Death Will Do It

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I will say it's been a bit weird recently. Since the last time we saw my dad, we haven't had any contact. That all changed when I got a call 3 days ago. It wasn't the call I had expected but essentially Lane was running at night and he got hit by car. That takes us to now, Amelia telling us that despite everything they can do, he is brain dead. It's a funny thing that news does to you. You see for a normal person it would be the worst thing ever, and it is but it isn't. He's my dad, but he's not family. I don't know what I'm feeling.

I've been by his bed for the last three days and it's been quite therapeutic, get ready for me to sound weird. But it's been really nice knowing that I am the stronger one now. Carina has been looking after Evie and Alex, since I feel so glued to be here. He's still entitled to my time although he's done everything to take away that right. Carina left about an hour ago, I'm alone with my dad and I feel so lost.


"Bambina, what's wrong?" I say as I answered my phone

"Uh-I-I just got told that Lane is brain dead. But I'm sad and I'm mad. Why am I sad? I shouldn't be sad; I mean look at what he put me through. I don't know what to do with myself. He just looks so comfortable and safe, I hate it. He shouldn't feel this way after he made me chase that feeling for years because of him. He broke me, and now for some reason I feel like I should be here. I'm a fucking idiot..." Maya's shouts turn into whimpers and slowly into sobs as she works herself up.

"Oh Bella, I'm on my way to you. I don't know what to say. Is there anything I can do?" I ask her, only getting heavy breathing.

"Oh, fuck this shit, he doesn't get to make me feel this way" I hear before the call disconnects.


"Calm down Maya, calm down" someone chants in my ear as I'm restrained, sitting on the floor. I don't know what's happened but looking around Lane's hospital room, it looks like the Hulk has attacked it.

"Maya, just breathe and calm down" The voice says again. I can't calm down, just looking at Lane still peaceful in that bed, it makes no sense. He doesn't deserve peace. With that thought, I try to push my way out of the arms restraining me. "Fuck off" is all I say as I almost get to my feet. "No Maya, calm down" the voice says once again.

I give up when my favourite pair of brown eyes sits down opposite me. "Maya can you calm down for me? Breathe with me, Bella." She says in her usual calming voice. She moves her hand to stroke my thigh in a comforting way and I can instantly feel my body start to relax.

"Thank you Andrea" Carina says as the arms are loosened around me. I instantly fall into Carina's arms, quicker than she could accommodate for. "Oh, Bella. You're okay" Carina whispers as she strokes my hair.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Maya we need to talk about what's happening next. I know this is a hard conversation, and I'm sure it's even harder for you. Is it okay if we go to my office?" Amelia cautiously asks.


"Shall we get straight into it?" Amelia asks as I sit next to Carina.

"So, we have put your father Lane onto a ventilator, which means that the machine is currently breathing for him. We have done a few tests to check his brain activity and nothing has changed over the last 8 hours. From this point on we should start thinking about turning the ventilator off" Amelia states in her doctor voice. I've never heard it before, it's really weird.

"So, what, I just say switch it off and he's gone?" I question very matter-of-factly.

"I guess you could put it that way. We will switch off the machines, and he will be officially declared dead" Amelia answers back. I feel Carina grab my hand and squeeze it.

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