Friendship Is Everything

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Today, I get to see my friends again at school. I've only been in school for a few weeks and I love it but it's sooooo long. I am always super tired, but I get to sit next to my friends. I have two friends that I play with all the time. One is Blake and the other is Taika or as I call him Tai. We always play together at lunch. Blake loves cars and trucks and Taika likes games and sports.

Today, we have sports, maths, English, science, and history. I love sports, I want to be just like mommy. I suck at running though. Walking into the gym I find Miss Price. I remember her from Aly's soccer matches, I think I don't like her but I'm not sure.

"Right, today we are going to play bench ball. Has anyone heard of it?" Miss Price says as we look up at her with wide eyes.

"I guess no one has. So let me explain the rules. As you can see there are two benches either side of the court. Now I will split all of you into groups of 6. One of you from your group will stand on the bench while someone from another team goes onto the other bench. All you need to do is throw the ball at the one on the bench, and if they catch it, you can stand on the bench with them. Now, as soon as all of you from your team manages to stand on the bench, you win the game. Does that sound like fun?" Miss Price asks and gets a few nods, I'm scared.

I wasn't put in a group with Taika or Blake, I don't like anyone in my group. I think they're all really mean. They decided that I should go on the bench, but I am the shortest one here! Blake was on the bench opposite me. We started the game and I caught a ball but so did Blake. But we did end up winning the game, Blake didn't look happy.


The rest of the day was pretty easy. I like learning but Blake still didn't talk to me. What have I done? I tried to talk to him but he walked away. Taika came and sat with me at lunch but left to sit with Blake.


The day has just ended and we're all waiting for our mommy or daddy to pick us up. "Eve" Miss Rowan shouts from the door, it's my time to leave. As I stand up I hear "Blake" getting shouted too.

"Mommy!" I shout as I run into her arms. "Hi baby, are you okay? How as your day?" Mommy says as she hugs me.

"I'm sad mommy, Blake don't like me now" I say while looking down and pouting.

"Why doesn't he like you?" Mommy asks

"We played a game with Miss Price and I won. He left me alone all day" I say before she stands and looks around.

"Okay baby, shall we see if we can talk to him now?" Mommy says and I nod. I grab her hand and pull her away towards Blake and his dad David.


"Hi sorry, I don't know if you know but Blake and my daughter Evie seem to be good friends but today I think Evie upset Blake. Can we talk to him for a second" I ask Blake's dad.

"Why were you upset, son? I'm David by the way" David introduces himself

"Evie won the game, I wanted to win" Blake says as his lip starts to tremble

"That's okay, son. It's not very fun to lose but I bet Evie was happy that she won. She probably tried just as hard as you. I think Evie is sad that you didn't want to be happy with her" David says in a calm manner.

"I'm sorry Evie, I wanted to win. Sorry" Blake says before hugging Evie. I guess that's solved.

"So, now that our kids are friends. I guess it's time we get to know each other. Tell me about you" David says.

"Uh, I'm a chief of fire for our district. I have two daughters and an Italian wife who's a doctor. What about you?" I say, every time I mention my wife, I still get awkward just waiting for some negative comment to be made.

"Wow, you sound like you have it all. I work in finance, which is a hell of a lot more boring that fires are, for sure. Blake is my only son but my husband Brian and I, are looking at fostering or adopting in the future. It's just hard being that gay couple and getting rejected everywhere" David replies. Thank God, he's gay. I mean that in the nicest way, I just don't want to be a reason my daughter can't see her friend.

"Yeah I completely get you with the troubles. We adopted our oldest daughter about 2 years ago nearly. It's been a whirl wind but it's worth it" I say to David and his eyes lit up.

"Look mommy, this is Tai" Evie says as she grabs my hand and points to another little boy.

"Hi, I'm Taika's mom. It looks like our kids are close. I'm sorry I'm never here to do pick up, work never stops, you know. Anyway, I am Kelly" Kelly rattles off while fumbling with her bags.

"I'm Maya Bishop-DeLuca, and Evie is my daughter" I say before David follows with his introduction.

"I'm sorry I need to go but could I give you both my number? Maybe we can have a group chat so we can stay in touch?" Kelly suggests as she hands both of us a business card before leaving with Taika.

"Wow, she looks like she never stops. I couldn't do that" David states in amazement.

"I used to be like that, always busy but I had to learn to slow down" I reply while smiling a little. "Anyway, it's time to make a move, isn't it Evie? We are going to pick Alex up before we go and see your mama at hospital" I say in an excited voice to rile Evie up.

"Yay Mommy!" Evie shouts.

"I'll see you around David, it was nice meeting you. Maybe we can do something with the kids?" I ask as I grab Evie's hand.

"We should definitely do that; I'll give you my number and maybe you and your wife can come to our house for a playdate" David suggests. 

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