*Neteyam POV*

That girl is something else.


I walk out the trees back to Tsireya and she smirks at my sassy demeanour.

"Well someone seems happy with themselves" Lo'ak says.

"I put him in his place, lets just say that" I say laughing to myself.

Neteyam walks out the trees her down. We all laugh to ourselves and me and Tsireya walk away to look for those flowers.

Tsireya says "Oh wait I needed to tell L'oak something" and runs back for a minute.

*Neteyam POV*

They walk off and the Tsireya runs back and stands in front of us.

"Just so you both know because I know she won't say anything" she starts.

"It's y/n's birthday next week, I was thinking we could plan something for her, let me know if you think of anything"

then she runs back to y/n.

"We have to do something special for her!" Lo'ak says.

I nod and agree, what can we do?


Tsireya comes back and we continue to walk to the palm tree area of the island. We get there and walk into the trees. I pick up various blue flowers and Tsireya picks the bright pink ones.

My favourite colour is blue coincidently.

After about an hour of picking flowers we start our walk back to the hut to place the flowers on the hut.

We get there and I place the pile of various shades of blue flowers on the floor besides me. I work on the one side of the hut and Tsireya the other. I spread the flowers one by one and weave them into the weaving of the hut spacing them out so Tsireya can place some pink ones between. After about two hours we have done our sides and switch. I place blue flowers between the brightly coloured pink ones and after about another hour we are finally finished.

We both stand back and look in awe at the hut. Mother comes out the hut to check it out.

"Wow girls it looks beautiful!" she exclaims with a huge smile. Nuwani begins to cry so she heads back inside the hut.

"Now what?" Tsireya asks.

"Why don't we have a bonfire tonight" I suggest.

"Yes that would be good!" she says.

We head to the beach and tell out friendship group about the bonfire and they all say they want to come. Theres me, Tsireya, Kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung and Rotxo.

We all sit round the fire and talk for a while.

"Lets play never have I ever" Lo'ak suggests.

"Yes! love that game" I say.

"What is it?" the others ask confused.

Me and Lo'ak look at each other and laugh. Trust us to be the only ones to know.

"So we take it in turn to say Never have I ever... and say something they've never done" I start.

"Then if you have done it you need to have a drink" Lo'ak adds.

"Sounds fun" Aonung says.

Aonung sneaks off and finds a bottle of coral juice. (Author- Their version of vodka haha)

He also comes back with small clam cups for us to take the shots from.

"Okay ill go first!" Lo'ak says.

"Never have I ever mated" he says.

"Lo'ak that's not fair, everyone has to drink!" I say.

"Thats the point" he laughs and pours us all a drink and we shot it.

"Never have I ever snook out in the night" Tsireya says.

Everyone but Kiri drinks.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this circle" Aonung says.

Me, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Rotxo drink.

"Never have I ever been in bad trouble" Kiri says.

Me and Lo'ak drink and laugh at eachother.

"Never have I ever fought with sky people" Rotxo says.

Me, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri drink.

"Never have I ever met Payakan" Neteyam says.

Me and Lo'ak drink again laughing.

"Never have I ever been in a fight" I say.

Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung and Rotxo drink.

"Never have I ever had multiple people want me" Lo'ak starts the circle again.

I send him daggers and drink.

"Never have I ever kissed someone in this circle" Tsireya says.

Me, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and rotxo drink.

Everyone looks at Kiri and Rotxo and they look down.

"Never have I ever not told my friend about kissing someone in this circle" Aonung says.

Everyone looks at each other and Rotxo hesitantly drinks.

"Never have I ever left someone in the deep ocean" Kiri fires back.

Aonung and Rotxo drink.

"Never have I ever played never have I ever until now" Rotxo says.

Everyone drinks but me and Lo'ak.

"Never have I ever felt as waved as I do right now" Neteyam says to try break the tension.

Everyone drinks.

"Never have I ever thought its time to go to bed this much before" I finish.

Everyone drinks.

We all get the hint and stand up to walk home, everyone is practically stumbling back to the huts. Neteyam stops me and kisses me before I get inside.

Me and Tsireya plop down and go to sleep straight away.

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