Pink Isn't The Colour

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Today is the day we find out the gender. I've been really enjoying the pregnancy so far; I know it's only been a few months but I'm feeling great... for the most part. I've been having a lot of morning sickness, and no I don't understand why they call it MORNING sickness because I tend to throw up almost exclusively in the evenings.

Both Maya and I were already sitting in the hospital room waiting for Addison to come and meet us. We decided that Addison was the best person we could have as our OB, now don't get me wrong Jo is amazing but she is a resident.


"Okay so we're finding out the gender today. How are you both feeling?" Addison asks as I settle down on the bed, while simultaneously pulling my top up too. "We're both feeling good, thanks" Maya gives a short reply, I know she's nervous. She's standing next to me and she won't stop rocking back and forth on her feet.

"Right, so I know you will understand what is being shown on the screen. Do you want me to explain anything while we're here. Or do you want to go straight to knowing the gender?" Addison asks, she is always so professional even though she really doesn't need to be. "I think we just want to know the gender" Maya replies again and Addison gets to work.

"Okay, so I can happily announce that you are expecting a little girl. Congratulations guys" Addison says as she starts to get some scan pictures printed. God, I shouldn't have made a bet with Maya about the gender, I don't know what I've gotten myself into.


Once at home, Maya instantly pulls me to the sofa. "So, since I won the bet, I can do what I want right?" Maya questions causing me to slowly nod. "I was thinking that maybe we could look at baby names now that we know. I have a list and I'd really want to go through them with you. Oh, and could I get my laptop so we could start planning their room?" Maya says in such an innocent way. What has happened to Maya sex-only-on-her-mind Bishop!

"Yes bambina, go get your laptop" I say as I watch her instantly jump up and run down to get her laptop from her office. I'm left alone so I decide to talk to our baby "God, I hope you aren't such a firecracker. I hope you feel how much love your mom has for you; she will do anything for you. I can promise that to you now" I say just as Maya enters the room with her laptop, post its and her clipboard. I see she's ready for some planning.

"Let's get planning. Can we just say now that we don't paint the room pink. I know it's a girl but it's a bit too bold to have pink. What about a gender neutral one like a nice green or something?" She asks me while opening her notebook ready for my answer.

"Yes bambina, pink isn't the colour"

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