The Question

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I decided to set up different date locations that we can travel to, I hope she enjoys it! I wanted some help on how I could make the date slightly more personal and enjoyable for Carina so I decided to reach out to Andrew. Andrew has been great; we've met a few times and we seem to share the same sense of Humour and sports team which is a plus.

"Hi Andrew, I was wondering if I could ask your help. I'm taking Carina on a date tonight where I take her to different locations around the city. Is there any places that she loves or foods that she loves. I know there's about 6 places I'd like to take her currently. Does she like flowers? " I rattled out.

"Hi yeah, she loves that coffee place, I think she's taken you there so that should definitely be on the list. Oh, and she's been feeling quite homesick as she hasn't been back to Italy for a while so maybe you should incorporate that. Oh, and flowers, she likes pretty much anything but roses" Andrew stated and that's exactly why I wanted his help.


A few hours later (15 minutes before date), We decided that she would meet me at her house, before we would travel anywhere. She still has no clue what we're doing tonight, I hope she enjoys it.

"Hi, wow-uh you look beautiful.. wow" I exclaimed once she had opened the door. She was beautiful, wearing blue mom jeans, a grey shirt tucked in, and 77 chucks. How can something so simple look so good.

"You look beautiful too, Bella " she answered. I quickly handed her the flowers I chose which were sunflowers, I think they were beautiful.

Once the flowers were in a vase we left and got in my car. The date has begun! I let her connect her phone to Bluetooth so she could play music she likes. The only music I have on my phone is workout music which I don't think is quite appropriate. I did try to find romantic music on Spotify but it only came up with songs about sex like Pony by Ginuwine, or Birthday Sex by Jeremih.. which didn't seem appropriate. She instantly put on her first song; she knows romance. The first song was some old song by I think Dean Martin which I think was about him complimenting Pizza or something but it sounded romantic! 

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