Chapter 1

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Three years later

Mujika was laying on her bed thinking about nothing. Suddenly her cell phone rang. "Hello?", she answered. "Hey! It's Charlotte! Do you want to come over to my house? Ralph is there too!", the voice on her phone replied. It was one of the attempts to get Mujika out of the house to do something and help her to forget what happened. "Oh... hey Charlotte... I don't think today is a good time, I'm not in the mood, what's about next week maybe...?", Mujika murmured not interested.

"Hey... come on... you can't stay in your house forever! Please... it's better for you to do something different again!", Charlotte tried to cheer her up. "Maybe... but not today... please...", Mujika stood by her opinion. "Hmm... okay... well... see you soon...", Charlotte sounded frustrated and ended the call.
"So... Does she come?", Ralph asked while lying on Charlotte's bed. She was lying next to him and shook her head: "No... she's not... like always...", she looked sad. "She can't go on like this forever, Mujika needs to get over Eliot, it's sad ... but it's the reality!", Ralph said convinced. Almost every day was like that and nothing seemed to change.

"You are right... maybe we should look for a boy who will help her to become happy again... So she could slowly forget Eliot."
"Do you think she'll accept it?"
"She has to! It happened three years ago! Three years!"
"I know! But... it didn't work until today ... I already introduced several friends of mine to her she didn't like any of them", Ralph noted disappointed.
"Slowly it really annoys me! We should go to her in less than an hour and talk with her seriously!", Charlotte decided. "As you wish, princess!", the boy sat on the bed and stared at her. She smiled at him: "You are cute..."
He was very surprised and looked away: "Me? That's not true" Charlotte's face went red as if she had noticed just now that she had said it out loud. "Yes you are... look at all the girls who are in love with you... not that it would bother me or something like that..."
He began to smile provocatively at her: "Are you sure it doesn't bother you...?" Charlotte started to blush a little bit more. "Of course not! Why should it bother me...?", she laughed nervously. Ralph was still staring at her, that situation was fun for him.
"I don't know... so is it okay if I tell you I'm dating?", he was really interested to see her reaction of this sentence. She looked disappointed. "Oh really...?", she looked away. "That doesn't interest me!"
This time the boy looked a little more serious, but continued to stare at Charlotte, waiting to catch any sign. "Too bad it's a lie, but you don't really care, so whatever..."
"Yeah... whatever...", she just answered typing on her cell phone like she wouldn't care. "Wait... so you're not dating...?", she suddenly asked. "No... I don't like girls", he said still looking at her. He loved to tease her. Her reactions were the best. But he didn't understand why she was that serious today.

She looked at him with widened eyes. "You don't... okay... I... think I have... to do something now... yeah... uhm... my mother wrote me... I... will just go... see ya...", she quickly ran out of the room. Ralph looked irritated: "Wait! Charlotte!! Wait". He quickly got up from the bed and ran after her screaming: "I'm just kidding!! It's just a joke! Don't take it seriously!!" Suddenly Ralph became nervous.
"S-stop joking with me! I don't care! I... should go now...", she put her shoes on. "Wait Cha! We're at your house... did you forgot it? Where are you going?", he held her arm tightly. "Come... let's keep talking, I'll stop joking...", Ralph begged her.

Charlotte looked away. "I'm sorry... I'm just in a bad mood... that's all", she muttered. Ralph slowly released her arm. "Do you want... me to leave?", he suddenly asked. For a few seconds she said no word, then she shook her head slowly.
"No... that would be mean...", she murmured. "So... can I stay a little longer?" he smiled slightly as he said that.
"Yeah... sure...!", she took off her shoes again. He smiled and suddenly lifted her on his back, then ran back to the room while laughing and swaying. "Come on, smile a bit for me. We can think about our problems tomorrow!!", he tried to make her laugh.
"Ralph!? What in the world are you doing!?", she started laughing and clung to him. He started jumping from side to side. It was obvious how happy he was that she was laughing. "Ralph be careful! I will fall to the floor!" she clung more tightly to him while still laughing.
"Relax! I would never let you fall!!", the boy said without thinking. For a moment she let herself be distracted by his words. She wasn't paying attention and suddenly tipped back.
By sheer reflex, he grabbed her and spun, causing them both to fall, him from below with his back on the floor and Charlotte on top of him. "That was almost ... Are you okay?", he asked her.

Her whole face turned red, and she wasn't able to move. She just could stare at him. "I-I'm sorry... I-I...", she couldn't even speak normal. He was holding her by the waist. when he saw the girl's face, he quickly took his hands away and put it behind his head. "Are you hurt? I think it took me a long time to react...", he tried to act normal. Her heart was beating really fast, and she tried to get up again: "N-no I'm fine... sorry it was my fault... I wasn't careful enough... A-are you okay...?"
"I'm fine, don't worry!", he answered.
He got up and helped her up too.
Suddenly Charlotte was really quiet and stared down at the floor. "Can I... ask you something...?"

"So... If I... would be in love with you... what would you do...?", she stuttered quietly. He looked surprised about her and didn't take long to answer. "It's obvious! I would say that I feel the same!", he said sure about his words. "Really...??", she looked at him and her cheeks turned red again.
"Yeah... really."
For the first time he felt his face blush, he looked away because of that new situation.
"So... I'm in love with you...", she smiled sheepishly.
"M-me too...!", Ralph answered wondering about his stutter.
Charlotte grinned at him: "You don't have to become shy. I'm still Charlotte you know?"
"But there is a difference..."
His face went red as he thought about what he was going to say.
"Yeah... but...", Charlotte was looking in his eyes.
"Because now you are my girlfriend!", he suddenly gave her a quick kiss and went back to the place he was before, still looking away and feeling his face burn.
She looked a little embarrassed at him and could feel her own face blushing too. "And you are still an idiot!" she grinned and sat next to him, then added: "And my boyfriend!"
He took her hand and squeezed it a little
"So... I am your idiot?"
She came a little bit closer and snuggled at Ralphs shoulder.
"I'm so glad, you're here with me...!", she murmured.
Ralph hugged the girl from behind.
"I don't know what I would do, if you were gone that day too...",
"Hey... I'm here! I won't leave... But we have to help Mujika...", Charlotte said convinced.
"She'll be fine! We are her friends! We will find a way!"

Charlotte looked at the boy: "Maybe you're right..."

Hey guys!! Thank you for reading our book!! I wrote a song with a few drawings from my friend and a few other people that we thought would fit! I know it's not perfect but I hope you like it!! I tried my best!

Hidden laboratory. (completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin