How you help him relax/fall asleep when he's having trouble sleeping - all

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Harry: Harry let out another frustrated noise as he tossed around in the bed beside me for hundredth time tonight. You glanced over at the clock and noticed it was 4 in the morning. "Harry." you whispered softly dragging your arm around his waist. He turned to face you with tired eyes. "I can't sleep, babe." He muttered with his face smushed against his pillow. You laid straight on your back and pulled his head onto your chest letting your fingers run through his hair as he wrapped his arm around your torso. After a few passed with your fingers running through his curly hair his breath evened out and he was asleep lying on your chest.

Liam: "I can't sleep, [Y/N]." Liam said softly as he rubbed his fingers over your back. You opened your eyes slightly looking up from your resting spot on his chest at him. He hasn't been sleeping very well lately so you was getting used to this. You rolled out of bed sliding your feet into your slippers before extending your hand out to him. "What movie would you like to watch tonight, Li?" You asked once he grabbed a hold of your hand and led him toward the living room. "I'm not sure...can we watch Batman?" He asked shooting you a quick smile and you shook your head. "We're trying to get you to go to bed, Liam. Not keep you up all night." You said giggling a bit. You two ended up watching the Lion King with Liam's head placed in your lap. You were pretty sure he was asleep before Mufasa was run over by the herd of wildebeest.

Louis: "[Y/N]." Louis whined from beside you in the bed. You turned over to face him rubbing your eyes. "Can't sleep again?" He nodded resting his head on his arms. You reached forward and let your finger go over the now apparent bags he had underneath his eyes. "Do you want some tea or anything?" You asked sitting up in the bed. He nodded once more and you got out of bed to get his tea. You stood around the kitchen waiting for the water to heat up before preparing two cups of tea and heading back into the room. You handed him his and sipped lightly on yours. "Thank you." He muttered softly after he'd finished his tea and placed it on the side table. "I love you." He whispered letting his eyes shut finally and falling in a needed sleep.

Niall: You both laid there in bed staring back at one another. He was the first to let out a deep sigh. "This is the second time this week I can't fall asleep." He said running his hand over his face. You shot him a weak smile and sat up on your elbow. "Want me to make you breakfast?" His face instantly lit up and he nodded eagerly. "Can you make me chocolate chip pancakes today [Y/N]?" He asked excitedly now sitting up in the bed. You proceeded into the kitchen to make him his chocolate chip pancakes. Once they were done you headed back into your room and handed the plate over to him and laid back down in the bed. You watched him eat about half of the pancakes before he began to slump back into the bed. "Now we can sleep." He said shooting you a tired but satisfied smile as he slid the plate on the table. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours before lying back in the bed with his arms wrapped around you making me cradle your face in the crook of his neck. You gave his neck a quick kiss before drifting off to sleep yourself.

Zayn: It was really rare for Zayn to have problems falling asleep, but on restless nights like tonight he laid there just staring up at the ceiling. "Do you want me to get you something, maybe you'll fall asleep after that?" You asked sitting up slightly looking over at him. He let his eyes wander over to you before shaking his head. "Do you want to cuddle?" You asked letting out a small giggle. He gave you a tired smile and nodded. You gently placed your head on his bare chest giving it a light kiss as you tangled your legs with his. He wrapped his arm around your waist tightly bringing your body closer to him even though it wasn't necessarily possible. "Go to sleep, babe." You whispered against this chest. The two of you laid there for a few more minutes before you both fell asleep together that night.

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