Balance and Conversations

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Today is Evie's first ever playdate and it's really weird to think that she's old enough to experience this.. I still remember her being a tiny human in my hands, completely co-dependent. We're on our way to go to Blake's house for the afternoon. It's been months since I first met David, I'm excited to introduce Carina to them.

"Mommy, are we nearly there yet?" Evie asked from behind me.

"Not yet baby, are you excited?" I say while checking the mirrors, my hand finding Carina's thigh as I start to trace patterns there; soothing both of us.

"Why isn't Aly here? I miss her" Evie replies, ignoring my question.

"Bambina, do you remember Aly wanted to hang out with her friend Jess today? She's staying home for a bit while we have fun with Blake and his family" Carina explains as Evie sighs loudly, I think she's starting to show an Italian attitude.


"Hi Maya and Evie, do you want to come in?" David says after opening the front door.

"Go on Evie" I say, encouraging a suddenly nervous Evie.

"Hi, I'm Carina, Maya's wife" Carina says as we enter the house. This house is very different from ours, it's ultra-modern with almost all white furniture. It all looks a bit clinical; I hope Evie doesn't spill anything today.

"Hi Carina, it's nice to meet you. Oh Evie, Blake is outside if you want to go through that door. He's got something he wants to show you" David exclaims, Evie turns to us to get permission to run off.

"Evie be safe for us okay? Have fun baby" I say as she starts to run towards the back door.

"Do you want a drink or anything?" David asks us as Brian walks into the kitchen.


"Blakey, hug!" I shout as I find Blake on the grass. This garden is massive!

"Evie!" Blake shouts as we run towards each other.

"Look Evie, my daddy bought me this bike! Do you want to try?" Blake says excitedly

"Yes! Can I have a go!" I shout back. This is so exciting. I've never been on one of these. Mommy uses one of these but it never moves.

"Evie, you can wear my helmet. Let me help you" Blake says as he puts the tight helmet onto my head. As soon as the clip is fastened under my chin, I get onto the bike. I've never done this before and suddenly I am terrified.

"Blakey, what if I fall?" I whimper. I want to try but I don't want to fail and hurt myself.


Brian and I moved to sit outside so we could keep an eye on Evie and Blake. Maya and David were right behind us. Wow, these people have a nice house.

"It looks like Blake wants Evie to try and ride his bike" Brian points out as we sit at a table.

"She's never been on a bike before, I hope she's not too scared" I hear Maya say from behind me.

Before long we see Evie carefully take her feet off of the floor and put them on the peddles. Since both Blake and Evie are so small, they have extra wheels to make sure they can balance. With one push of her right leg, she starts to move forward. She looks so confident. With another push, she starts to speed up and she continues. She even starts to turn and Blake cheers her on. Their friendship is so pure.

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