The Reason

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Wow, she finally told me the story and I can't believe it. I just wanted to hug her and tell her everything was okay. Her life had changed so drastically all because she wanted to be a hero and save her best friend. She was amazing, my body reacted and suddenly I was holding her. It felt awkward at first, I don't think she knew how to hug so I just waited in hopes that she would respond which she did.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, it must be so hard for you" were the only words I could squeeze out.

The night carried on for another hour (it was now 11pm), and it felt almost normal. It was still a little awkward but hey neither of our lives are like the movies where we touch and suddenly a lightning bolt appears and we know we're in love. Boy would life be easy like that.

"I hate for this to end but I have work tomorrow and I really want to get as much sleep as possible beforehand" Maya explained and honestly I had forgotten all about work. With that we said our goodbyes and promised to see each other again soon.



For the next few weeks, we would meet up wherever possible. Andy and I were still not really talking to each other which made work extremely awkward. I had told Carina that it was probably best that she should avoid the station while I'm still having drama with Andy. I don't want her to get involved or hurt.

Today was the day of yet another check-up and physio session. I was looking forward to seeing Link and seeing my progress. I had been getting good at standing up and lasting 3 whole minutes before falling back into my wheelchair. As I had done multiple times, before I rolled to one of the entrances of the pit and just breathed in the high stress levels and adrenaline and boy did I miss that feeling.

"Hi Bella, I almost walked into you again. It seems like you are always in the way of me! ". This has almost become an inside joke that even if I wasn't in her way, she would find a way to lightly bump into me. "How am I in your way if you are always on your phone and not looking where you're going " I replied while sticking my tongue out. We had a small catch up before Jo came along to assist Carina. I had met Jo a few times when I had visited Carina at work and giving them both coffees, she was a nice person.


" Hi Link, any good news for me today. I'm feeling lucky" I really was feeling lucky. I had tried to stand in the shower today instead of having a bath and it went surprisingly well before I slipped. I really wanted to start doing exercises for walking.

"We do have some good news. I would like for you to start learning to walk. So the way, we're doing this is we're going to use the Zimmer frame to assist us. Now if you can stand, I will coach you through this.

Now you're in position, I would like you to try and lift your right leg as high as you can and then your left ". It seem so simple, and at first it really was. But after doing it 3 or 4 times I felt as if my legs were going to give way. How am I suddenly this unfit?


I left Jo to lead the department for an hour. I knew she could handle it; she can always handle what I give her. I knew Maya was having her appointment so I decided I would get her something to eat so we can talk.

"Hi, would you like to have lunch with me? I have a break now for an hour." I asked Maya to which she gave a simple nod. Throughout lunch, Maya couldn't stop talking about her new exercises and how she would be able to be more independent, I was so excited for her. I knew how much she needed this.



It's been two months, I've been working so hard on my physio, that I can now walk with a walking stick. I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm out of that damn wheelchair and I can actually walk from one place to the other without instantly getting tired. Carina has been a massive help, after talking about my dad she would sometimes come over and reassure me that struggling is human and I can do that. Because of her help, we've only been getting more comfortable and closer to each other, I always look forward to getting a text, call or just seeing her in person. I think I should ask her on a date.

With that thought, I slowly made my way to her office in the hospital by walking.. I walked the whole way! I've never really been to her office but I know what floor she's on so that's where I will start. Once I was on the floor, finding the office was super easy. On the way I ran into Jo and told her the plan to which she replied "Finally, you've taken long enough. I was wondering if you'd ever ask ". I guess I have her support. Now to ask Carina.


Carina came into her office about 15 minutes after me and instantly recognised me, a bright grin spread on her face.. my favourite sight.

"Oh hi, what are you doing here? Are you okay? We didn't have anything planned that I forgot about right? " she fired questions my way.

"No, I'm completely fine and there's no plans. I just wanted to see you and talk about something... I mean I want to ask you a question.. if that's okay? " I replied

"That's not your question right? ", she cheekily asked while still grinning.

Right now, it's time to get the courage and say the right words in the right way. I've never asked someone out, normally I act charming for ten minutes and take someone home with me for pointless sex where I do all the work and forget the name of the stranger. I didn't want that.

"So.. I wanted to say that I really like you.. like really like you. We've gotten closer recently and I want to explore that but maybe on a slightly different level. So, what I'm asking is if I could take you to dinner. I mean we don't need to I-I know it's stupid.. uh no I think I'll just leave; I shouldn't have come he-" I was suddenly interrupted by soft lips, I could get lost in this.


She was so sweet rambling I had to interrupt her and end it. As we kissed something just changed even though there was a slight bit of awkwardness. It was weird, we both really like each other so why was the kiss weird.. I guess I've thought about how it should feel that when it happened I was too stuck in my head. We both pulled back.

"Yes.. I want to go on a date with you. I'm free tonight. Are you? We could go to a restaurant or something."

"Thank God you interrupted my rambling; you know I would have just carried on.. so, thank you! I have a date planned out. Just wear something comfortable and I'll pick you up at seven" she explained. Right, something comfortable and it's going to be a surprise.. I hate surprises.  

You made walking easyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt