Are You The One?

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We've been looking at sperm donors for quite a while. We've decided that we'll use Maya's eggs since she can't carry but still wants to have a part in our future family, I'll of course Carry. There are two sperm donors that we both quite like, but both just aren't perfect. The amount of banks we've visited in the last month to just read through donor profiles has been ridiculous, I don't think there's a sperm bank in Seattle that we haven't visited.

Because we haven't really found the perfect one, we've come to the realisation that maybe someone closer to us would be better. Andrea was our first choice but he's currently in Africa working as a Doctor Across Borders. He's meant to be there for the next 3 years and honestly we'd hope to have me pregnant by the end of the year. It's now September so we don't have long! So, after Andrea, we decided that we would look at the guys from the station and the hospital. Now the hospital is pretty dead, there's Schmitt who wouldn't actually be the worst choice. At the station, you have Travis, Jack, and Emmet. Emmet is pretty new though, we don't really know anything about him, so he's pretty much already written off.

Being Maya's wife comes with a certain level of organisation. Which basically explains why Schmitt, Travis, and Jack were lined up outside her home office so that we could interview each. Bear in mind, Maya asked for loads of different documents and didn't tell them why they were here. So, in walked Schmitt.

"Hi Schmitt, we've been wanting to ask you a few questions. So, let's cut to the chase, we've been researching ways for us to have a family and have decided that IVF is the way forward. That being said, we're looking for a sperm donor. We've looked in banks, but we've really decided to look at our friends and your name came up. What do you think about that?" Maya says in a very professional manner, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I-uh I wasn't expecting this. I don't really know, it's quite a big thing. Like I-uh would need to think about it. And you both know I'm gay so-" Schmitt rushes out anxiously.

"Schmitt, you being gay really has nothing to do with it. We're not asking you to sleep with my wife here" Maya says in a semi-serious way.

"Oh no I didn't mean to make you think I'd sleep with Carina. Trust me I wouldn't go near her... no wait I'm not saying you're ugly it's just that you know you aren't quite-" Schmitt again rushes out. Bless him.

"Schmitt calm down. Look we just wanted to ask if you'd be interested. If you're not, there's no hard feelings. If you are, we'd need to talk about the next steps and your involvement in the child's life. Why don't you think about it for a few days and get back to us?" I say to him.

"Oh okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow Carina." Schmitt says while leaving in a hurry.

I slap Maya's arm causing her to turn to me in shock. "What was that for?" Maya says. "Why are you interviewing them like it's for a job? It's weird, bambina" I say back.

"But it is a job, I want the right person to be a part of our kid. I can't help it. I promise I'll try to be a little cooler when Travis comes in" Maya says causing me to smile at her before shouting for Travis. Let's hope this goes better.


Well Travis' interview did go better. I think Maya and him are on the same brain wave since he answered everything the way Maya would want it to be answered. I just sat there quietly watching them talk and talk about things. I honestly love Travis; I'm personally rooting for him.

Just like Travis' interview thing, Jack went just as well. But I just think something is off about him and I know Maya agrees with me. Don't get me wrong, he's a stand-up man but he's so immature. I know he'd make jokes about things, and it would just be wrong place wrong time. Plus, with us wanting the donor to be in the kid's life, it would be nice to think the guy would be more responsible.

With the interviews done, we settled for a pretty easy evening. Deciding to share a bottle of wine and slowly pack for Italy. We're going in four days! I know Maya is excited, she's only left the country once which was for the Olympics. She's really settled into her job and actually loves being away from the fires. And I'm not lying, she's really calmed down and her anxiety seems to be a lot better. 

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