Hormones And The Blame Game

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So, Carina is now 8 months pregnant and she's scary... like really scary. Who knew fighting 5 alarm fires where I could die at any moment is less scary than sleeping next to Carina. Okay I might be exaggerating but come on. Let's go through some stand out emotional hormone scary moments of hers.

About a month after our first couple therapy appointment, she ran into our bedroom with her suitcase talking about how she thinks I'm cheating and needs to move back to Italy. Of course, I questioned why she thought I was cheating. Here's the kicker, she thought I was cheating because I came back up from our gym... sweaty. God forbid, I sweat at the gym!

When Carina was 5 months pregnant, I was called by Bailey to take her home. Turning up at the hospital I saw Carina standing next to security and her brother. She apparently destroyed a part of a corridor because she was determined to kill a fly. Let's just say, I've now installed bug nets on every window and ones that can be fitted for when our doors are open.

Last week, she had a go at me shouting that her vagina is shut because the pregnancy is my fault. When I tried to argue, she attempted to throw a cutting board full of onions at me. Of course, it was my fault when the onions spilt on the floor. She cried and shouted how I can never do anything right. I'm still confused.

So, you could say that maybe her hormones and emotions escaped a bit. I of course, can't complain because it's my fault. Recently her thing has been watching movies full of hand-to-hand combat, she's convinced that if I'd stand still, she could target throw some meat cleavers she has. She really took the opportunity when I was painting our daughter's bedroom, she crept in and grabbed a brush and pretended to stab me in multiple places. She stormed off because I didn't die in a convincing way. Our daughter better make their appearance soon! 

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