She makes a face like she's seen the cutest puppy ever and her eyes start to tear up. "Awe, I can totally imagine it."

I scoff playfully. "Go to bed, Harper."

It's quiet for a moment until Harper speaks again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't watch you," she says in a quiet voice.

"Oh no. It's not your job to watch me, honey. I was just upset about something I did. I'm sorry."

"But I—"

"It's okay, just forget about it," I move her hair out of her eyes.

"We still need to get our Halloween costumes, it's literally the next next weekend. What if there's a party?" She yawns.

Harper has the cutest yawn, it's hilarious.

I smile, I can tell she is exhausted. When she's tired, she starts rambling. "Okay, we will. Just go to sleep."

I reach forward and cover her eyes with my hand. She tries to move my hand but I add my other one and gently slap her whole face until she licks me. I pull my hands back and make a disgusted face.

"You are terrible," I decree.

She reaches up to grab her sleeping mask from my shelf and slaps it on.

I laugh to myself at her actions as I lean forward to turn off the laptop.

Getting comfortable, I stare off into space as I slowly drift off.

I wake up randomly as my dreams drifted off to relive what I did today. I look at the time to read it's 1:34 a.m.

"Shit," I whisper to myself.

I should've known if I went to bed without getting closure, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I make a promise to myself to never get drunk again but I know I'm going to break it. That's just what people do. That's just what I always do.

I sigh and get out of bed as quietly as I can. Going to my window, I open my window and poke my head out, searching for any kind of movement in his room.

When I see a little light flicker behind the curtains, I feel relieved. I put my socks and shoes on and climb out my window.

This is a very impulsive decision and very unlike me. What's happening?

I reach for the tree and balance on the branch to get to the other side. I got on the roof below his window and adjust myself so I can open it.

I take a deep breath and pray that it's unlocked. Lifting the window, I almost fall in because it's way easier to open than mine.

I poke my head in and look around. I pull my eyebrows together when I see Elijah isn't in here. I decide to climb in and shut the window behind me.

The door opens at the exact time I close it completely, I barely hear it. I turn around, not expecting how he'd react. Complete confusion with no shirt.

"Um, you should lock your window. Someone could break in," I joke dryly, trying to ease the tension. It didn't help.

He just furrows his brows and subconsciously nods.

"Uh, I didn't think this through," I mumble to myself. "Okay, well- I remember everything that I did in the store... and I just wanted to apologize." I look down at the floor, waiting for his answer.

He takes a moment before he answers. "You climbed all the way over here to say you're sorry?"

I prop my back up, offended. "Excuse me?"

"Did you stay up thinking about this?" I see a start of a smirk forming on his stupid attractive face.

Sorta. "No!"

"Yes, you did! Or else you would've just texted it to me." He starts walking closer.

"I deleted your number," I deny.

"No, you didn't. I know all your tells, Lavender."

"Whatever! I just wanted to see your reaction so I would know if we're actually cool or not. Is that a crime, Elijah?" I say his name like it's an insult.

"Awe, does Lavender Quinn care what I think about her?" He leans against the end of his bed frame.

I scoff. "Please. I'm a hot independent woman who has straight A's and can get into every single college I apply for. I don't need your validation."

"I know you don't need it. But, you want it." Elijah tilts his head and subtly looks me up and down.

I suddenly feel self-conscious so I cross my arms over my chest but I'm still wearing the shirt from earlier today and no bra so I'm pretty sure that just pushed up my boobs. I uncross my arms and just bring all my hair over my shoulders.

"You're so annoying. I just came here to say sorry that I basically... did something or whatever but obviously, you don't care and this was a waste of time so—"

"I'll forgive you," he pauses and an evil smirk spreads across his face, "if you beg."

I scoff in disbelief as I look at the floor. "I don't beg."

"Not yet."

I look over at him to find his gaze already fixated on me.

His eyes were so strong on mine that I swear he could read every single thought, every single feeling like it was written on my pupils.

I wanted to throw something at him. Preferably a book, or a chair, perhaps even myself.

Suddenly, he smiles and at that moment, relief flows through my body.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will cut your dick off. I know you sleep with your window open now, don't try me."

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Yes, ma'am."

I bite back a smile. "Goodnight, Rivera."

"Goodnight, Quinn."

I turn around and head out the window. Before I'm about to shut the window behind me, I decide to tease him one last time. "Have fun reading your new book with your little giraffes," I say, referring to the bookmark I saw on his bed.

He cocks his head and lets out a playful scoff. "I will, don't you worry."

Climbing back into my room, I look over in the mirror to see a stupid smile on my face. I immediately drop it and force myself back to sleep as I go back under the covers.


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