Accidents Make Memories

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When Evie caught us, I knew that I was going to have to explain something. Maya looked panicked and focused purely on a shelf hanging on our wall, completely ignoring the fact our daughter caught us almost having sex.

"Evie, sometimes when adults show their love they play an adult game that children shouldn't play. Mommy and I was just playing that game" I say in hopes that that stops the conversation.

"Oh okay, do you know where my fire truck is?" Evie says as she looks in her chest of toys. Maya and I share a look of relief that we didn't get any more questions


Later that night, Maya left to go into her office in the basement. I decided to leave her as it was Evie's bedtime. Alex had already gone into her room, claiming that she was tired. But as I walked past her room it as pretty obvious she was on call with someone.

"Come on Evie, it's bedtime. Do you want to pick a book so that we can read it together?" I ask.

"Can mommy read to me tonight?" Evie asks as she picks up a book. "We're going to have to ask her Evie, shall we go down and find her" Evie nods and goes to grab my hand. She's gotten confident on the stairs but it seem as she gets more and more tired, they turn into a nearly impossible mission.

As we knock on the door of Maya's office we hear her ask us to come in. "Hi Evie, you look all ready for bedtime" Maya says as she looks away from her computer screens. "Mommy can you read to me?" Evie says as she climbs her way onto Maya's lap. "I guess I can baby. What book have you chosen? Let's see.. Oh, it's 'the world needs more purple people'. Is this a new one?" I ask Evie.

"Yes mommy, I got it at school!" Evie answers in a very happy tone. "Wow, are you comfortable so I can read?" With a nod, Maya starts to read the book animatedly while showing off the pictures. I stand in the doorway taking in the view. A few days ago, this wouldn't have happened. Halfway through the book, we hear light snores.



After Evie got carried up to her bed by Carina, I decided to take myself back up the stairs to the kitchen to wait for Carina. Sure enough, Carina came back in looking to make tea. "Bambina, what are you looking at?" Carina asks as she makes her way to me.

"I was just talking to Amelia and Kai about taking Alex and Evie for the weekend coming. I also talked to Bailey about you spending some time off, which she was okay with. I also made plans to go back to that Italian shop you love" I watch as Carina's face lights up more and more as I finish off my plan.

"Bambina, you didn't have to do all of this. I would have just been happy with an evening alone" Carina says with a grin. "Baby, stop it. I messed up recently and we haven't gone on a proper date since we've had Alex. I think it's time"


It's finally the weekend, which means no Alex and no Evie. I love them both but right now I want to give attention to the love of my life. The kids have been gone for about an hour and it's been bliss. Sure, we've been keeping tabs and asked both Kai and Amelia to call us if they need us. They left around 9am, which means we now have the whole day to ourselves.

I entered the kitchen to find Carina in front of her glorious coffee machine, I slowly walked behind her before wrapping my arms around her waist. "What are you doing, bella?" Carina says as she melts in my arms. "Baby, we have a full day of love to experience. And I've decided it starts now" I whisper into her ear before leaving a kiss on her neck.

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