The Iris Of My Eye

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I woke up to a screaming Carina, I didn't really move until I heard her shout some specific words. "I swear to god Maya, my water broke. I am not having this baby here. Get up!" Yep, I'm up. She was standing next to the bed gripping her lower back and watching me suddenly run around the room getting everything ready.


We arrived at the hospital and was met by Jo and Addison. The room we were given was actually really nice, I think we're getting the 5-star experience of the birthing ward. I mean the toilet and shower are exactly the same as the one's at home. Oh, and the stand they have for the TV which is held against the wall is cool. I think before we leave, I'll have to measure and see how it was fitted.

Throughout the pregnancy, Carina made a birthing plan. I didn't really play a part because I just need to turn up and hold her hand. The only thing I did need to do is call her parents and brother which is easy. In between her contractions, she decided to educate me on how pleasure can make pain enjoyable. Like yes, we have experienced that together. I don't really know why she's telling me that.

"Oh my god, do I really need to spell it out. Addison and Jo fuck off, my wife needs to fuck me"... thanks Carina for embarrassing me and wait, I'm getting lucky while she's literally getting ready to shoot a baby out of her vagina.

"Maya they have left, you better do what I want now. I swear to God, I will kill you if you don't start now" Carina really knows how to motivate and set the mood.

... Turns out I didn't get very lucky, she did and she enjoyed it. The good news is it hurried the birth since her contractions got closer and she dilated almost completely by the time we were finished. Carina wanted me to pleasure her almost continuously while we waited for her to dilate... I don't think I will be able to use my tongue for the foreseeable future.


Four hours after I finished pleasuring her, we welcomed our little girl. Now, no one warned me about what a woman goes through while giving birth and let's just say I'm very happy I can never give birth to a child. That looked like a horror show!

Anyway, as soon as Addison picked up our little girl she started to scream. She could breath. Addison asked me to cut the cord and then handed her to Jo for some testing which is always done after a baby is born. She passed every test, she's perfect, our perfect little girl. Jo placed her on Carina's chest and we both finally really took in what our daughter looks like. She had very light hair, almost white and a pair of golden eyes, she's a mix of us both. She squirmed for a few minutes as we talked to her. I introduced myself formally, causing Carina to giggle. The laugh stopped as both of us was put back into our own trance, staring at our girl. We decided to call her Eve Iris Bishop-Deluca. Oh yeah, I don't think we mentioned that we put our names together after we got married. For a few minutes Eve took in the room while I left to call everyone and tell them that our daughter was here and her name.

As I walked back into the room, I could see Carina struggling to stay awake. "Babe, go to sleep. I have her. I'm proud of you, beautiful" I say in a low whisper, she nods as if she was waiting for permission. With her closing her eyes, I carefully lift Eve off of her chest. This is the first time I have her to myself, I sit myself down in a chair and take my time to take in her beauty. Carina is beautiful, but Eve is breath-taking. "Hi baby, let me tell you a story about your mama. It starts a few years ago where I was in a wheelchair and she was carrying coffee. You'll learn that the only way your mama will be ready in the morning is by having her Espresso ready. Anyway, she spilt coffee down me and from there I got her number. We met for coffee; I know it's kinda ironic. So, I decided to ask her on a date which ended being in three parts. I took her to a café, a fairground, and a special street, I'm sure we will show you at some point. At the fairground I won your mama a panda toy, you'll see it when we go home. It's waiting for you. I love you baby" I say as she starts to close her eyes.

I looked up to see the door opening and seeing Ada walk in. "Bro, you have a whole human. You have a daughter, let me see her." I turn Eve to Ada "Look Eve, this is your aunt who I'm hoping will be your godmother" I say, seeing tears pool in Ada's eyes. "Really? You want me to be the godmother? Aren't you sure there's a better choice?" She says while she sobs. "Yes Ada, you were my closest friend in High school and now you are again. I want you to be her Godmother, Carina also agrees" I say sharing a smile with Ada. "God, she's beautiful. That hair... she definitely is yours. You're a whole adult now, you have proper responsibilities" Ada says. The visit doesn't last long as Carina starts to stir, I want her to get as much sleep as possible. 

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