The Game Night

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Carina has recently been really happy, almost in a scary way. "Are you okay? You seem so... so happy. Is it Maya? " I asked when I walked into Carina's office. Since she's the head of the department she has an office where I haven't gotten to that point yet, but then again my girlfriend is Meredith Grey.. so, I guess that's good enough. (Author here - Andrea was the best man for Mer.. no questions).

"Andrea I am so happy. We've really been growing as a couple, and I'm spending so much time with her that it feels like we're living together. I mean of course we aren't since she has boundaries but yeah. We're going to a game night tonight where she'll probably be around my friends which is exciting " she answers. Wow, she actually is happy in a relationship. If you know her, you know that she's not one for relationships.

"I'm going as well Carina; I'll have to give Maya the big brother talk. Make sure she doesn't hurt you and all " I say causing a snigger from Carina which I didn't appreciate. "No offence Andrea, Maya is a fire captain, I think she has nothing to worry about when it comes to you" she says mockingly. My only answer to that is to follow along and jokingly flex my muscles giving her a fake muscle show.



Everyone gathered at Mer's house. The children had gone to Link's house so that the adults could fully enjoy themselves without any interruptions. The kitchen counters were filled with different types of party foods ranging from pasta salads to leftover Dino nuggets belonging to the children. A stack of different games was piled next to the coffee table with an array of glasses and bottles of alcohol for the guests to choose from throughout the night. Maya made small talk as she talked to all of Carina's friends, until she got to Kai. Kai was fairly new to the group as they had just moved here from Connecticut to help with research. With a "Hey, you fight fires right? That's pretty badass, wanna talk about it" Maya had found her favourite friend of Carina's.

After everyone snacked on some food they gathered around the coffee table and chose the first game which was Uno, a simple starter game. Carina was sat on the floor in front of Maya, leaving Maya to continuously play with her hair. Amelia was also sitting on the floor not too far from Carina, making sure she was close enough to sneak a peek at her cards so that she could cheat; despite Kai's best efforts are trying to stop her. Andrea made sure to sit as close to Maya as possible and look as scary as possible, which wasn't working at all. Mer was sitting next to Teddy and Arizona who was also cuddled up with her better half Callie (They had decided to move back to Grey Sloan to create some normality for Sofia).


Uno was great fun, Maya seemed to be some professional which caused Andrea to get more and more angry as time went on causing him to eventually have an outburst like a toddler. "Really Maya, you have to be cheating. This is the fourth game you've won. Let me see your cards! " Andrea demanded in the most confronting manner he could manage.

"It's not my fault you just suck Andrea! You do know the rules right? Maybe I can teach you the proper rules while everyone gets their drinks " Maya retorts in a witty manner. Oh God, sometimes I think I'm dating a little child. Maybe Andrea and Maya will get on great since they are both children.

"I don't want to learn from a cheater. I do want to talk to you though privately. Come on " Andrea yet again demands while getting off the sofa and pulling Maya with him. Ah I've been waiting all day to see this happen. God knows what Andrea is going to say, I just hope Maya takes it okay.. not that she wouldn't.


Time for the big brother conversation

"As Carina's big brother-" I start before getting interrupted "Little brother" she quickly remarks. She really knows how to irritate someone.

"Yes as Carina's brother I wanted to talk to you about your intentions with my sister. You've been dating for more than half a year and she seems happy and I want it kept that way. I don't want her heartbroken, I know how she was after Arizona and I don't need a repeat. This is her first ever relationship and she actually seems happy. So, if you hurt her, just know as a doctor I know several ways I could kill you without anyone suspecting anything. All I'm saying, Keep her happy, marry her and give her a family and we will be best buds" I end my speech while looking her dead in the eyes while she takes in what I've said. I go to shake her hand and hold hers tightly to show I'm serious. She suddenly takes off slamming the door in front of me and running to the bathroom. I leave and see a death stare from my sister who runs after her.


We were talking amongst ourselves about our cases and a particularly complicated one that Amelia has where her patient can only sing, she can no longer speak but only sing as a replacement. There's a pretty simple surgery to stop this side effect but with the health of the patient, she is too high risk to do the surgery currently. Apparently she doesn't have the worst singing voice so I guess that's a plus. Suddenly we hear a door slam and Maya running to the bathroom. Giving a death glare to Andrea, I ran to the bathroom to see why she was upset.

"Maya let me in please. Tell me what my stupid little brother has said. I'm not afraid of him, I will punch him. Just let me in " I say as the door unlocks and I open the door to a happy Maya.. now I'm confused. Why the door slam? Why the running away?

"Maya why are you smiling? " I question before being pulled into a kiss.. well, whatever I was thinking was slowly disappearing as she picked me up and placed me next to the sink.

"Andrea just told me that I make you the happiest you've been since Arizona.. which I didn't know was a thing. Not gonna lie, that upset me but she has her family and we can have our own. Your brother didn't really say a lot.. I mean he threatened to kill me if I didn't marry you and have family with you but honestly I spent the whole time trying not to roll my eyes at him" she says while standing between my legs and holding my waist. Oh shit, she knows about Arizona... for God's sake Andrea.

"Now let me kiss you and forget about all of this" she says before pulling me back in. The kiss starts to deepen and the bathroom suddenly feels like a sauna.. the effect of our passionate kisses. She pulls off my jumper and I start to pull at her shirt telling her to take it off. Just as it reaches her neck we hear some hurried knocking coming from the other side of the door.

"Maya, I'm sorry if I upset you. I mean I wanted to give you the speech but not to upset you. I'm sorry if I've ruined your night.." he goes on while we continue to silently giggle and carry-on kissing, not as passionately but more lovingly, wrapped in our own world.

"Andrew, you know they're probably getting it on.. you know banging each other, whatever your plan wa,s definitely didn't work. And honestly Firefighter Barbie and Dr Orgasm together, they must be having a great time. I don't think they want to hear their brother while getting it on. Come on, Carina come out of the bathroom, I know what you're doing and I'm not afraid of breaking the door down" Amelia says casually causing us to stop and start to straighten ourselves out while sharing innocent kisses. We take one more look in the mirror before unlocking the door to see a wide-eyed Andrea and a laughing Amelia.

Without any words, Maya grabs my hands and pulls me towards the sofa pushing me so I'm sitting on top of her. Andrea follows silently behind giving a slightly confused look in Maya's direction. As we walked around the sofa to the free spot I saw out the corner of my eye Maya fist-bumping Kai... oh God.


"Thanks for having us" Maya states as we leave Mer's house and head to the car. After the talk Andrea had, we didn't play many games. Well, everyone else did but Maya and I were wrapped in our own world thinking about what was mentioned earlier. Once we were both in the car, I connected to the Bluetooth and Maya grabbed my thigh, holding it the whole way back to the apartment. 

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