You Are But You're Not

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I've noticed that for a while, Alex has started to drift away from Maya and me. I know the catalyst is the whole parent comment I made when we were at the zoo. It's been two weeks since I made that comment and it's gotten to the point where there is no communication between us unless it's needed. I've really fucked this up. I've been at work all day and I won't be getting back until late but Alex has soccer training and I know Maya will try and talk to her then. I just hope it all goes well. And I will just have to wait for a call from Maya to know how it turned out.


I've just arrived at Alex' soccer training. I can see how much she loves it, I used to see running the same way. Alex and I have had long chats about how she wouldn't want to take soccer to the next level and make her life only revolve around it and that makes sense. I'll support her in whatever way. I always come to her soccer matches so I can see what the coach is focusing on. We tend to have an afternoon where we play soccer together on the weekend and copy the routines that Miss Price does at the practice. I place myself so I am pretty close to all the action, I have my notebook on hand so I can write down the exercises as they happen. It's a relaxing thing for me.


After practice, I walk onto the field to meet Alex and Miss Price makes a beeline towards me. "Hi Maya, it's nice to see you like always. Remember, if that woman doesn't pleasure you right. I will be here" she says which causes me to roll my eyes. "I think this is very inappropriate. Do I need to remind you that as the Fire chief I have close connections to this district and the educational board, I would really hate making a complaint against you for your behaviour" I say in a stern voice. "Oh, I know you are a fire chief, it's the only way to explain those muscles you have" She says as she goes to squeeze my bicep. "Miss, please step away. She has a wife and this is so inappropriate. Just go away" Alex cuts in as I push Miss Price away. Miss Price doesn't say anything but turns around and heads back towards the school.

"I'm sorry about her. I'm sick of her trying something with you" Alex says to me as we walk back towards the car. Once we're in the car, Alex puts on the music, just like Carina did years ago.


"Where are we going? I thought we were going home" Alex asks, making me smile at her thinking that our house is her home.

"I think we need to talk but first I want to take you somewhere" I say, she quietens down at the thought of talking.


We arrive at my old track, the last time I was here was with Carina. We get out of the car and I direct her to the track, the lights come on as we enter the middle of the field. "Look I wanted to talk to you about what Carina said a few weeks ago. I think it's caused you to spiral and push us away slightly." I say in a calm manner. I don't want Alex to be uncomfortable but I need to get this out of the way.

"Ye-yeah it was a lot to me. I don't know how I see you and Carina. I've never had a parent to compare you to so it's hard for me to see you as a role that I've never had. I care a lot about you guys but it really messed with me. I understand why it was brought up, but it was just like a wall hitting me" She says quietly and uncomfortably.

"Alex, that all makes sense. We're not trying to force you to think of us as anything. We just want to provide a safe, loving environment. It's only up to you what you see us as, if you see us as two dancing crabs... we'll have to accept it" I say, hoping she can see the joke in it.

"I definitely don't see you as dancing crabs. It's just weird figuring out how I see you. I think I've been pushing myself away because it's a protective thing, like when you run. I'm just a bit lost when it comes to you and Carina." She says. "Okay I completely get that. Now come on, it's been a while since we've sat and talked. How's things been with Ryan and Jess?" I ask.

"Oh, Ryan and I are officially girlfriend and boyfriend. He waits for me after classes and walks me to the ones we don't share. He's really great. Jess is also great; she's just been accepted to her top three Colleges which also happen to be the top-rated ones in this country. I was going to ask if this Saturday I could maybe go on a date with Ryan?" She explains. I'm happy she's happy.

"Let me talk to Carina about the date thing. You haven't seen the wrath of her Italian attitude and I don't think anyone wants to see that again. Thank you for talking to me. Now, shall we go and pick Eve up from the hospital and see Carina?" I say as we walk back to the car.


We get to the hospital and pick up Eve. From there we walk straight to Carina's office. The light is on so we walk in. "Bella, what are you doing here?" She says as she walks towards us. "Hi Carina, sorry I haven't really been speaking. I just am struggling with the definition of parent and the fact I've never had anyone fill that role before. Sorry" Alex rattles out before hugging Carina. Thank God the air is cleared. "Mama!" Eve shouts as she jumps up at Carina. "Look Mama, I drew this today. It's a dog. Can we get a dog?" She shouts. Carina, Alex, and I all share a look knowing there's no way in hell that we're going to look at getting a dog right now. "Wow look at that! That's such a cute dog" Carina says, luckily that's enough for Eve as she runs and jumps on the sofa in Carina's office.

"Hi baby, I missed you so I thought I'd come and see you. I wish they weren't here; I want to do things that can't happen in front of them" I say in a low seductive voice as I pull Carina by the waist closer to me. "Oh, really bella, like what?" Carina says matching my tone before we meet each other's lips in a passionate kiss. "I get off in an hour, so you can wait here or you can go home and have the kids in bed... maybe you can tie me up and punish me?" Carina says seductively, fuck this is getting hot quickly. "Right, kids up and at them. We need to get home and to bed now" I shout as I push them out the door. "When you get home, I want you on the bed on your hands and knees so that you can be punished for being a bad girl, understood?" I say before kissing her neck. "Ye-yes I do, I do" Carina stutters in a voice only we can hear. "Good girl. I'll see you in an hour". 

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