Therapy Actually Can Help

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Right now, is the first session I have with Diane, Alex, and Carina. I'm nervous but I know it's really going to help us all.

"So, I've planned this session to really be a space where everyone can share without judgement. Maya and I have been talking over the last few weeks about various techniques she has tried and should try. From my understanding, Maya has spoken to both of you, right?" Diane asks Alex and Carina.

Alex looks at me before saying "Yeah, she took me to her old track after practice. She shared why she's been angry and listened to me which helped." Carina follows behind saying "Yeah after she talked to you and I ran away, she came to the hospital to talk to me too". We all look for Diane to say something more.

"Right, so how has communication been since?" Diane asks. I don't answer, I feel like these questions aren't necessarily targeted at me.

"We've talked, haven't we Bella? It's been hard, none of us have ever experienced this anger from Maya so it's been a challenge. Since we've spoken a bit, I think we've gone back to only being parents and not so much a couple" Carina mutters while looking at me, seeing a change in my facial expression. I know I hurt Carina but I didn't realise that this is how she feels. I think my heart just broke.

"Okay Alex, how has it been for you?" Diane asks

"Yeah it's been okay. We talk like we did before the whole injury thing but I'm still hurt and I feel it every time we talk. I don't want to feel that anymore, I want to be reassured that you won't be angry like that again" Alex also mutters while looking at me.

"How do you feel about that Maya?" I forgot how annoying Diane was with all of her questions... anyway.

"Yeah I'm shocked with what Carina said about not seeing us as a couple, I knew I hurt her but not that bad. I need to fix that" I say "With Alex, I'm glad we both talk like we used to but, you're right we need to fix this whole thing. I don't want you to think about me being angry every time we talk or see me. That's not fair"

"Okay Carina, could you leave the room for a bit so I can talk only to Alex and Maya? Maya can text you when you can come back" Diane says, earning a nod from Carina as she walks out the room.

"Okay Alex, I don't know if you know this but I specialise in therapy for Firefighters. You also might not know that I used to be one and became a therapist after getting injured myself. I was on a call and I had a bad drop from a helicopter and shattered my leg. It really affected my family too because I was also angry. But I was angry for a different reason, I was angry because it took me out of fighting fires. Being a firefighter was my life, the same as it was for Maya. But with Maya, after meeting Carina, having Eve and now you, firefighting isn't as much of a big thing anymore. Her priorities have changed. Maya and Carina have adopted you right? Does this injury affect how you see your adopted family?" Diane rattles off

"I didn't know you'd gone through all of that, it makes sense that you are Maya's therapist. Uh-I love this family, I love Maya and Carina. Growing up in care, it really changes your perception of people. I think throughout my time in care, I've experienced a lot of trauma and maybe I'm more sensitive to emotions than others would be. A lot of the carers I had, were angry all of the time. Anger to me means hate or no love. If a carer was ever angry, I would cower away in hopes of not being a target. I think that could be why I can't just forgive and forget this whole situation." Alex shyly mutters and looks down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers.

"That makes sense that you've grown up knowing anger as one thing and now that you're in a healthier situation, it is harder for you to recognise how different they are to each other. Is there anything Maya can do to help you?" Diane Asks

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