What An Evening

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Alex has really been getting used to us and have started to flourish around all of us. She struggled with being around Eve, I don't think she's ever been around young children but now they are inseparable. Today Alex has two friends coming over, she won't shut up about so it'll be nice to see her around them. Maya and I have also invited Amelia and Kai. Maya wanted to ask Kai something and well, Amelia and Kai are now a package. Amelia and I are going to look into their wedding planning since they haven't decided on a day.

Alex' friends arrived about an hour ago. Maya opened the door to both; I don't think that was a great idea. I joined her at the front door and noticed how she wasn't speaking but staring down, who we now know is Ryan. I politely grabbed Maya's waist and moved her out of the way before calling for Alex.

"Hey guys, come on I'll show you my room. Oh, that's Maya and Carina. Do you want anything to drink?" She points and introduces us before running upstairs but is immediately stopped by Maya. When asked about being thirsty, Ryan showed signalled at his backpack and winked at Alex. "Ryan give me your bag. I want to check something" Maya says in a passive-aggressive apparently polite manner. Ryan hesitates but hands it over. Maya quickly opens each pocket of the bag to find 3 bottles of soft drinks and some marshmallows. "Oh... here you are. Thank you Ryan" Maya says while pretty much shoving it into Ryan's arms. Alex gives a weird look before signally her friends to follow her.

As soon as we hear her bedroom door close, I stop Maya. "Bella what was that?" I ask. "I'm sorry babe, I just don't want Alex to get hurt. I didn't like the way Ryan winked at her, I don't want him to pressure her into drinking or something" She says while looking at the floor. "Bambina, you're not in trouble, just maybe chill out on the whole scaring Ryan plan, okay?" I ask her earning a nod as I pull her into a hug. "Mama look" We hear coming from the kitchen. Now when you have a toddler you left in the living room, in a play pen... and suddenly hear her voice in the kitchen, well you think you're fucked. Maya and I break apart and race to the kitchen to find Eve looking out into the garden at a big bird, thank god for that. We talk to her about the bird until she's bored, which doesn't last long. "Babe, I'm going to put her down and then I'll come keep you company. Do you know when Kai and Amelia are getting here?" Maya asks as she carries a drowsy Eve, who is resting her head on Maya's shoulder. "I don't know bambina, you know Amelia. She's always late and Kai is always early so I think it'll just be a thing of waiting at the door for signs of life."


Throughout the time I cooked for all of our friends and family, Maya kept me company. She connected her phone to the speaker so we could listen to our playlist together. We had lasagne, Maya and Alex are obsessed with it. As it was in the oven, Maya put our private dance song on, as she leads us into a slow dance in our kitchen. This dance consisted of us holding each other and swaying while being as close as possible. The only thing taking us out of our bubble was the doorbell, look at that they were early.

We call Alex' friends down while Maya gets Eve, it's her turn to sit and feed Eve proper food. Alex' friends all line up at the dining room door waiting for instructions. We tell them where to sit and sadly Ryan is placed next to Maya. Kai is sat opposite Maya with Alex next to them. And well we just fill in the rest of the table.

Dinner was quite easy except for Maya correcting everything that Ryan did, even on how to hold a fork. God knows, how she's going to behave when Eve grows up. We don't even know what Alex and Ryan are... well no, I do. I know they like each other and are trying to build a romantic relationship; I only know that because I overheard Alex and Ryan talking on the phone a week ago. I haven't told Maya, especially with her acting how she is. I don't want to wake up one day to see her running around trying to hunt down Ryan like her prey.

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