Too Soon

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Today is my first date with Ryan. So much has happened recently with Amelia and Kai getting married, my exams, and now this date. I've been looking forward to this for a few weeks now, it kept getting pushed back due to my family and friends... that felt weird to think about. Anyway, school has just ended and Ryan is driving us to a minigolf course. I've never been minigolfing and since Ryan has found out, he has been raving about how he would take part in competitive minigolf if it was a thing.

The drive was great, we had music playing softly but we talked the whole time over it. We'd stop randomly when a part of a song would play that both of us liked. But other than that, we were sharing stories of our childhood, the good stories. He had his hand in mine as he drove and even the thought of that makes my heart quicken.


Ryan paid for everything and insisted on helping me play the first hole. That essentially meant that he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around mine until his hands reached my hands. He talked me through how to stand and how much power to use. I liked having him that close. As we walked and did each hole we joked around, held hands, and kissed each other quite a lot. It felt really nice, I felt loved. It was a different type of love.

He ended up losing... yep he lost. For someone who has never done it before, I sure did feel like I had unearthed some skills I didn't know I had. Because I won, he paid so we could keep both golf balls. We put the date on both of them so we could remember when we had our first date.


The next stop was a restaurant near us, I've never been. In all honesty I'm very unsure about eating in a public place, there's etiquette and ways to behave that I was never taught. It's not like I'm a big weirdo when I eat but I just don't want to do something wrong so I just avoid it, but I can't avoid it now. We entered the place and he had reserved a booth near the back. We were shown there and sat opposite each other. I ordered the lasagne and he ordered some ribs.

We talked and talked about more serious things. He told me more about his parents and his brother, we've been friends for like 3 years but I really don't know that much about him. We talked about how he got injured playing football with his dad because he ran into a light post. It was a funny story. We ended up talking about me, there's not a lot of to me. I'm just a kid who got abandoned by two parents who died, I have no real family and now I have a little sister and two people I don't know what to consider them as. Okay that's a lie, I've started seeing them as mom and mama but I don't know how to start that conversation or just how to process it fully.

The lasagne was okay, not as good as Carina's. I mean her lasagne is to die for. His ribs were really messy so any type of intimacy at the table was a no go. After eating he drove me back home and I invited him in, I didn't want this date to end.


We started to cuddle on my bed as we had music playing from my speaker. Carina and Maya were downstairs helping Eve with a project or something. We started to kiss while cuddling, it got heated and I straddled him. He started to kiss my neck and I let him; I moved my neck so he would have more access. As he did this, he started to pull on my t-shirt. I pulled it off and he did the same. We continued to kiss passionately as he started to palm my ass and pulled me into a grind, so I was directly grinding on him, I could feel him starting to get hard.

We kept kissing and he started unbuttoning my jeans and tried pulling them off. "No, I'm not ready. We should stop" I said as I stopped kissing him. "Come on, you've gone this far" He said before starting to kiss me again. He carried on trying so I raised my voice a bit more "please no, I don't want to do this, you should leave" I said and he laughed. "You're just scared, it'll be fun. Let me look after you" he said before he moved his hands up behind my back to take off my bra. I grabbed his arms but he carried on his movements. I didn't recognise him. "Please no" "Come on Alex, you don't want me going around school saying you're a little whore do you?" he threatened. I shook my head; I didn't know what to do.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Maya said as she pulled Ryan away from me. "Get out of my house now" she shouted. "of course, you got little Maya to come fight your battles. You're a disappointment!" Ryan said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head again. "Just wait for school, everyone is gonna think you're a whore, I'll make sure of it" he whispered to me but Maya heard it. "Ryan, I really hope you understand I am very close with the school board. If I hear that you have threatened Alex, I will take every action possible to make sure you stay away" she says seriously. "Is that a threat Maya?" he says smugly. Maya grabs his arm and pulls it behind him, putting him in some type of lock and leads him out of the house. I hear the door slam and I know he's gone. I instantly start crying and run into the bathroom, I feel dirty. This was not the Ryan I know!


I can't believe what I've just seen. What the actual fuck? I need to tell Carina and make sure her Italian attitude doesn't go wild; wait I need to calm myself down. Okay, deep breaths Maya. I calmed down and walked into the kitchen where Carina was.

"What was all that about?" Carina said with a smile before looking at my face, her face instantly transformed into a frown.

"Ryan was here upstairs and tried pressuring Alex into sex. He threatened her, saying that he will tell everyone at school that she's a whore. I don't know what to do about that, I pushed him out the door. I need to go upstairs and see if she's okay" I rattle off and see her face contort from sad, to pure anger. "Babe, finish the thing with Eve and I'll text you if I need you okay? I love you" I say before kissing her and running upstairs.


I feel so dirty, I didn't think that was possible, I had a shower. Why do I feel dirty? In the shower I scrubbed my skin so much that I'm pretty sure I took off the first 5 layers of skin. Before the shower I grabbed some clothes which fully covered me up, I don't want to be seen now. I take my time getting dressed and avoid every single reflection I could see.

I leave the bathroom and walk into my bedroom to see that my bedroom is completely different and Maya is sitting on the bed waiting for me. I give her a confused look. "Alex, I don't know what to say or do but I thought that having the same bedding on could make you uncomfortable. Is there anything I can do for you?" she says softly. I run and jump into her lap, pulling her into a tight hug. She wraps her arms around me tightly, almost as if she's trying to protect me from anything reaching me. "This is what I need" I whisper. "luckily, I have all the time in the world for this" she whispers and I smile.

We stay cuddling for I'm guessing a good 15 minutes... I timed it with the length of the songs still playing from my speaker. "We're going to fall off the bed here. Let's move a bit into the middle okay. Do you want to get under the covers?" she whispers softly. I nod and we separate as we get comfortable in the bed. I move away from her slightly, she probably used it as an excuse to cuddle... never mind. She pulled me back into a cuddle. "You know, I think we should watch a movie and have some of the candy we got you... ah look in the drawer you have tonnes left." She says in a jokey way which makes me smile. "Can we watch Toy Story? It's a calming movie for me" I say and she instantly nods and gets the remote out. "Is it okay if I send a message to Carina to get everything sorted for Eve? And just tell her that I'm staying with you for a while or maybe all night?" she asks. "yeah" Is all I say.

So, Toy Story begins and we open every packet of candy we can reach for and start munching down. We still cuddle and feed ourselves calories on top of calories. For someone who is super strict about health, she definitely has a sweet tooth. The packets begin to empty as the movie credits start to roll. "Do you want me to stay tonight? I don't mind sleeping here if you want me to" she asks me as she turns the TV off. "Could you?" I ask and she replies "Of course, just let me go get ready and I'll come back, okay?" she asks and I nod. She races across the hallway and gets ready. She comes back in record timing.

"Good night love" she says as we settle in bed.

"Goodnight... mom" I say nervously. In this moment, I can't deny thinking she's a mom to me.

"Goodnight child" she mumbles out. "God you know how to ruin a moment, don't you!" I say and we both share a small laugh before silence fills the room and we both fall asleep. 

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