Accidents Make Memories

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"Bella, what time are we leaving for the shop?" Carina replies while turning in my arms. "In about an hour, I called Antonia." I say as we separate.

"Why did you call Antonia?" Carina asks. "Baby, I just wanted to check in on a few things" Carina looks slightly confused. "Come on babe, let's get ready to go" I say as we both make our way to our bedroom. Going to this shop again will be weird, I'm pretty much in the exact same position I was in then; almost completely wheelchair bound.


"Hi Antonia, how have you been?" I ask as we enter the small shop. Carina let's go of my hand as she goes off exploring the shop.

"I've been good. I feel like it's been years since I last saw you. How has everything been? I see you're still with Carina" Antonia answers back with a big grin as she searches for Carina through the shelves of items.

"Yeah it has been years! Everything has been actually pretty good. Carina and I are now married and actually have two daughters. There's Evie who's now 3 and we have adopted a teen called Alex. It's been a few crazy years." I exclaim, as Carina and I share a look.

"Wow, that sounds like you both have definitely developed your relationship. I feel like nothing has happened in my life, I've been in and out of relationships but nothing is working so I've decided to just stick with my dog." Antonia states while laughing, we join in too. "I don't want to sound rude but why are you still in a wheelchair? I thought you were recovering." Antonia says which causes me to sigh deeply. "Yeah I did recover, I am back in recovery now for a different injury. I went to a big fire and because I'm now a chief, I stayed outside while commanding my teams. A freak thing happened where I got hit with some metal in my lower back and injured my shoulder badly. So, while my lower back heals, it's either being in a wheelchair or on bedrest for four months." As I speak Carina comes up towards me and grabs my hand.

"Jeez that's fucked up. Did anyone else get injured?" She asks.

"Not many people did get injured, surprisingly my injury was one of the worst" I mutter while looking down at my hands.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Maya. I hope you heal quickly. I did want to say that the usual basket of favourites is here behind the till for free. I've added some new things to the shelves so have a look around. Enjoy!" Antonia says with a grin.



We've been looking around Antonia's shop for about an hour. I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling of home here. I still need to take Andrea here one day. Antonia has added more wine and pretty much anything Italian has been added to the shop. I think I could spend all day here. While in my thoughts, I start to feel a hand start to go up the inside of my legs.

"Bella, what are you doing?" I ask Maya as I turn around, Maya just smirks and winks before wheeling away to the front of the shop.

I look for a while longer and grab the new things I want. It doesn't take long for Antonia to bag all of the items and hand us the basket with our favourites in. I can't wait to introduce some of this to the girls.


Maya called earlier in the week to ask if we could look after their girls for a night. Of course, it was a yes, Kai and I honestly are just seeing it as a practice trial. It's not as if I've never been around children, I lived with Mer for way too long and dealt with her children. Kai hasn't had the same experiences; they were always a bit against children. I don't really know what's changed but I think having some time alone with little Evie and Alex, it might help them come to terms with what they could want.

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