Exam week - l

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Louis: "Not right now," you answer as another knock comes from the other side of the locked study door. "Babe you've been in there for hours, literally," Louis's muffled voice whines. "I'm not finished," you call out, hoping he will get the hint soon so that you could get back to concentrating on your twenty-page Paradise Lost inspired research paper. "How much longer?" He inquires, his tone almost annoyed. "Louis, this paper is my final! Get it? My final! It has to be perfect." Silence falls after that and you are left to continue writing. The emptiness of the house killed Louis. He hated exam week probably more than you did. Simply because it kept you away from him and his mind wouldn't let him stay concentrated long enough to let you go off to the study to finish up your semester work. He slowly walks away from the door even though all he wanted to do was sit beside you as you worked. That wasn't possible though. His hyperactive mind would never allow you enough time to actually write a paper worth turning in so he was kept out of the study and the door was locked to make sure he didn't find his way back in. It always felt drastic to you, but you knew that was the only way you would ever be able to concentrate. As he collapses on the couch for probably the fifteenth time since you had locked yourself away he sighs deeply, unsure of what to do to pass the time. "I don't know mate but I'm bored sick over here," he says over the phone once calling Niall became the only option he thought he had. "She's been in there since last night. I don't know why we have to be on break during exam week anyways, does none of us any good." "Why don't you surprise her with something?" Niall suggests. "Isn't this her last final before graduation?" "How do you know that?" Louis asks. "Everyone knows that, mate. All she could talk about when she came around was how the Milton paper was the very last thing she had to do before graduation." "Well what should I do?" Louis asks, knowing he wasn't always the best at on-the-spot surprises. "That new bakery just opened up down from you didn't it? I think I saw it the other day when I came over. Go there and get her some cupcakes or something." Niall's suggestion was doable. "Definitely taking all of the credit for that idea mate, thanks." Louis pauses at the door after grabbing his keys, unsure of whether or not to tell you that he was stepping out. He decides to leave you be and heads out to the newly opened bakery. It's not long after Louis leaves that you finish the paper and email it to your professor with infinite relief. "Finished!" You shout excitedly as you step out of the study for the first time in almost twenty-four hours. "Louis?" You call out, once silence was the only thing returning your celebration. You make your way downstairs and look out the window to find that Louis had left while you were working. Sadness comes over you. You walk over to the couch he had been sitting on only a half hour ago. Laying down on the plush cushions, you turn the television on, hoping something was on to occupy your mind since your boyfriend couldn't. Not long after finding something to watch Louis opens the door, startled to find you on the couch. "Oh. You're finished?" You nod annoyed, keeping your eyes on the television screen. "Well that kind of ruins my plan," he says to himself, but loud enough for you to catch on. You turn your head to notice his arms full of flowers, balloons, and a large white box. A smile spreads across your face and you get up from the couch to help. "Are these for me?" You ask, taking the extravagant bouquet from his grasp. "Well who else would they be for?" He questions before pressing a kiss to your lips. "Congratulations, babe."

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