1 Month and 1 Inspection

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It's been a month since Eve made her appearance. We both really struggled at first with eating and sleeping; and that's just us. With Eve, we split up everything evenly, except for breastfeeding since Maya doesn't quite have the right equipment ready! About a week ago, we started doing shifts for sleep since I knew that Maya was soon going back to work and I wanted to start doing research again. All of my patients have been taken care of by Addison and Jo, I still ask for updates and for the results just so that I can check through them... and honestly just feel involved.

We haven't really had anyone round, it has literally been Andrea, Ada, and Sam. I think we're trying to ease people back into our lives when we have the little one. Don't get me wrong, we're not shutting everyone away, we're just overwhelmed with it all and would rather just share a daily picture into our group chats to show signs of life. Oh, and it has been so nice to escape everything.


Today is Maya's first day back after her maternity leave, it's only been a month but I can see she's getting antsy. She has a list of things to get done for her job which can't be pushed back, in other words, she has to go around and inspect all of the fire stations in Seattle under her jurisdiction. She's not really looking forward to it since it will be the first full day away from Eve. She has gone for runs which normally last an hour before she has to run back and hold Eve until she feels like Eve is safe again. I think we both might have separation issues.

Maya leaving this morning was a struggle, she checked on Eve about 15 times before putting on her shoes and leaving. She even came up with an excuse that she forgot her house keys... while walking into the house using said keys to unlock the door. It's adorable.


Boy, they don't warn you about how hard it is to leave your daughter alone for a while, I mean she's literally not alone since Carina is there but you know what I mean. Today I'm doing inspections of 6 different fire houses. In Seattle, there are 5 battalion fire chiefs, me included. And there's 33 fire houses in Seattle so they all get split. I have stations 1, 12, 19, 23, and 32. I know it's irritating that they're in no specific pattern, it irritates me to no end.


I left today at around 7am to get to station 1, which is nearly on the outside of South Seattle. I've never been here before so I'm hoping that it's a breeze to walk through. I met the captain outside; he's called Captain Jackson. We shook hands and had a polite small conversation about how he feels about the station. We all know that I have a clipboard with paperwork filled with my questions and what I need to see. Captain Jackson was really attentive and made sure to think and answer all questions truthfully and correctly, he seems like a good person.

I asked if he had any Probies that could give me a tour, he was hesitant but soon passed me over to a Probie who goes by Lopez. I chose a Probie because I knew I could get a run down on what the captain might be missing or doesn't actually know is happening. She expressed that she loved the station and the group she worked with. She liked how Captain was at calls and how she was paired up with a guy that was just right for her.

While on the tour, she showed me each area and I quizzed her on how areas should be maintained. It wasn't needed but it's good to see how educated they are. Lopez knew everything which was good. All areas were good. The station was perfect in my eyes. I said goodbye to the team and left for the next station.


Station 12 wasn't quite as good from the beginning. Introducing myself to Captain Wilson, I noticed that he wasn't very happy about a woman inspecting his station. He started making comments and I wasn't having any of it. By the end of our conversation at the door, he knew his place and realised that I have this job for a reason and he doesn't for a reason. I don't think he's my biggest fan.

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