Hi Little Brother

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Me and Maya have now been dating for 8 months and we've had our up and downs but more ups than downs which is something! For a first relationship, this sure is going well. Tonight, I'm meeting Maya's little brother, I haven't heard a lot about him except that he loves art and that they used to be super close before she started running. We're having dinner tonight since we're going to miss the opening and apparently there's been some complications at the gallery, so we won't be able to see it before it officially opens.

Of course, I'm cooking since Maya's version of a good meal is a pile of random greens put through a blender. I decided to cook my lasagne since it only takes around an hour to prepare and cook, leaving enough time to change or get things ready if needed. I've made this meal so many times since it's Maya's comfort food so this has almost become routine, I can do it subconsciously at this point. Since I was doing the prep mindlessly, I realised how stressed Maya was about tonight. She was running around tidying what had already been tidied. The stack of books on the coffee table had been alphabetically sorted, 5 minutes later colour coded and another 5 minutes later ordered into some sort of maths sequence.. god knows. I left her to do this in hopes she'd get bored of ordering things or might finally get round to sorting out her closet even though no one would check there.

We planned for them to arrive around 8pm, the lasagne was luckily ready 15 minutes beforehand so I had enough time to change into something dressy but comfortable. I guess she didn't sort her closet, well her side. I've taken it over but come on, her place is closer to the hospital, and she has the better bed!

With the knock of the door and some very deep breathes by Maya, we opened the door to find Mason and his girlfriend. We did our short introductions before they entered the apartment. Oh, and Ava was the name of his girlfriend. I told the group I was going back to check on the food, leaving Maya to entertain, I now know that probably wasn't the best idea. I mean, she didn't do anything wrong... or let's just say she didn't do anything. I returned with the glass dish to find the three of them in the exact same place I had left them, Maya hadn't even asked for their coats! With my direction, the coats were hung up and we were seated. We opened the bottles of wine that Mason had brought and surprisingly they were quite good.

"God this is weird; I feel like we haven't eaten dinner together since I was like 10 and you were 8! Do you remember that was when mom went through a phase of cooking British food because she was obsessed? I think she tried to make a pie, but it ended up with peas and burnt potato in a weird sauce? "Maya blurted out obviously trying to start a conversation.

"Why did you have to bring that up? I still want to know what that was meant to be. That was when we looked after a stray dog, what was his name? I wonder what happened to him! I didn't mind that thing that she cooked; it did remind me of dog food though. Maybe that's why she cooked it so that the dog didn't have to feel left out " he replied with a laugh. Thank God they're talking.

"Wasn't his name something like button or something. He was a weird dog; didn't he have like 3 legs! We're gonna have to ask mom what she was trying to cook, maybe Carina could try and cook it and we could actually enjoy it!" Maya said while turning to face me.

"Hey, just because I'm good at cooking some food doesn't mean I can master anything and everything!" I said while joining in on the conversation.

"Come on, you can cook literally anything! It beats my blender meals, although I think they're top class! There's nothing you can do Dr Org.. oh, shit wait-" Maya quickly stopped herself and a deep red blush started to appear.

"What was that sis? Doctor what? This lasagne is great, definitely beats Ava's cooking! I mean babe it's great but come on, I could die happily after eating this! " Mason stated while looking apologetically at his girlfriend.

"This is to die for but Mason remembers I'm the one with the car keys and the house keys! You can't even cook toast without burning it!" after Ava's comment the conversation started to flow very easily. The hours went by and suddenly it was nearing 1am. I'd say this was a successful night, after a while I moved to the sofa with Ava to get to know her and give the siblings some space. I learnt that Ava was training to be a schoolteacher and had started working at a high school very close to us. She also apparently knows how to snow board... isn't that just surfing on the ground?

With a kiss on the cheek from behind me and the intoxicating smell of Maya's shampoo I was whipped out of the conversation, looking up to see Maya taking Mason's empty bottle to the kitchen while Mason started to put on his coat. I guess it's time for them to go. After another 5 minutes of them getting ready to leave, they had gone!

"How was that bambina? I think that went quite well!" I asked Maya simply getting a soft smile and a hand leading me to the bedroom.

"So, I talked to Mason about us, you know normal relationship stuff and I realised that for a while I wanted to ask you a question, but I've just been stressing about how to ask, and you know me, my brain just goes a thousand miles per hour. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you'd like to officially move in with me? Well, we can move here but I was thinking maybe we could look for a house or something. You know so we could have a house for our future and new beginnings and shit.. wait no I shouldn't swear in this speech, oh shit no fuck ahhh" She could really talk for America, not with things of actual use but at least she's adorable.

"Yes Bella, come on, shall I get my laptop so we can start looking at houses? Oh, can I do the interior design? No offense bambina but this apartment is slightly boring. Ooh we could have a window nook that I could read my cases in, or a kitchen built the Italian way! Ooh we have so much to plan!" I started to get so excited!

"My apartment is not boring! Come on, the house hunting can wait I have already planned the rest of the night" she states while pulling at my sweater signalling at me to take it off, quickly followed by the rest of my clothes until I was completely naked. She followed in suit, leaving both of us naked. She carried me to the side of the bed kissing down my body, making her way to the place I needed her the most. As she got closer, she started to take a lot longer making her way to where I need her desperately, leading me to groan in frustration.

"Patience baby" she whispered before going back to teasing me. After what felt like an hour which could have been minutes, she was about to reach where I needed her but instead, she worked her way back up to my lips giving me a long but loving kiss. As much as I love a loving kiss, I'm wet and she needs to do something about that, seemingly losing my words I groaned yet again.

"What did I say about patience? Am I going to have to tie you to the headboard? Do you want to be punished? I have a lot of energy and I think it needs to come out on you" Maya whispered seductively causing me to nod my head quickly and moan slightly. Within seconds, I was tied to the headboard tightly but comfortably.

Finally, her tongue reached where I wanted causing my eyes to roll back and my back slightly arched. Flicking her tongue on my clit, she was causing infinite almost silent moans leaving my mouth. "Baby stop holding it in, if you keep stopping yourself, I will stop too" Maya warned, well shit!

With this warning I felt two fingers enter me, leading me to release a loud moan in the shape of her name. "Is this what you wanted baby? " I couldn't answer her, I couldn't regulate my breath let alone trying to talk.

"Baby, I'm going to count down from 3. You don't answer in that time, I guess you will be going to sleep very frustrated" Maya says with a sadistic grin. With that warning it took all of me to answer her "Ye-yes yes right there. Yes tha-that's what I want... ke-ke-keep going" I moaned in hopes that I'd given her the right answer.

"See beautiful, was it really that hard?" she asked rhetorically before curling her fingers and giving the right pressure to my clit causing me to have an overwhelming orgasm. She helped me ride it out, giving me a break and leaving to get some water. She started to kiss down my neck again when I stopped her.

"I'm so sensitive, I can't take another one" I say, probably sounding like a wimp but come on you don't know how good she is.

"Do you want a bath? Is there anything I can do? "She asks, aftercare is a super important thing in our relationship. A bath normally works but honestly, I just want to sleep in the arms of my woman, which is what we did. As soon as she got into position, and I pretty much settled on top of her I was out like a light. 

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