Singing, Drunk, And Needy

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One thing to know about the relationship between the doctors and fire fighters is that we see each other all the time, which means we become some sort of incestuous family. A bad shift and a lot of alcohol at Joe's bar is all that's needed for the firefighters and doctors to emerge and sleep with each other. Since Maya has been chief she's been trying to improve the relationships between the station and Grey Sloan in a healthier way... without everyone sleeping together. Tonight, is the first time she has planned something involving all of us. She hopes that by strengthening our personal relationships, it'll strengthen our communication at work. This idea takes us to a planned Karaoke night at Joe's. I know it's quite unexpecting, I was half expecting another camping trip to the middle of the woods, but alcohol and drunk singing was a perfect idea.

The doctors invited are mostly all heads of specialities or actual friends of the station. In other words, Andrea, Mer, Amelia, Bailey, Link, Kai, and I were all invited. But as friends of the station, Jo and Schmitt were also invited. I am actually really loving the idea of having the big group together since I love my colleagues and I guess I get on with the fire fighters.

Maya has completely booked out Joe's and opened a tab for the night. I'm sure everyone will regret tomorrow because of the amount of alcohol we drunk, and Maya will regret the idea of keeping an open tab, once she's seen the amount spent. Maya has also asked Joe to have plenty of non-alcoholic drinks available for Amelia and anyone who doesn't want to drink.

So here we are, all of us together around tables. If you ask me, it feels a bit like a professional meeting except for alcohol and probably out-of-date pretzels. It took some convincing and a few shots of vodka for Bailey to decide she'd be the first up. She hurried onto the makeshift stage with her blue drink in hand and shouted to Joe to play the song. "Bailey, you haven't told me what song you want me to play!" Joe shouted across to her after Bailey gave that iconic evil look. After about 5 minutes of Bailey stumbling around and finally communicating what song she wanted to sing. We were amazed to hear the beginning of 'toxic by Britney Spears', not quite what I thought would be chosen.

While Bailey sung the song and getting the others involved, I felt Maya's hand on my thigh. She does this when she wants to ground herself. I don't know why she specifically feels that way now but I'm just happy feeling her close to me. She decided not to drink today and has been on her phone for a while now.

BANG! I turned to find Bailey falling into chairs as she tried to dance in a sensual way. I looked over to Ben who looked shocked while laughing. Bailey and Ben have a relationship I look up to. Partly because they share the same job dynamic as Maya and Me, but also they have the family we'd like one day.

Next up was Vik and Travis, who surprisingly chose a song from Les Mis. When you think Karaoke, I bet you don't think of songs to do with the French revolution. I think tonight is going to be filled with shocking options by what others choose. They made the song 'I dreamed a dream' into a duet. I know Vik has some training in singing and compared to Travis it really showed! I could only describe Travis' singing voice as something similar to a rabid squirrel being electrocuted. At least he was in his moment, he has an awful lot of confidence... for a skill he definitely lacks.

As the song neared the chorus, Maya grabbed my hand and pulled me up and away from the table. We left the bar and she finally showed me her phone. For a while, I've been thinking about wanting to go to Italy, but I never voiced it to Maya, I don't really know why. Maya is my home, but Italy is a different home, there's no way to explain how a country can feel like home. I read her screen. "Bambina, what do you mean we have tickets to Sicily?" I say in surprise. "I know you want to go back. You haven't talked to me about it, but I know you've been looking. Yesterday, when you had your shower, you got a text from Andrea talking about Italy which caused me to read further into it and wel, I decided to plan a holiday to your home. I thought you could show me around, introduce me to your family maybe. Would that be okay?" she asked. I pushed her against the wall, a passionate kiss followed. Fuck, this is why she's mine. Our kiss ends with several pecks, communicating our love in such innocent intimacy.

As we enter the bar, we instantly stop and exchange a look which can only be described as the thin line between enjoyment and disgust. Jack and Dean were singing 'I'll make love to you' by Boyz II Men. A favourite song of both of ours but not in this rendition. Just like Bailey, they really were motivated to show something... I think passion but I honestly couldn't define what specifically. They gyrated against the air and the chairs. During the final chorus, they made their way off stage and tried to get people involved. Let's just say they failed, and it looked very awkward when they slowly turned away and made their way back to the stage.

By the end of the night, everyone had performed. Even Maya. She performed Thong Song by Sisqó, she surprised all of us, especially by her dance moves. I've seen her this drunk before, and I'm sure everyone else has, but she's never looked so free. I think she's learnt to not be so defensive around people who care about her. Of course, we haven't forgotten about the run she did a few weeks ago. But she just looked so free, the one thing I didn't appreciate was her running off of the stage and trying to grab my thong through the pants I was wearing. She earned a slap from me and a look of shock from literally everyone else. But she continued, she wrapped her arm around my waist and tried to dance with me. It didn't quite work.

My performance didn't really involve singing, we'd left the bar and she was sitting on a bar stool in our kitchen. I know Maya loves it when I dance so I wanted to surprise her with a routine I'd seen on YouTube. The routine can be found on YouTube and does exist – Sheryl Murakami Choreography "Earned it" The Weeknd. While she's been out working, I've been slowly teaching myself and honestly I'm quite proud. With the surround sound system Maya had installed, it really set the mood. The only difference between the actual choreo and my dance was that she'd be getting a lap dance.

As the music began, I saw Maya looked confused but as soon as I sat on her lap, she was no longer confused. Throughout the routine, I placed her hands on my body, so she was grazing my upper thighs, my boobs and ass. After a while, she became more forceful, she wanted me and didn't want me to continue dancing. But that's not how it goes in the house.

By the end of the routine, Maya's mouth hung open and her eyes were darker with lust. This is what I hoped for. As the song ended, I was quickly pulled over Maya's shoulder as she carefully ran through the house until we hit our bed. "Maya, where are we going? What are you doing?" I repeatedly ask before I'm dropped onto the bed. "You know what we're doing. Now I'm going to grab something from our closet and when I get back you better be naked. Or you will be punished" She says in a sultry tone, leaving me pulling off my clothes in record speed. She's never talked liked this, and I think I've never been wetter. 

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