He stays with you - harry

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Harry: You watch as he mingles with everyone in your house. The ultimate party guest, he talked with everyone. This wasn't your first house party with him in attendance, so you knew the atmosphere. Everyone would hoard him at the beginning of the night and then eventually realize how normal he actually was and go off to do their own things; but only of course after getting a picture with him. You were so thankful he humored your friends when he came to these things. He was such a great friend. You smile as he makes his way over to the armchair you were sitting in. "Hi," he greets with a bright smile, before sitting down on your lap. He turns sideways in the chair, resting his legs over the arms to relieve some of his weight from your lap. "Enjoying yourself?" You ask, pushing some of the long curls from his face. He nods with a smile, his eyes falling shut in the process; the alcohol was wearing him out. "You two are so cute," you hear off to the side. You look up to find one of your friends from college staring and smiling from the couch. "Thanks," you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes playfully. "What? You do," she insists. You shake your head as you continue to focus on the guy falling asleep in your lap. "Hey," you nudge him, bringing a moan from him. "Can't fall asleep, yet," you tell him, poking his nose. "Why not?" He asks, his eyes slowly opening again. "There they are," you say with a smile. "What?" "Those green eyes, keep them open, okay?" He nods, turning away from you to watch the rest of the party from his new seat. The two of you stay in the chair until the house clears. You look at your phone to check the time, three in the morning, time for bed. "Alright sleepyhead, let's go," you say, rocking him awake after he had fallen asleep a half hour ago. He moans as you set his legs down on the floor, moving around him to help pull him up. "Can you get up the stairs, or do you want to just lay on the couch?" You question, leaving his place of sleep up to him. "Bed," he says and you laugh. Of course he would want you to drag him up the stairs. "Alright, well I'm going to need you to help me, okay?" He nods and the two of you slowly make your way to your bedroom. Why did you ever get a house with stairs? What's wrong with one story? These questions were ever present in your mind as you practically pull him up the twenty or so stairs. Once finally in the bedroom, out of breath, you walk him over to your bed. You pull his t-shirt off first. Having done this before you knew he would wake up in the middle of the night struggling to remove it anyways. Next came the jeans, the skin tight jeans. You slip his boots off, sitting them by the bed before starting at his feet and tugging the black denim off his legs. He wouldn't want to wake up in your bed without pants; you weren't sure why, but it's just how he was. You go over to your dresser, pulling out a pair of his sweatpants he had left just for such cases as this. You head back down those dreadful stairs after fully preparing him to sleep until tomorrow. You get a bottle of water from the fridge and some Tylenol from the medicine cabinet and return to the bedroom. You sit the water and pills on the bedside table before getting undressed, slipping on tank top and pajama pants, and sliding into the bed you would be sharing for the night.

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