Home Comes Home

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The flight to Italy was quite long but uneventful... well, my dream of joining the mile high club was immediately turned down by Carina. Can't say I wasn't disappointed; I mean it's a long flight! Anyway, once we landed I could see a look on Carina's face I've never seen before. She was home. I mean, God when she spoke to the taxi man in Italian it looked like she was gonna start crying.

So, after a long conversation shared between Carina and the taxi man, we pulled up next to quite a big cottage just outside of a town. Turns out both Carina and Andrea own this house so that they can come back home without being surrounded by family. The cottage looked beautiful, and I wasn't disappointed by inside. It was quite modern but in a tasteful way. There were sliding doors in the back which lead to quite a big garden overlooking the ocean. I didn't really get a tour; we just went straight to sleep.

The next day, we decided to visit the town where Carina grew up. Although I bought the tickets, I gave Carina full reign on what she wanted to do and see. This holiday wasn't really for me but her to be home. She hasn't been back to Italy for about 7 years now

The town had cobblestone roads, just like the street I showed her on our first date. It wasn't the hottest day so I was quite confused to why Carina demanded we go to get ice cream. Reaching the shop, she was instantly engulfed by a tall man who was probably our age. After Carina explained what she was doing back and who I was, I also was hugged. Since she spoke in Italian, I was simply standing next to her with my hand on her lower back. Carina looked towards me and evidently saw me confused; the conversation quickly switched to English. I didn't realise straight away and thought I'd suddenly developed a power where I could just understand the language... I was wrong. He's called Leo and went to school with Carina. Apparently they used to date and broke up in quite an amicable way. I can't say I wasn't suddenly quite possessive, instantly standing behind her and pulling her towards her so I could wrap my arms around her front. I think she noticed since she laughed slightly and asked if I was okay. Leo didn't seem phased but rather started asking me questions about my career and general stuff. We surprisingly had so much in common, the conversation ended with him saying that he's happy for Carina that she has me.

"You were jealous, weren't you bambina? I mean it was quite hot, but did you really need to hold me the whole time?" Carina questioned once we left. "I don't know what you mean." I jokingly said back with a smile causing her to mirror my facial expression. With a peck, we carried on down the street. There wasn't a lot in this town, but we walked down all the different streets that held some sorta resemblance to Carina's upbringing. God, I love this town already. We're only here for 4 days so we're making the most of it. Saying that, we're going out to dinner with her parents tonight and I can't help but worry.


Getting ready for dinner was hard. Watching Carina leave the bathroom in a towel to instantly drop it in front of me. I don't think she thought anything of it since she started looking through her clothes and finding what she wanted to wear tonight. I couldn't help but move across the room and grab her. Holding her, lead me to push her against the wall and trial kisses down her neck, who cares if we're late to dinner... not me. "Not now Bambina. If you behave tonight, I might surprise you later... I have been shopping" Carina says and winks at me causing me to instantly groan and walk out of the room to get away from the tease in front of my eyes.

Entering the restaurant, we walked to a booth where her parents were already sitting. Carina introduced me while I hugged her mom and shook her dad's hand. Her dad looked at me sternly, causing me to grip Carina's thigh. She instantly puts her hand on top of mine and slowly rubs a circles which instantly calms me down. We're given menus and Carina helps me translate the different options. I see her dad looking at me as if he's disappointed, I can't help but think I've already failed at making a good impression. Her mom on the flipside was smiling at me, I can see where Carina gets her beautiful smile from. After food was ordered, we were asked about drinks. I didn't want to drink a lot, but a scotch wouldn't hurt would it? So, I ordered a scotch, and to my surprise her dad copied me. "Carina, at least this one can drink like a man. It's better than that Leo who could hardly drink Aperol without gagging" He says with a smile. Maybe scotch will help me get him on my side.

"So Maya, what do you do in Seattle? How is your family?" Her dad asks... the interrogation begins.

"I'm the chief of fire in Seattle. I worked my way up from being a firefighter, captain and now a chief. It's a good job, good pay and now I have more time to be present with Carina and our future family. It's also much safer. As for my family, my parents are separated and I have a brother. There's not a lot to my family. I won a gold medal in the 2012 Olympics thanks to my dad. It took quite a few years for me to realise that my relationship with my dad was unhealthy and toxic, and since then I haven't really had contact. My brother is an artist and seems to be making his way in the world. Can I ask what you do?" I answer as he nods along.

"I'm sorry to hear that you dad wasn't a good man. That must be hard, especially if you worshipped him. How did if feel winning that medal? As for me, I am also a doctor just like my children" He replies quite shortly.

The food arrives and I don't think I've ever tasted something so good. Carina and her mom talk about cooking and how her mom has a recipe book that Carina can take back. I see a lot of similarities between mother and daughter. After the dinner finishes, we all leave the restaurant. "Maya come with me. I want to talk to you. Is that okay?" Her dad says to which I agree straight away.

We walk about 10 metres away from Carina and her mom. "I have to commend you for paying for my little girl to come home. I wanted to ask what your intentions are. I saw the ring on her finger. She looks happy."

"I want to make your daughter happy. She's helped me become happy, she helped me in a time where I was quite lost. You see, I had a traumatic injury causing me to be in a wheelchair for quite a long time. I plan on marrying your daughter and having a family with her. I don't know if she wants you to know yet, but we are currently researching ways for her to have our children. After a long day, I can't wait to come home to see her. And her cooking is just perfect. Oh, and her ring, I'll let you in on a secret. Your daughter had pictures of her engagement ring on her phone, it was a very easy find" I reply hoping that my answer is what he's looking for.

"thank you Maya, I hope you keep your promise to make her happy. You can call me Vince" he says. I answered just right.


I really hope that Maya survives this talk with my dad. A few of my past partners have received the talk and always looked terrified, and the relationships always ended shortly after. You can understand my fear that my dad will say something out of line and that'll be the end of it all. My mama and I don't talk, we just analyse the situation from afar in hopes there's some positive facial expressions.

We see Maya and my dad shake hands and smile to each other. They quickly walk over to us and Maya smiles to me. We soon said goodbye before walking to our cars and driving home. Maya couldn't stop smiling in my direction.

"Okay Bambina, you need to tell me what happened with my dad" I say as we enter the cottage. Maya pulls me onto the sofa so I land on top of her. She kisses me passionately before breaking it and saying "I told you I'm quite the charmer. Your dad likes me" she kisses me again passionately. "You said if I behaved, I'd get a surprise" She whispers before gripping my ass and pulling me closer. Oh, tonight she is getting rewarded!


It's our final day in Italy, yesterday was simply just us going to the beach and running into a few people I had personally completely forgotten about. So today, we decided we'd stay in bed... this probably wasn't the best idea. Our calm day turned into a sex-athon; we both have a lot of stamina. That's not the issue, We've now had about 10 rounds and we have to leave for the airport in ten minutes. We haven't packed a thing.

Surprisingly we made it just in time for our flight! As soon as the plane took off, both of us fell heavily asleep until I got woken up by Maya kissing my neck and moving her hand closer and closer to my centre. "Please can be go to the bathroom together.. please" Maya whines to me after I open my eyes. "Bambina, we literally just completed a sex marathon a few hours ago, how can you seriously want more?" I question with quite a stern voice. "But babe, it's not my fault you're hot. Please can we?" Maya askes again in a whine. I shake my head no and lean on her shoulder, I hear her sigh and mumble "I just wanted sex but no... I can't ever everything I want" Which causes me to slightly giggle. 

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