The Past Rescue

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Since I had my freakout at the station I know Carina has been keeping a closer eye on me which I'm actually enjoying. There's something about being cared for that feels so good, I mean with her I never feel like I have to earn her love. She's been coming down at lunchtime or dinner time if she can, just to check on me. And honestly I've been using that opportunity for sex, I know that's not right but like come on, we all have a check list! Today she was coming for dinner but since I needed to go to the hospital to see someone, I thought I'd leave earlier and surprise her before she'd leave to come here. She drove today so the car was at the office, it looks like I get to run then!


At the hospital I made my way to her office, first running to our Café to get her coffee, some chocolate pastries, and a teddy bear from the hospital gift shop. Just a little something for her. Looking through the window on her door, I can see that she's concentrating so hard... it's kinda hot. After gazing at her for a while I make my way slowly in, realising she hadn't heard me. I tap lightly on her desk before putting her coffee down in front of her. Once she realised I had brought her coffee, she looks up with the biggest smile and nearly tackles me. I think this was needed. I know that her research has been quite taxing on her, so I've planned something else but that's for later on.

After catching up for a while, I decided to invite her to come with me to meet someone in the hospital. She immediately agreed to come with. A few days ago (when I was "stupid") I saved a child, a little boy. Like I always do, I tend to check up on the kids we save. Almost dragging Carina across the hospital, we reached door 237 on the ped's ward. I don't think I've ever seen Carina look at me in such a puzzled way. "We're here. So, as you know every time we save children in these fires, I tend to check up on them. So, in the last fire, I went in and saved that little boy. He's called Ezra and he's 6. I thought maybe I could introduce you to him and you could give him this bear, you know; get you in his good books and all." I say to Carina, I can see the clogs turning before she realises this is the kid I was "stupid" for.

I knew Maya checked up on the children, but I never realised that she actually visits them and spends time making small friendships with the children. I've never seen her with children. After she told me about Ezra outside of the room, we decided to enter the room. "What's up Cap, I solved that book you gave me. It was way too easy! You know just because I'm six, doesn't mean I'm stupid!" He quickly says to Maya.

"Alright Ezra, come on this is hard stuff. I think it's too hard for me. You're one clever little dude! Oh, I wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend Carina. She works here in the hospital; she helps people have babies. I know it's not nearly as impressive as a fire fighter!" she replies back. This is adorable, who knew Maya could be good with kids.

"Hi Carina, You must have a lot of patience for dealing with Cap here! She's so big-headed isn't she?!" Ezra says towards me. I like him already.

"Tell me about it, she uses the fact she's Captain to get whatever she wants!" I say arching my eyebrow towards Maya making her smirk. We continue to have a conversation while Ezra eats his dinner. He's a smart kid for sure.


Leaving the room, I look towards Maya questioning why she's decided to introduce me. "I know what you're thinking. I do this all the time and I'd really like it if you would come with me when I check up on them. It can be super emotional, and I like the idea of having you there with me in support. I know that's stupid... uh no don't worry-" She says, why does she have to be so caring sometimes! "Of course, Bambina, I want to do this with you. Ezra is amazing. What's his story?" I say in response. "So, he was in that fire where everyone pretty much died from either smoke inhalation or just being burnt alive. He has an older brother Michael, who is also in the hospital but he's 17 so he's on a slightly different ward. But they are the only survivors, both are aware of everything which really sucks. Children shouldn't have to deal with that stuff. I've been told that him and Michael are going to their dad's sister. I've planned to meet her and exchange info, I always like to keep an eye on the survivors" She says very matter-of-factly. I love her so much. With this conversation, we check back into the room to see Ezra asleep with the Teddy bear in his arms. So, we decide to go home.


We've been home for a few hours now and Maya has been on her laptop looking very serious. Normally when she does that she's just watching videos of fires on YouTube and writing down a list of areas the firefighters went wrong or could improve on. I think that's her way of improving her team. She's shown me so many videos of different fires and explained how each is started and how they can be put out, but I've still just about grasped the fact that she willingly enters these fires and enjoys it. She's weird!

"Look babe!" she suddenly exclaims causing me to shift closer to her, already preparing myself for whatever fire she's going to show me. But instead, I see that she's looking at houses. "Look at this one! It's got four bedrooms, one with an ensuite which will obviously be ours. It has a massive garden and a swimming pool, obviously I'll do everything so it's fire safe. There's a three-car garage and a massive drive. Oh, and look, there's two offices which are also massive and a spare bedroom apartment thing above the garages which we could invite people to use. And we can't forget about this basement, it has an entertainment section and an already made gym! We could use my savings to put down a deposit!" she said in a hurry, obviously very excited while flicking through all the pictures before I could focus my eyes on each one.

"Bambina, breathe. Let me look at it, you flicked so quickly I didn't have time to focus. I didn't know you were looking at houses" I say while taking the laptop off of her lap and placing it on mine.

"Sorry, I just got really excited and forgot that I should breathe in between words. I can't help it! But look it's perfect, we could start our own family here. And it's 30 minutes away from the station and hospital which isn't super far away. It's in the suburbs near some really good schools. There's loads of parks, and they have loads of wine shops which you will love! Can we see it.. please... please... please!!!" she almost shouts in my direction. I don't think I've seen her this excited since she started walking without the stick. This house does look really good.

"Okay Bambina, we're both off next Tuesday. Why don't you book a viewing, and we can go see it in person? But now you talking a certain way about us having a family has me feeling very hot and I need your help to put it out" I say ending in a seductive tone. For some reason if I say anything seductively to do with heat or fire she tends to as Americans would say "jump the guns".. is that right? With that, she placed the laptop VERY carefully on the side and pulled me onto her lap while we passionately kissed. Tonight, is ending in my favourite way. 

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