The Collapsed Friendship

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This was so weird, no one has ever come to the station for me. I was a bit taken back but after my conversation with Andy, I loved the idea of having a distraction. My conversation with Andy was quite bad, we both said things we probably shouldn't have. I know I shouldn't blame her but I said I did, she mentioned my dad and let's just say it all went to shit. But anyway, Carina was here and that was the distraction I was looking for.

Once she sat down and handed me the lasagne, I was battling with what I should pay attention to, the tasty lasagne or the beautiful woman in front of me.

"So, what do you do when you're not at work? Do you have any hobbies or interests " she asked. Now that was a bit of a heavy question, the things I used to do when I'm not at work I either can't do right now or I just don't want to share. She seems like someone I want to keep in my life, and I think talking about how I've slept with multiple women might not be the way forward.

"I uh used to run daily, I would do it at work too in our gym but uh since the accident I haven't really been able to. I mean I can now just about stand for 15 seconds with a Zimmer frame so I think it'll take some time to get there. What about you? " I answered.

" I'm so sorry for bringing that up! I don't really do a lot when I'm not at work. I sometimes go out for Coffee with some friends which are also doctors, that coffee is more authentically Italian than the crap I accidently spilt on you". She said with a giggle, it made me smile.

"How long have you lived in Seattle? I've been here my whole life but I love to travel, there's some freedom in that, you know? ". I could see that she slightly light up at my question.

"I moved here about 5 years ago to start a study on female orgasms, which is partially why I am nicknamed Dr Orgasm by a few doctors at Grey Sloan. My brother Andrew lives here so that's an added bonus. He's lived here longer than me." She answered. A study on female orgasms, that's something I would love to see. I wonder why her brother has been here longer, I'll save that question for later.

We carried on eating and asking each other questions, I learnt so much about her and not just from the words she was saying but from how careful she is when she asks questions about my life before the accident, she always looks down as if she's hiding herself in case something happens. Looking at the clock above the desk, I realised we had been talking for an hour, I didn't want it to stop but I knew Andy was soon going to come out of her office to get her lunch in the beanery. Just as I thought that I heard the clang of the office door hitting the wall.

"Hi.. and you are? " she asked in a hostile way to Carina. God knows why she has to act this way. I know that our argument earlier was bad but Carina has done nothing.. they haven't even met each other yet!

"Hi, I'm Doctor Carina Deluca, I work at Grey Sloan as an OBGYN. I deliver babies" she proudly answered. Her smile was so wide as she explained her job, I could see that she loved her job just as much as I loved mine.. or my job when I could actually do it.

"Oh hi, I hope you're not distracting Maya too much. She does have a job Afterall. I'm Andy, the current captain of this station and probably will be for a while " she replies glaring at me. I huffed and looked away, I didn't want to talk about this, at least not in front of Carina. Luckily as I huffed, Andy turned and went up to the beanery. Now that she was gone, it was slightly awkward. Carina knew about my accident but not that I was captain beforehand.

"Are you okay? You look like you zoned out a little, like you were thinking a lot ", she asked a little bit lost. "No, I'm completely fine. It's just been a little bit hard adjusting to my best friend taking my job.. I mean she didn't really steal my job but it feels like it. I worked so hard for that job and now it's been handed to her while I sit all day at a desk answering calls and fixing fire alarms whenever I can". I noticed that when I talk to Carina she really listens. She takes in everything and sits thoughtfully before answering, she's different. "Oh, that sucks, I totally get the whole stealing your job thing, I would hate it too. Anyway, I think your lunch is over so I'll leave you. Maybe we can do this again but maybe not at the station? " she asked. " uh yeah... yeah of course we need to plan something, I'm so sorry I haven't been too forward about wanting to see you." I replied. With that she gave me a small grin and left the station. I think that made my day.


I can't believe Maya thinks I stole her job; I didn't steal it. Yes I wouldn't have had it if it wasn't for her injury but I can't help that. The thing with Maya is that the only way to get her to stop arguing is to talk about her dad, I know it's bad but sometimes I just can't deal with her. I know I took it a step too far, I wanted to apologise so I left my office before going to lunch. When I opened the door I was met with two pairs of eyes. I've never seen the brunette before and in my mood I really didn't want to act nice so I guess I gave some attitude.

We introduced each other and that's where the conversation ended thankfully. As I entered the beanery I felt at home. I knew that becoming captain changed my relationships with my team but not by much, I could still talk to them and share... that was different with Maya when she first become captain. That might have been my fault but I don't regret it. Our friendship is very much up and down, but isn't that how a friendship should be?

For lunch I had a sandwich, just a simple ham sandwich and sat with Vic. Vic couldn't stop excitedly talking about whatever, I really couldn't pay attention, I didn't want to. After my argument with Maya, I really didn't want to act all friendly so I ate my food and left.

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