", he asked, grimacing when he heard her vomiting again.

"I don't know... I'm feeling strange...", she said when she calmed down again and came back after brushing her teeth.

"Maybe we should ask a doctor...", Mikaela murmured and Mujika agreed slowly.

Mikaela decided to take her to the doctor so he could do a check-up.

After the check-up they waited for a while until the doctor called them again to discuss the results.

"What does she have?", Mikaela asked worriedly, but the doctor just smiled: "Nothing to worry about! These are normal symptoms! The baby is also apparently fine!"

"B-baby!? What Baby???", Mikaela looked shocked.

"The baby... she is pregnant... didn't you know?", the face of the doctor became a little more serious. "How old is she...?", he asked already searching in his documents.

But Mujika was just paralyzed staring at the doctor in disbelief.

"P-pregnant!!? Are you kidding me!? She can't be... Eliot!?", Mikaela looked at his sister and his eyes were firing. He looked like he already had decided to kill Eliot.

"Doctor... there must be a mistake, we...", Mujika tried to talk slowly but the doctor interrupted her.

"Sorry, there is no mistake, you are pregnant. Since over two weeks".

Mujika couldn't look at her brother as she still couldn't realize what the doctor just had said.

"He is so dead... I swear...", Mikaela murmured angry.

"Calm down Mika...", she didn't even know what to say, nor was she calm herself.

"CALM DOWN!?", he suddenly went quiet again lowering his head as he noticed that he had gone too far. "S-sorry... I just think... if he would find out... he would maybe

... run away again... His life just started again... Don't understand me wrong but I don't think that he wants to get father already..."

"I want to go home...", Mujika murmured getting up and leaving the room.

The two returned in silence, as soon as they got home it didn't change either. She went into the room without saying a word.

Mikaela sat on the couch holding his head. Not even ten minutes passed when Mujika's door opened again, and she went over to him again with her face all swollen and her eyes red from crying: "D-do y-you...r-re-really think... h-he is going to leave me?"

"M-muji...", Mikaela hugged her tightly. "Probably not... he seems to really love you... And if... then he was never the right one, okay?"

She hugged him tighter crying softly: "I didn't think this would happen so easily!"

"I-it's okay... but didn't he want to come over today... It's already late... I think he'll arrive soon...", Mikaela said looking at her worriedly. Mujika's eyes widened, and she hugged him even tighter. Half an hour passed until the intercom rang and Mikaela got up slowly. Mujika quickly hugged a pillow looking like a frightened child.

Mikaela went to open the door where Eliot greeted him smiling: "Hey! How..."

Eliot looked a little confused. First, he couldn't see Mujika who normally greeted him first and second the mood around Mikaela seemed pretty tense. "D-did something happen...?", Eliot asked confused when he felt a punch in his face coming from Mikaela.

"Idiot!! It's all your fault!!", Mikaela screamed angry, and Eliot took a few steps back worriedly.

"W-what happened!? Is Mujika okay??"

Mikaela spoke silently: "Inside..."

"Can I... enter...", he asked a little more on the defensive, hoping to get no

other punch.


Eliot went inside the living room fast and found Mujika sitting on the couch, still hugging her pillow.

"Hey... w-what's wrong...?", he asked worriedly and caressed her hair slowly.

She just remained silent and didn't look up either.

"Did I... do something wrong?", he asked scared.

"Yes, you did...", Mikaela was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"It's not just his fault...", she answered quietly.

"What's going on!? What did I do?", he looked even more nervous.

She kept silent and her brother was already getting impatient: "She's pregnant, asshole! You deserve that I kill you now!"

Eliot looked like he wouldn't quiet understand. He kept staring at Mikaela for a while and then looked shocked at Mujika: "W-what...!? Pregnant!?"

"Yeah", Mikaela answered still angry.

"I-it's my fault! S-sorry! I should have thought more about it!", she cried looking at him begging not to leave her. Eliot still wasn't sure if he wasn't just in the wrong movie but slowly laid his arms around her caressing her head: "It's going to be alright...! I am here with you...!"

"Will you accept the baby...", Mikaela asked cold.

"Of course, I will!", he hugged her tighter. She snuggled into his arms crying softly. She hugged him back still crying*

"How are you going to tell our parents? I don't think dad will like the idea... in fact Muji is only 16 years old!", Mikaela mentioned. Mujika shrank in Eliot's arms: "Do we really need to tell them...?"

"After some time, they'll find out anyways...", Mikaela insisted.

"We can do it... I know this situation is complicated now but... We will find a way..."

"Is it... bad of me to feel a little happy to be pregnant...?", she said after a while. Mikaela looked at her shaking his head and reached a glass of water to her. "You make me go crazy! Bot of you!"

Eliot smiled lightly caressing her hair: "It will be alright!"

She smiled snuggling into his arms and closed her eyes exhausted.

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