Sebastian and my eyes locked upon her words, and the little arrogant prick had the cheek to curve a little smile onto his lips.

Staring at him for several seconds, I aggressively rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I snapped stiffly.

"Okay, excellent, let's get walking to the beach then," Max said with a smile, as he grabbed Lara's hand and started to lead her towards the gate of our home, with Teddy trailing along in tow.

Sebastian and I hang back, still staring at one another. As he continued to stare at me with a stupid smug expression, I quirked up a brow. "And you decided to invite yourself along, because?" I asked flatly.

"In case there's a chance you flash me your tits again," he replied back with a wink.

"Shut up," I gritted out, as I swiftly reached across him to slap him across the arm.

Sebastian only started laughing harder, seeming amused at my humiliation. Easing up his laughter some, he looked at me with a form of seriousness.

"Also, figured we could work on the whole split up our sibling's plan. Since that's the only reason why we're really hanging out with one another?"

I closed my mouth sharply, realizing I had ironically kind of forgotten about the whole plan we had originally made to break up our siblings.

"Hmm, yeah that's true," I mumbled in reluctant agreement.

"Excellent, then shall we," Sebastian said, as he nodded his head in the direction of our gate.

With a heavy sigh, I peeled my fingers from the front door and softly closed it behind me before following Sebastian.

It didn't take long before we were out on the main road, trailing along together behind our siblings who walked hand in hand like two love-sick fools.

Sebastian seemed to notice as well, as he soon let out a scoff. "What's with couples and constantly holding hands on the street? It's so fucking weird," he muttered as he glared ahead at them with narrowed eyes.

I paused, my response slightly delayed. "Hmm, I don't know, it can be sometimes kind of cute," I mumbled absentmindedly to myself.

Sebastian immediately turned his head my way with a highly amused expression and quirked up a brow. "Don't tell me this is going to be you and that supermarket boy Hordan, walking down the street?" he said with a humor-filled scoff.

I rolled my eyes at him and glared. "First of all, you know his name is Jordan, and second of all, so what if I wanted to do that with a future boyfriend? Why's that matter to you," I intercepted sharply with perhaps too much defence.

"Just think it's a little stupid that's all," Sebastian hummed with a simple smile and shrug.

I let out the bitterest of scoffs. "I honestly feel sorry for whoever's unfortunate enough to date you. You clearly wouldn't know romance if it shot you in your clueless face."

Sebastian's eyes only grew to look more amused as he spared another look my way. "Okay then, care to enlighten me, expert? What kind of shit do they do in those books of yours, hmm?"

I delayed my response and glanced at him in embarrassment.

"Well?" he probed.

"No, you're just going to use it as an excuse to make fun of me, I'm not stupid," I snapped before turning to face back the way I was walking. He was distracting me so much, I was struggling to even concentrate on where I was going.

He laughed. "Well, I'll only make fun of you if they sound stupid."

I gave him a blank stare.

He rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Fine, then relax, I promise, to do my best not to make fun. I genuinely just want to know because I'm curious," he justified.

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