Love Is All Around Us

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Amelia POV

Today I am getting married, fuck me... the old drug addict version of me wouldn't believe that I would be getting married today. They wouldn't believe, I'd be the head of my specialty either. I've done well if I would say so myself. A few years ago, after my brother died. I pretty much cut off my family. They acted as if they hated me so I decided I'd find myself a new healthy family which happened to be built up of friends. So, it's time to get ready. I just keep thinking about Ryan, my Ryan. And Christopher. I don't know what would have happened if Ryan lived. He was one of a kind, one of the best people around but addicted to drugs, it happens to the best of us. I don't know if I would still be with him but I know he'd still be in my life for sure. I so wish Christopher could have been here, he's in my heart and always will be. God today is going to be hard!

As I'm getting dressed, I'm surrounded by my bridesmaids. Carina, Teddy, Arizona, Mer, and Callie are also getting ready. We've got music going and I think we're all feeling ourselves; we're lined up in front of mirrors and are dancing to whatever song is playing. They all look beautiful. I wonder how Kai is dealing with today. We haven't seen each other since yesterday morning.


"He's here right?" I ask Maya. We planned for the heart recipient to arrive this morning and be a best man for me. I think it's a way that Ryan can play apart in Amelia's wedding. There's not a lot of us, there's just Maya, Ada, and Anthony. I honestly can't wait to see Amelia; she is someone I can see having the rest of my life with. I know our relationship has been hard, at least in the beginning. She struggled with dating me at first, she always saw herself as straight and when we started dating she struggled with trying to find a label for herself. She now just says she's queer, it's a nice label for her because it's not specific.

"Hey, I hope I'm not late" we hear from behind us. Maya and I share a big smile. "You're not late. We've got a suit here for you to wear. Let's just go through what we'd like to happen, okay?" Maya says. She knows I need to get ready as we're walking out in about 15 minutes. "So, we'd like for you to stand at the front with Ada and I as Kai's best men. You don't need to say or do anything until after the ceremony is finished, okay?" Maya asks him. "That's all good for me, let me get ready" he says while grabbing his suit.


15 minutes later, we're walking out towards the front of our venue so that all of our friends can see us get married. Let's just say it's finally hitting me that I'm getting married now. I can't wait to see Amelia come out.

"Fuck me... shit" I say out loud by accident when I see Amelia walk out in her beautiful dress. It's quite tight on top but nice and flowy at the bottom. A few laughs were shared before I could realise I had said it instead of just thinking it.

"Good to know I passed the hot check" Amelia jokes as she reaches the front with me. "I don't want to alarm you but why is there a stranger standing as your best man? Is this some family member I've never heard or seen before?" Amelia questions.

"You'll find out soon, beautiful. Let's get married first okay?" I ask and she nods with the biggest smile possible.

"Okay, we're gathered here to witness the wedding of Kai and Amelia. Let's get started. You've both agreed to go straight to vows. So, Kai would you like to go first?" Our minister says. I'm really not someone to talk in front of people but I've practiced and I'm only looking at Amelia.

"Amelia, I never would have thought that a research project would bring me to the rainiest part of America and into the arms of a beautiful, clever woman. Since meeting you, I've allowed myself to open myself up for different people and opportunities. I think we all know that I'm a bit of a homebody and was once described by yours truly as mysterious. I hope I still have that quality. The people in this room are our family and I'm sure will become the aunts and uncles to the family we will build together. I know the start of your life was full of challenges but I'd like to say that from this point on, we will face these challenges together and conquer them. I love you Amelia, I can't wait for the beginning of the rest of our lives together." I say.

"Okay Amelia, would you like to go?" The minister says after a few seconds.

"Kai, I never thought I'd fall in love again. I always thought that Ryan would be it for me, even if we didn't fully explore that relationship. When I met you, I was quite lost but now things are clearer than they ever have been. You protect me and put me first. You know my past and you accept it. Even in arguments, it's never brought up or used to spite me. I trust you fully and I can't wait for you to be parent in our future children's life. I see it when you are with Eve and Alex, you are such a natural with them. I can't wait for the struggles we will face together; I love you Kai" She says with a smile on her face.

"Keeping this short because I heard there's a big party waiting for you all. Well done guys, you may now share a kiss"

"Say no more dude" I say as I pull Amelia towards me.


Fuck I'm married. I take Amelia with me back to the room I was changing in to share my two surprises. "Babe, I have two surprises for you" I say as I signal for Anthony to come here. "Okay so the reason Anthony is here. I know how important Ryan was and still is for you. I wanted him to be in this wedding because there is no doubt that he would be here and a cheerleader for you. Anthony here, got a transplant exactly 8 hours after Ryan passed. And now he has his heart. I know it's not a lot but Ryan's heart is here, I wanted him to be here" I say while looking down at Amelia who's eyes are now glossy. "Anthony bought a stethoscope so that you can hear his heart, would you like that" I ask Amelia. She instantly hugs me and whispers "Thank you, thank you for having Ryan here" which is all I need to hear. "Here you go" Anthony says as he lines up the plate to his chest. Amelia gasps and starts to cry. They stand together for a minute or two and share a moment that I don't know how to describe. "Thank you Anthony if you follow Maya. She'll take you to the bar which is unlimited so help yourself. Thanks for coming here" I say as I hug him goodbye. As he walks away I see Carina and Maya both looking our way with glossy eyes. They can see what this means for Amelia.

"Now there is one more surprise. It's in this envelope here. Can you open it for me?" I say as I hand her it. Inside it says, "Here at the Butterfly Exhibit, we would like to formally change the name of one of our sanctuaries to the Christopher Memorial Sanctuary". Amelia gasps and cries yet again. I hope they're good tears.


How have I bagged Kai. It literally makes sense. Where is this good karma coming from? "Kai I don't know what to say to all of this" I say while looking up at them. "How about we don't say anything and visit there as soon as possible? We've been invited to the opening" Kai says softly while holding my chin up to them. They start to move in and we meet to share a loving kiss. Once the kiss stops we make our way to the hall where our party is.

"Wait, you've been crying?" Callie says as my bridesmaids look at me suddenly. I look over to Kai who's fist bumping their best men. "It's a good cry, I'm just so thankful for Kai"

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